Nine idlers

Chapter 1020

"You have a good idea!" Xu Changqing smiled, not at all annoyed by being used, but then he changed the subject and said, "It's a pity that you are too optimistic. I advise you, if you can leave, you should leave here." Good. Although those people are now suppressed by my spells, after I leave, their fear will become less and less, and in the end they will only remember being humiliated by me, and then take their anger out on you."

Ninth Aunt heard the words and fell silent. Although what Xu Changqing said was only a possibility, she could judge from some past experiences that this possibility would eventually become a reality.If it was in the past, she might not have thought too much about life and death, but now Xu Changqing has passed her a formula that can solve her pain for so many years and prolong her life. Her mentality began to change, and living well became her dominant thought.

After thanking Xu Changqing again, Nine Auntie took the opportunity to ask Xu Changqing some questions about her own cultivation and some unclear points in the method Xu Changqing taught before. Answer in depth until it fully understands.

About half an hour passed in a short time. At this time, a sound of footsteps broke the tranquility of the surrounding area. I saw three fire lights flickering on the road in the distance, and then I saw three men in solemn attire holding an oil lamp. , come over here.The reason why the three of them are dressed solemnly is not because of their clothes, but because of some badges on their bodies, most of which are military medals.There are also some special medals, and even the youngest cadre has a very special leader's badge on his body, as if they have worn their lifelong honors on their bodies.

Xu Changqing when these three people appeared.I have already noticed them, not because they are too well-dressed, but because the power of humanity in them is at least several times stronger than that in the village office, and has improved by leaps and bounds.The main reason why there is such a big gap in the power of humanity is not only because they have got rid of the suppression of the incense power in the lobby, but also because of the badges they wear on their chests.Those badges are like the practitioner's magic weapon, which contains a huge amount of human power, and these human power can be fully blessed on the wearer just by wearing it, without causing any adverse effects on the wearer.

among these badges.The military merit medal contains the most power of humanity, and it is also mixed with a trace of very pure heaven and earth conquest and killing aura, which makes the wearer naturally have a chilling aura entangled around the body.In addition, the power of humanity contained in the leader's avatar badge is only slightly inferior to that of the military medal.And among all the leader's portrait badges, the leader's portrait badge worn by the young man is the best, and it has the most humanitarian power, even surpassing the military medal.This also made the young cadre only wear this badge.The power of humanity on his body was already almost on par with the other two.

After the three of them arrived, Xu Changqing pointed to the leader's badge on the young cadre's chest very directly, and asked, "Can you show me?"

Hearing the inquiry, the three of them were stunned. The young cadre seemed a little reluctant, but he nodded reluctantly, carefully took off the badge, and handed it to Xu Changqing like a treasure.Said: "Please be careful not to damage it. This is the badge issued by the Prime Minister himself when I went to Beijing last year."

I don’t know if the young cadre’s words had an effect, Xu Changqing’s original one-handed movement became two hands, and after receiving the badge, he just flipped it in his hand and couldn’t wait to see it. He returned the things to the young cadre, and when he retracted his hands to a place where everyone could not see, he rubbed his palms together, as if the badge just now was a ball of fire.

In fact, for Xu Changqing, this badge is no different from a ball of fire.The power of humanity contained in the badge itself is extremely strong, which has a strong suppressive effect on him, but after the release just now, he also found that there is another extremely weak aura contained in the badge, and because of this weak aura The addition of human beings has made the power of humanity, which was originally just to suppress the repulsion, become extremely erosive.Just the touch of it just now, the power of humanity in the badge has already invaded into the meridians of his palm, and it also had a slight impact on his state of mind, making him feel like throwing his head for the country, the nation, and giving up. A strong impulse of blood.This effect of affecting the state of mind is no worse than the most brilliant mind-confusing and obsessing techniques in the Kunlun Three Realms. If it weren't for the power in the badge, it was definitely not any mana or power of heaven and earth, he might think this badge is a great thing. The top-grade magic weapon.

After his hand returned to normal, Xu Changqing couldn't help looking at the badge pinned to the chest of the young cadre, and said: "Keep it well, this thing is very good!" You must be very aware of the danger. I hope that when you get to the place, you can follow my command, because only by following my command will you have a chance of surviving. Presumably you don’t want to waste your life on such a thing for nothing, right? "


"We get it."

Several people nodded in response. Although they were full of courage, they were not reckless and stubborn. They knew very well that the moment they went up the mountain, they would depend on this mysterious man covered in scars for life or death.

After several people agreed, Xu Changqing led the front, and several people walked quickly along the mountain road to the Yizhuang on the mountain.

This road is still the old road built by Chen's family with bluestone slabs. Even after so many years, it can still be used rarely, but because the surrounding mountains and forests have become terraced fields, there are more people trampling on them, and there are not many roads. Due to good maintenance, many parts of this road are badly damaged and muddy.

Xu Changqing, who was walking in the front, didn't use too fast a pace, just walked forward like a walk, but the speed of this walk was on the flat ground, and it was obviously a bit fast on the way up the mountain.The old peasants and middle-aged cadres are all people who have served in the army and endured hardships. They have walked a lot on mountain roads and muddy fields. This bluestone road up the mountain will not affect them.Because of her age and physical condition, Ninth Aunt should have been the slowest person to walk, but after she was taught the method by Xu Changqing, she quickly applied one of the small methods of returning qi to her body, not only keeping up with Xu Changqing's pace , and it seems to be more than capable.On the contrary, the young cadre who looked the strongest and was also the youngest was already out of breath and his feet were weak when he walked halfway up the mountain. In the end, it was the old farmer and the middle-aged cadre who raised one arm and helped him to follow up. Follow in the footsteps of Xu Changqing.

It took about a quarter of an hour, and the group arrived outside the former Yizhuang smoothly, without encountering any strange things that the village cadres imagined on the way.It’s just that maybe because Xu Changqing mentioned that there is a ghost land on the mountain, so the old farmer and others always felt that there was something staring at them on the road, as if something would come out to attack them in the distant darkness at any time, and they were worried along the way. He strode with all his strength and followed Xu Changqing closely, completely forgetting about his physical strength.After arriving at the place, they relaxed a little bit, and then a sense of fatigue hit them, causing them to sit on the ground regardless of their image, not caring about the soil on the ground, and they all gasped for breath .

The three village cadres who were completely exhausted didn't notice that Xu Changqing's complexion had turned sour at the moment, and Ninth Aunt who noticed this dared to say something, so she could only stand quietly aside.

Although he had already thought about what he would see in advance, when he did see the current scene of Yizhuang, Xu Changqing still had an unknown fire in his heart.Dilapidated is the only word that can describe the current situation of the Yizhuang. The entire Yizhuang house has been demolished to pieces. The beams and tiles on the roof, the blue bricks on the walls, the stones on the front ping, etc. can be used. All materials had been removed, leaving only an empty shell with air leaks everywhere.The only house that was considered complete was later rebuilt with some broken bricks and tiles. It was just a thatched shed used to shelter farmers from the rain in the surrounding mountain fields.If it's just like this, it's all right, Xu Changqing won't be too angry, after all, any object will be destroyed one day, and he won't be so indifferent. The real reason for his anger is his bedroom in Yizhuang The location has been converted into a public toilet, and it seems that it has been used for a long time. Even if it is not close to Yizhuang, you can still smell a foul smell.

Xu Changqing stood quietly in front of the gate of the former Yizhuang. After a while, he calmed down the anger in his heart and returned to a calm state of mind.At this time, the old farmer and the other three also recovered their breath, stood up from the ground, walked slowly to Xu Changqing's side, and looked at the dilapidated Yizhuang.They had all rested in the Yizhuang before, but it was daytime at that time, and they didn't feel any scene, but now it was night, and under the faint moonlight, the dilapidated Yizhuang seemed more gloomy. People can't help but think of the ghost domain mentioned by Xu Changqing.

"Mr. Xu, what are we going to do next?" The old farmer suppressed his heart beating violently due to inexplicable fear, and asked beside Xu Changqing.

"Let me open your eyes first and let you take a look at Huangquan, lest you think I'm scaring you." Xu Changqing didn't answer the old farmer's question immediately, but quickly patted the three of them on the forehead.

Xu Changqing shot so fast that the three of them didn't even see his movements clearly. They just felt a cool air emanating from their foreheads, which instantly poured into their eyes, making their eyes involuntary. Tears were shed, and the moment they shed tears, the Yizhuang in front of them completely changed into another terrifying look. (To be continued..)

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