Nine idlers

Chapter 102

Chapter [-]: Market Master

After the carriage drove into Tianjin City, Xu Changqing came out of meditation. At this moment, he noticed that there were two more carriages following behind. It seemed that he had more tracking skills. Every time the carriage reached a crossing, They would exchange carriage tracks.If Xu Changqing hadn't already remembered the smell of the stalkers on the carriage through the bronze armor corpse's sensitivity to anger, maybe he wouldn't have been able to see that those people were stalkers, and those people were ordinary passers-by.

"Take a shortcut and take the alley!" Xu Changqing suddenly said to the coachman, "Besides, don't call me before you reach the capital."

"Yes!" The coachman did not doubt him, skillfully manipulated the reins, and drove the carriage into a small alley.

When the carriage drove into the alley, but did the followers catch up, Xu Changqing quickly opened the door, performed the ghostly acrobatics, disappeared from the carriage in an instant, and closed the door at the same time, appearing in an uneasy place in the alley There is no 'revealing' trace in the corners that are noticed.When he had just disappeared into the shadows of the corner, the stalker's carriage drove into the alley and quickly followed him until the carriage disappeared at the end of the alley before he walked out.

Afterwards, in a teahouse by the roadside, Xu Changqing changed into a long gown, put on fake braids, and added a bowler hat on it, and then changed his body into a bronze armor corpse, pretending to be a gangster Traveling businessman.After changing his clothes, Xu Changqing walked out of the teahouse in a leisurely manner, called a rickshaw at the door, and asked him to take him to Tianjin Railway Station.

The man pulling the rickshaw can be regarded as a man with a lot of chest. When others pull the car, they hold their breath and run with all their strength, but this old man still has the strength to talk and chat with Xu Changqing while running.What he was talking about was not other things. It was the weird incident outside Tianjin a few days ago. This incident has become a topic of discussion among Tianjin citizens after dinner. Many patriots have speculated that this may be Japan is preparing for Tsinghua University, and jointly signed a letter requesting that the Qing government must follow up and thoroughly investigate this matter.

Compared with this news, Xu Changqing was more interested in the other news that came out of the coachman's mouth, that is, the troops from Tieliang No. The two associations formed by Feng Xin also went to Chengdela for training, and all the defense of Nuo Da's capital was handed over to Feng Guozhang's Army Noble Academy.In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just a simple defense, but in Xu Changqing's eyes, he saw a hint of conspiracy, as if this was deliberately luring some forces to take advantage of the emptiness of the capital to create chaos.As for the struggle for power in the secular world, Xu Changqing is helpless at the moment. The only hope is that Sheng Lao and Cao Kun can bring the conversation a few days ago. Take a peek at the whole picture.

"Have you practiced kung fu?" Xu Changqing calmed down and chatted with the rickshaw driver.

"Going back to your old story, I did practice kung fu for some years before." The rickshaw driver immediately became energetic when he saw that there were customers who didn't think he was annoying and chatted with him, and said without the slightest thought: "I don't want to hide it. You said, my kung fu is still from a famous family, have you heard of Master Dong Haichuan?"

"Dong Haichuan of Baguazhang?" Xu Changqing was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Are you his disciple?"

"How can I climb the threshold of Master Dong!" The rickshaw driver smiled straightforwardly and said, "When I was young, I worked as a handyman for Master Dong's family. Master Dong saw that I was clever and taught me a few tricks. Later, Master Dong passed away. Now, those disciples of his have all gone their separate ways, I accidentally found half of the secret book of Bagua Youlongzhang under the table at Master Dong’s house, and practiced this half set of Youlongzhang.”

"Dong Haichuan can be regarded as a strange person. He can refine the energy of the five elements and adjust the way of yin and yang with the body of a yin man. If he can practice the Taoist mentality from a young age, his achievements may be even greater." Xu Changqing thought of his master in the past. Taohuashan Yizhuang, when talking about strange people and strangers in the secular world, once praised this martial arts master who was once a eunuch. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh: "Your fortune is good, you can get the Eight Diagrams Youlong You should have practiced the internal method of Baguazhang by listening to your breathing, so I guess it should be in that half of the secret book!"

"Huh!" After hearing Xu Changqing's words, the rickshaw driver couldn't help but looked back at Xu Changqing, and said, "From what you said, you seem to be very knowledgeable. Could it be that you are also a practitioner?"

Xu Changqing smiled slightly and said, "That's right!"

"Looking at your old figure, you should be a good outsider!" The rickshaw driver smiled and said, "If you are not a guest, I will pull you up and do a few tricks to satisfy your hunger!"

Xu Changqing didn't expect to meet such a martial arts practitioner who was addicted to martial arts, and he couldn't help but said with a smile: "Since you like martial arts competitions so much, why don't you go to the martial arts gym? There are so many martial arts gyms in Tianjin and Cangzhou." 'Mao', can't just find one to satisfy your hunger?"

"As soon as I heard what you said, I knew that you must not be a wanderer," the rickshaw driver said with a smile, "If you go to the martial arts gym to compete with others in martial arts, then it's not a martial arts competition. Now the person who opened the martial arts gym doesn't have any influence. If I go to the martial arts hall to learn martial arts, I'm afraid I will be put down by the dark Qingzi before the fight begins." He couldn't help sighing, and said: " When I was young, I was also a master of life. I just wanted to use my kung fu to make a career. I didn’t know if I offended anyone. Later, I joined Boxing in a foolish way. I was hugged by someone a few years ago. In the end, I was locked in the prison until the new emperor ascended the throne, and then I was released. In the past few years, no one came to see me, and only then did I know that I can't fight the world with my fists."

Xu Changqing nodded appreciatively, and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a feeling after sitting in a bitter brothel for several years. This bitter brothel is not in vain."

The rickshaw driver stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said, "It's not as good as what you always say, I just sit in the room and think about nothing."

While talking, the rickshaw driver had already pulled Xu Changqing to the Tianjin Railway Station in the east of the Haihe River in less than a stick of incense. In terms of foot strength alone, it is already considered very good in the worldly martial arts.Xu Changqing felt that it was a chance to meet this man, so he decided to help him out, so he took out a banknote of one hundred taels of silver from the Shanghai Zhuang Ruifeng Bank from his pocket Qiankun, handed it to the rickshaw driver, and asked: "Say After so much, I still don’t know your name?”

"The young one is called Luo Haitao." The rickshaw driver answered while handing over the bank ticket with a smile, and was immediately dumbfounded when he saw the number on it, then smiled awkwardly and said, "Master, are you kidding me? How could I find such a large denomination bank note and give it to you!"

"You don't need to look for it! I'll give you this silver ticket." Xu Changqing reached out and patted Luo Haitao's shoulder, and said, "Although this world cannot be won by fists alone, sometimes fists are often enough to solve many things. Make good use of this silver ticket! I hope that when I see you next time, you will be able to create a career with your fists."

After finishing speaking, Xu Changqing walked slowly into the crowd without waiting for Luo Haitao to say something grateful, and soon disappeared into the crowd of people passing by, while Luo Haitao looked at Xu Changqing gratefully, and under the surprised eyes of everyone , towards the direction he left, kowtowed a few times vigorously.

After entering the train station, Xu Changqing immediately bought an ordinary train ticket, and the train departed half an hour later. Then he bought a newspaper and waited in the waiting hall like most ordinary people.Although he didn't check carefully, Xu Changqing just glanced casually, and found at least seven or eight demon cultivators hiding in the crowd, looking back and forth for suspicious people in the past.These demon cultivators are all very shallow. Even if they encounter enemies, it may be difficult to keep them. The reason why the Xuangang Heavenly Demon put these people here may be to use them as bait and want to kill those who are low-ranking sects. People are completely exposed.

Xu Changqing sat on a bench in a natural manner, opened the newspaper and read it quietly. Sitting next to him was a wrinkled old woman with a drowsy face. There was a package at her feet, watching He looked like he had finished visiting relatives and was about to go home.Not long after Xu Changqing sat down, a well-dressed middle-aged man passed in front of Xu Changqing, and then forced himself to sit on the other side of the old woman. The young man who was pushed away was naturally unwilling to give up his seat. He pulled up the clothes that grabbed the middle-aged man and flung them aside, right on top of the old woman's luggage.The middle-aged man was naturally dissatisfied, and stepped forward to argue with him, but the young man was strong and strong, and pushed him down several times. In the end, the middle-aged man's mouth was no match for other people's fists, and he walked away mumbling.

This scene of farce made Xu Changqing shake his head with a sneer. Jiuliu idlers are called Xiajiuliu sects, and military advisers naturally know a lot of the inner and outer halls of Xiajiuliu sects. The Tao of Tito, the way of seeking gold and Jinshi of the vulgar school of Shenshoutang.Tou, as the name implies, is a person who is looking for a target. He finds the target, and then finds the location of the money on the target with his eyes, and then notifies his companions with a secret signal, and uses the pre-designed bridge to take the target away quietly. property.

Like most of the branches of the Huanmen Waitang vulgar sect, most of them are not on the stage, and they have no direct relationship with the practice world, at best they are doing miscellaneous work in the outer hall.However, the Shenshou Hall was once glorious. During the Kangxi period, many masters of the Shenshou Hall worked under Prince Yong. Later, they replaced the edict on the upright plaque for Prince Yong, which directly led to Yongzheng's ascension to the throne. emperor.It's a pity that they didn't understand what is the way to make the best of the bow. They were wiped out by Yongzheng's design, and most of the cultivation methods of the Shenshoutang were lost. .

Back then, Jiuliu Xianren once rescued an elder of the Shenshoutang. Knowing this secret, he also obtained the magic that is probably the only one left in the Shenshoutang related to the practice world, called the method of searching for things, also known as for three hands.This method is to use the special hand sun meridian operation method to create an invisible hand as flexible as the real one with real yuan, and then use this invisible hand to steal the target's money bag without any danger.Although it looks miraculous, in fact this kind of spell can only be used to deal with people in the secular world. To deal with people in the practice world, I am afraid that the other party will already notice it before the fake hand approaches.

When Xu Chang was young, he also took pleasure in learning these heretical little spells, so he naturally practiced this kind of tricks.Seeing the middle-aged man take out a money bag from the old woman's package and put it in his pocket with the iron three-finger technique, he also quickly displayed his three hands, and cooperated with the universe in his sleeve to move, looking Unknowingly, he put the old woman's money bag into the universe in his sleeve.At the same time, adhering to the principle that thieves never go empty-handed, they also took away the two money bags in the pockets of the middle-aged man.This is the first time that Xu Changqing has combined the magic in his sleeve with other spells. The so-called sincerity and blessings, just now when the thought came, he could not help but cast it, and the effect was not bad.It's just that the mixing control of the two spells needs to be strengthened. For the time being, it can only take away some small objects such as money bags.

"Old man, your purse has been lost!" After the middle-aged man walked away, Xu Changqing took out the old woman's purse from his sleeve Qiankun in front of the entruster, handed it over, and said.

Seeing the purse in Xu Changqing's hand, Ming Tuo seemed to have seen a ghost, with a look of astonishment and bewilderment, he hurriedly got up and left quickly.But at this moment, the old woman obviously didn't notice when there was another person beside her, she was startled suddenly, opened a pair of eyes that seemed to be covered with a layer of tulle, she seemed to have some eye disease, turned her head and looked He looked at Xu Changqing with a blank face, but as if he couldn't find anyone, he asked anxiously: "Young son, have you been sitting by Laosang's side for a long time?"

"I've been sitting for a while!" Xu Changqing looked at the old woman with a little puzzlement, and said bluntly.

"How could it be? No, it's really wrong!" The old woman looked suspicious, didn't take the purse, and thought about things to herself, Xu Changqing frowned slightly, thinking that the old woman was a bit weird, so she put the purse away In the hands of the old woman, she was about to get up and leave.

At this time, the old woman grabbed Xu Changqing's arm with her skinny hand, and said in a deep voice, "My son, since you are all over, why do you still stay here?"

The old woman's words sounded like nonsense, but in Xu Changqing's ears, she knew the meaning of the words very clearly. Isn't it the case that the bronze armor corpse avatar is already over, but it is still left behind? the living dead?If it wasn't for Xu Changqing who could be very sure that the old woman didn't have any fluctuations in her practice skills, she definitely wasn't from the world of practice. Perhaps he would have thought that this old woman was the one in charge of the Xuangang Heavenly Demon who stayed in the train station to monitor everything.

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