Nine idlers

Chapter 1021

Many people often say that the fear of human beings comes from the unknown, and everyone is most afraid of the unknown. If the three Taohua village cadres knew this statement, they would definitely scoff at it.In their view, compared with the fear of the complete unknown, only when a known object or thing is transformed into another distorted state can people feel truly intense fear.

When everything changed in front of them, neither the old farmer nor the young cadre could bear the horror they saw, and sat down on the ground. Only the middle-aged cadre, who had seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield, could barely stand up. Steady on his heels, but his slightly trembling legs and pale face still fully revealed his state of mind at the moment.

The ruins of the Yizhuang that appeared in the eyes of the three people have completely changed their appearance. The broken ruins seem to have been repaired and become intact, and the materials used to repair the Yizhuang are all completely distorted. people.These people are twisted together like a twist, all faces are facing the outside, piled up on each other to form walls, bricks and beams, and a layer of blue bricks is laid on the ground, and each brick is covered with green bricks. It's a painful face.In addition, in the entire Yizhuang, countless python-like wandering spirits shuttle in the air. Each python-like wandering spirit has countless mouths full of sharp teeth. , and there are dozens of big eyeballs all over the top of the head, each eyeball exudes a captivating blue light, and if you look at it for a long time, you will be struck by a kind of soul.

If the three village cadres still had doubts about Xu Changqing's ghost domain just now, they no longer have any doubts in their hearts.only.They don't know that what they hear is deception and what they see may not be true. What they see is just an illusion deliberately created by Xu Changqing.The real scene in the Yizhuang is just shrouded in a cloud of black air. Although the scene is also very weird, it will definitely not be as shocking as an illusion.The reason why he did this was to take revenge on the culprits who destroyed Yizhuang and scare them.

However, Xu Changqing did not intend to completely frighten the courage of the three village cadres, so he just let the illusion condense in their eyes.They can see the outline clearly, but when they can't distinguish the details, the magic power that forms the illusion is naturally dissipated by the power of humanity in their respective bodies.into their bodies.However, even if the illusion disappeared, the three village cadres with firm beliefs still looked terrified, and their pale and tired faces looked like they had been working continuously for several days.

"So tired!" The three people who were still immersed in shock and fear almost disappeared at the same time as the phantom.The same feeling was produced in my heart.

Xu Changqing looked at the tired expressions of the three of them.There was a satisfied smile on his face.The mana he used to cast the spell just now was not his own mana, but the mana transformed from the blood energy in the three people's bodies through the way of mutual generation between heaven and earth, and as estimated, this mana was least affected by their own human power The effect is also very good, giving him another power that can be used.It's just that this method requires very strong control, otherwise too much blood will be transformed at one time, and in the lightest cases, it will make people seriously ill.More importantly, it directly kills the blood energy transformer, which is somewhat similar to some magical methods.

Xu Changqing's complexion improved slightly among the three of them.When the mood also calmed down, Shen Sheng asked: "You have seen the situation here, are you still willing to help me solve this matter?"

This time, the three of them were not as straightforward as when they were in the village office, and each of them became hesitant.After all, anyone who sees that kind of scene will feel timid, and it is normal to be hesitant. Xu Changqing did not intend to urge them, but was about to turn around and walk around Yizhuang to find out the source of this sinister aura.

"Since I'm here, old man, I won't back down. Mr. Xu, if you have anything to do, just tell me." But when Xu Changqing just turned around, the village chief Chen Guixin had already made a decision, and said firmly.

Xu Changqing was not only surprised that the old farmer dispelled his timidity so quickly and made a decision, even the other two village cadres showed expressions of surprise and admiration. They obviously regarded the old farmer as a hero.However, Xu Changqing felt that there was something strange about it. He looked at the old farmer, then turned his head and looked at Ninth Aunt who was silent all the time. Perhaps because of her guilty conscience, Ninth Aunt subconsciously shifted her eyes to other open spaces. He didn't dare to look at Xu Changqing, and he didn't dare to look at the old farmer.Obviously, the reason why the old farmer was able to make a decision so quickly was not because he overcame the fear in his heart, but because of the reminder from Aunt Jiu.

Ninth Aunt couldn't bear her old friend being troubled by problems, so she reminded her along the way, but he didn't know that Xu Changqing's questioning again was not aimless, he just wanted to take this opportunity to temper the minds of these three people again, so that their Faith is stronger.Although Xu Changqing said to Aunt Jiu that it is not difficult to solve the problem on the mountain, it is only for him, and there will definitely be some dangers on the old farmer and other three village cadres, and the dangers they encounter are strong or not. Weakness depends entirely on their own beliefs.

Through some inspections and experiments in the lobby of the village office, Xu Changqing discovered that the power of humanity in mortals wants to play a role, completely relying on their own beliefs. The firmer the beliefs, the stronger the power of humanity. According to his It is estimated that when the power of humanity is the strongest, a mortal with no power can even directly face the magic of the golden fairy itself.The reason why Director Xue and the militiamen were recruited, and were overwhelmed by this sinister aura, was because their own beliefs were not firm enough, and the power of humanity was equal to nothing.In fact, the power of humanity in their bodies can completely resist the sinister aura entrenched in the Yizhuang, because even after their death, the power of humanity remaining in their bodies is still very strong.

Just now Xu Changqing's re-inquiry actually used some Buddhist methods. If the old farmer made a final decision by asking himself repeatedly, his belief would become stronger, and even if he entered the Yizhuang, it would not be too big. However, what Aunt Jiu is doing now is obviously self-defeating.

In this regard, Xu Changqing didn't say anything. In fact, what Aunt Jiu did was in line with his plan.

Eliminating the sinister atmosphere in Yizhuang and finding out who is behind the scenes are two very important things to Taohua Township. In Xu Changqing's eyes, they are not important. He can solve them easily. His real purpose of coming here is to want Use these shadowy auras to test the secrets of this power of humanity that is far beyond his cognition, and what kind of power it can form.The more he understands the power of humanity, the safer his trip to Beijing will be. After all, the capital is the place where this power of humanity is most concentrated. There is a high probability that he will die in the capital.With his character of making decisions before acting, he would naturally not allow such a thing to happen. These village cadres in Taohua Township are just the beginning of his understanding of the power of humanity. After you have a deep understanding of the power, you will consider officially entering the city.

Since it is a test, it cannot be all positive examples, and several negatives must be set up, so that more secrets of the power of humanity can be discovered through comparison.Originally, Xu Changqing intended to use the young cadre with the strongest belief among the three as a negative example, not only because his belief was strong enough, but also because of the badge. He wanted to see that the badge was in his main belief. When it collapses, can it still function like a magic weapon for protecting the Lord?

Now the nine aunt's actions have messed up Xu Changqing's original plan, but Xu Changqing didn't care too much about it. In his opinion, although the old farmer is not the best choice, it is not the worst. The only thing to pay attention to is how to test To ensure the safety of old farmers.After all, from the previous events, he could see that even though the old farmer had some personal thoughts, he was still an old village head who sincerely worked for the people on the whole. It would be a pity if such a person died here.

At this time, because there was no influence from Xu Changqing, the two village cadres quickly made the decision to stay and solve the scourge.

After Xu Changqing heard it, he nodded slightly, and then said: "I will send you to different places in Yizhuang later, all you have to do is to stand there quietly, no matter what you see, don't move, and you must Stick to what you believe in, and don't waver in the slightest. The ghosts in this ghost realm are best at deceiving people. They will seduce the deepest primitive desires hidden in your hearts, and then let your own desires destroy your beliefs. Once your own beliefs are destroyed, your meeting will become extremely dangerous, and you will die like that Director Xue, and the whole ceremony to crack this ghost domain will also fail." He paused for a while, and then said: "If If you really can't hold on, you can try to recite the words from the leader's quotations."

"Leader's Quotations? Is this okay?" The young cadre asked in surprise when he heard the words.

Xu Changqing nodded and said: "Of course! These sentences contain the luck of China's humanity, just like the mantras in Buddhist scriptures, and the mantras in Taoist scriptures can deter evil spirits."

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, the three village cadres didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while. They never imagined that the leader's quotations that they had to read and recite every day would be associated with feudal superstitions such as Buddhist and Taoist scriptures. After the equal sign, I couldn't change my mind for a while.

"What about me? Mr. Xu, what am I going to do?" At this time, Aunt Ninth took the initiative to ask Ying.

Xu Changqing said calmly: "You should stay with Village Chief Chen, you may encounter more danger." (To be continued...)

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