Nine idlers

Chapter 1019

"How did you cast the spell?" Aunt Jiu, who followed closely beside Xu Changqing, was full of doubts.

From just now, when she noticed that Xu Changqing had cast a spell, she had been paying attention to Xu Changqing's every move, and when she arrived at the village office, the human wall blocking the way out of the way automatically gave way, which was obviously the result of Xu Changqing's casting, but she From the beginning to the end, Xu Changqing did not see any movement of casting spells, which completely broke her common sense and made her feel puzzled.

Although, in the eyes of Nine Aunt Xu Changqing's spellcasting, both in process and effect, were perfect and easy, but in fact Xu Changqing didn't feel too easy.From the distance from the adobe house to the village office, Xu Changqing used his own mana as an introduction to draw the surrounding power of heaven and earth to cast the spell as he thought. The effect was good and very easy, which met his expectations.However, when the group of them came to the village office, Xu Changqing felt an extremely strong force of humanity suppressing it from all directions, suppressing most of the effects of his spellcasting. Originally, the effect of his spellcasting could cover ten feet. Within the range, it can only be effective when it is about three feet around the body.This also made him pass by a person who was guided by the spell to give up his position, and that person quickly regained consciousness behind him, closed the gap again, and wondered how Xu Changqing and Ninth Aunt came to the front .

"It's the same as the previous government yamen, where kings rule the country, and ghosts and gods change." Xu Changqing felt the power of humanity ten times stronger than the outside world, and thought in his heart: "It's just that compared with the previous government yamen, the power of humanity here It is more domineering. The counterattack is also stronger. It seems that we should try not to cast too many spells here."

While thinking about things.Xu Changqing and Ninth Aunt soon arrived in the lobby of the village office.This was originally the main hall of the Mountain Temple, because the incense was so strong that the pillars, beams, and walls in the hall were all smoked by fireworks and incense. Even though it has been transformed into the village hall for more than ten years, the smell of incense is still very strong. .

"Huh? Interesting, interesting!" The moment Xu Changqing stepped into the lobby, the expression on Xu Changqing's face immediately became a little weird, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.He showed an indescribable smile, and even talked to himself without thinking about whether the occasion was suitable or not.

The reason why Xu Changqing's emotions have such a big abnormal reaction is because he has discovered another kind of power that he can borrow, and this power is even more suitable for his current situation than the power of heaven and earth.He found that the originally extremely domineering power of humanity was much weaker in the lobby of the village hall where it should be the strongest. This weakness was not compared with the power of humanity in the outside villages, but compared with the village hall itself. .The reason for this kind of contrast is entirely because in this hall not only remains the smell of the incense burned by the predecessors, but also a large amount of incense power, and this kind of incense power can be compared with the ruler of this world. The power of humanity contends.Weaken the power of humanity.

If it was before he ascended to the Kunlun Three Realms, Xu Changqing might be a little helpless with this incense wish power.Because this kind of power is too messy, if a practitioner rashly absorbs and refines it, not only will it be impossible to improve his cultivation, but it will also cause obstacles to his cultivation realm. The best way is to use this power to make some special magic weapons.However, now that he has mastered the mysteries of the gods, he can fully utilize the power of the incense and fire, and even condense it into a ball of divine fire. It is not difficult to create a false god by himself.

"Everything in the world, life and death follow each other." A sentence quickly appeared in Xu Changqing's mind, and this sentence is most suitable for the current situation.Now that the human way is prosperous, the power of the human way is so overbearing that it can suppress the power of all things in the world, but the most turbid and low-level power of incense and fire can compete with the power of the human way. Heaven and earth are not absolutely powerful.

After Xu Changqing discovered that the power of the secular world was changing, he faintly felt that this might be related to the plans of the ancient innate gods, so he couldn't help but muttered to himself: "This is the world of mortals, it is the world of gods, but it is definitely not the world of immortals and Buddhas. world!"

"Mr. Xu, what did you say?" Nine aunts who followed Xu Changqing saw Xu Changqing's mouth move, but didn't hear what he said, so she thought he was talking about the current situation, so she asked curiously .

"It's nothing." Xu Changqing was pulled back from contemplation by Aunt Ninth's voice, then shook his head, mumbled a sentence, and pointed to the place where everyone's attention was focused in the middle of the lobby, and then walked up without seeing anything He squatted down to check the several corpses on the ground, and the people around him seemed to take Xu Changqing's actions for granted. No one spoke to stop or ask, it felt as if he was completely invisible.

Seeing this, Ninth Aunt squatted beside Xu Changqing, lifted a corner of the white cloth covering the corpse, tilted her head, and checked the condition of the corpse.

Although Ninth Aunt had already felt the danger of the sinister force on the mountain from the child of the Qian family, she still couldn't help but be surprised when she saw these corpses.I saw that these corpses had completely lost their flesh and blood just like her previous arms, leaving only a layer of skin and bones, and even a layer of metallic luster appeared on the skin.She tentatively reached out to touch the corpse, and immediately felt an icy chill spread from her fingertips to her body, making her shiver uncontrollably, and then she found that the corpse had become extremely hard, even comparable to steel.

"This sinister air is several times stronger than the previous two days." Ninth Aunt could not help but whispered.

"Yeah!" Xu Changqing simply responded.

This is, Ninth Aunt has already recognized from the clothes that one of these corpses should be Director Xue of the Village Revolutionary Committee, and the others are ordinary militiamen.If it was just an ordinary militia that had an accident, the incident would not be too big, at least it would not leave this village, but the director of the Revolutionary Committee was dispatched from the provincial capital, and his status is extraordinary, his accident will definitely alarm the higher-ups .This is not a good thing for the villagers in Taohua Township, or for people like Aunt Jiu who need to be reformed, and now the only person who can save them is Xu Changqing, so she asked: "Can they still be saved?"

Xu Changqing gave Aunt Jiu a disappointed answer, without even making a sound, just shaking her head.The reason for this was not because he was impatient and too lazy to answer the question, but because he was not very good at giving a real answer, telling Jiu Auntie that he had the ability to save these people, but he was unwilling to do so.

The situation of these people who have been affected by the evil spirit is different from that of the nine aunts before. Not only is the evil force that invaded their bodies several times stronger, but the damage they receive is also several times higher, and the main reason is that their The soul is no longer in the body, and even if the dark power in their bodies is removed by casting spells, it is only a few more skins.Xu Changqing was indeed able to open the altar and cast spells to retrieve the lost souls of these people, but his little mana would probably be exhausted and it would take a long time to recover.The most troublesome thing is that even if the soul is recovered, it is not known whether the soul can still be intact. If all the mana is spent, the recovered soul is incomplete. Getting a few crazy and stupid people is really not worth the loss.

Just when Aunt Jiu was about to continue to ask Xu Changqing how to deal with these evil spirits, she heard the old farmer who was the village head shouting loudly to the people around him: "Everyone go back, go home, there is nothing to see here Wait a while, the militiamen in the village will go door-to-door to check your place, if any of you are not at home, don’t blame the militiamen for arresting you as spies.”

Hearing what the old farmer said, even though the ordinary villagers around were extremely curious about what happened, they did not dare to stay in the village office for a while. The cadres who are mainly in charge of the village's government affairs still haven't left.

Seeing that the people had almost left, the old farmer gathered the remaining cadres together, and said to the pale and dazed militia captain: "Some village cadres just came here and were blocked outside, so they don't know the situation. Let’s talk about the process again, let everyone understand the situation, and then discuss how to deal with it.”

Hearing the old farmer's request, the captain of the militia who had been on the battlefield and was not afraid of death immediately turned extremely ugly, as if asking him to recall his previous experience again was something more terrifying than death.But in the face of the eyes of the surrounding village cadres, the militia captain could not shirk and refuse, because if he did not explain clearly the reasons for the death of Director Xue and several other militiamen, then he who was closest to Director Xue at that time and several of his subordinates The militia is likely to become the object of suspicion and bear charges that they cannot bear.

For this reason, the captain of the militia forcefully cheered up, and slowly told everything he had experienced in an extremely detailed manner. What he said was even more detailed than what he told the old farmer before, and what he said also made the cadres present show a sense of shame. There are two attitudes.

One is the old cadres who have worked in Taohua Township for many years and know the situation on the mountain. They seem to believe what the militia captain said. .

The other type is the new cadres who have just come to work in Taohua Township not long ago and don't know much about the situation in Taohua Township. He blamed the death of director Xue and several militiamen on the captain of the militia and other surviving militiamen, and demanded that the old farmer be arrested and detained immediately, and wait for someone from above to come down for interrogation. (To be continued..)

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