Nine idlers

Chapter 1043: Cave Demon Spirit

Looking at the Paradise of Heaven and Earth that was collapsing in front of him, Xu Changqing let go of his spiritual sense and carefully searched for all the small clues around him. Soon he completely let go of his spiritual sense and found it in a simple wooden house ten feet away from the wall of Huguo Temple. some clues.These clues are some old newspapers. Due to external forces, most of these newspapers have been scattered, but the remaining words on these fragments can make Xu Changqing judge that this paradise should be intact during the Guangxu period, and Someone lived in it, because among those scraps of newspapers there was a fairly well-preserved entry for the letter on the bus.It can be seen that this blessed land was still in contact with the outside world at that time, and it was able to bring in some worldly goods from the outside world.

Except for these broken old newspapers, I didn't see any clues worth paying attention to. It's just that there was a little abnormal situation that made Xu Changqing's mind a little more guessing. Not a single corpse was seen, which means that the people who lived here had all left before the disaster struck, and they walked very calmly.Among all the surviving daily utensils, there are very few items such as clothing, paper, etc., and most of them are just some old furniture. It can be seen that the people who lived here at that time left after getting ready.

Under the interference of various external forces, Xu Changqing's divine sense scanned back and forth several times, but did not find any useful clues.Afterwards, he tried to cast a few spells similar to Heaven's Hearing and Earth's Vision, but as he expected, as long as the mana left the courtyard wall of the Huguo Temple, it would be quickly crushed by the chaotic forces from the outside, leaving Even if the limited mana realm of a mortal body can do it with all its strength, it cannot cope with this situation.

After finding no further clues, Xu Changqing didn't stay any longer, turned around, and walked along the stone steps to the main hall of the Huguo Temple above the same way he came from.

In Dongtian Fudi, the main hall of Huguo Temple is taller and more beautiful than the main hall outside.Most of the architectural styles remain the same as in the early Ming Dynasty, and only a few expanded places are decorated with the style of foreigners in the Qing Dynasty.

Entering the main hall, the inside is very empty. When the main hall was built, someone imposed a magic door similar to the universe in the sleeve.Let the area inside the entire building be much larger than the size seen from the outside.There are no gods or Buddha statues in the main hall, but thousands of altars are densely arranged like a mourning hall, and each altar has a tablet on it. There is no name on the tablet, only a simple Taoist number.But there is one exception among all the tablets.That is the tablet placed in the middle and surrounded by countless tablets, on which the words Three Treasures are written.

In such a special environment, with such eye-catching words, Xu Changqing naturally easily guessed that the name on this tablet refers to the famous eunuch Zheng He in the early Ming Dynasty.

Among the secular Chinese people, there may be many people who don't know the name of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, but few people don't know the real name of Zheng He, because the stories about the voyages to the West have already been written by literati in various forms. There are many such romantic stories, and most of these stories refer to Zheng He as the eunuch of the Three Treasures.

Zheng He's reputation is not only very famous in the secular world, but also has a great reputation in the practice world.Because the practice world was declining day by day because of Liu Bowen's slaying of the dragon, the talented and generous Emperor Yong Le seemed to want to unite the two realms of heaven and man, so he planned to take advantage of the decline of the practice world to control the various Taoist sects in the practice world, so he founded At the same time as the East Factory, a secret factory was also established, and Zheng He was the supervisor of the secret factory at that time.

Because Liu Bowen slayed the dragon at the beginning, the Zhu family dynasty could be said to have offended the entire practice community, so at the beginning of the establishment of the secret factory, except for some casual cultivators who voluntarily joined in and accepted the worship of the court.The rest of the Xuanmen orthodox sects ignored Emperor Yong Le's recruitment.For this reason, Emperor Yong Le could only think of another way. While building a fleet to sail to the West, he also asked Zheng He to recruit some local wizards and Xuanxiu.There have been several fights with the Chinese cultivation world. Although they lost more than they won, they also let the cultivation world see some of the strength of the secret factory.This situation of confrontation was not eased until Emperor Yong Le's later years, and that was the sects of immortals and Buddhas in the practice world also sent some disciples to join the secret factory, and finally when Wang Zhen came to power, the secret factory was disbanded.The connection between the practice world and the Zhu Ming Dynasty was completely severed. After that, even if Zhengde, Jiajing and other emperors wanted to be Taoist, they could only contact some secular sects.

The reason why Zheng He is famous in the practice world is not only that he is the first supervisor of the secret factory, but also because he is not a practitioner, but just an ordinary person. This is recorded in many authentic books of the Immortal Buddha. There is nothing to doubt.

Back then, Zheng He's master Seng Daoyan once visited most of the authentic sects of immortals and Buddhas in the practice world specifically for Zheng He's inability to practice.Because Emperor Yong Le was only the King of Yan at that time, and his relationship with the cultivation world was not so tense, and Seng Daoyan was a strange person in the cultivation world, who was also the master of several Buddhist sects' profound methods, and he was stubborn in that kind of unreasonable In an environment conducive to practice, he cultivated the vajra relic, aroused the Bodhi mind, and proved the Bodhi path and fruit.If it was before Liu Bowen slayed the dragon, his cultivation base would have already directly broken through the barrier between the two worlds, and was led to the Buddha world by the Buddha's light. Soaring up, sitting in the secular world waiting to die.

The practice community was extremely puzzled as to why Seng Daoyan accepted a eunuch who could not practice as a disciple, but they could see that Seng Daoyan attached great importance to this eunuch disciple, and took out a lot of good things that he had kept privately, and presented them to him. The orthodox factions of Immortal Buddha exchanged some secret elixir, hoping to help Zheng He practice through the power of elixir.It's a pity that no matter what kind of elixir Zheng He took in the end, there was no reaction like a muddy cow falling into the sea.After the establishment of the secret factory, during the period when the relationship between the practice circle and it deteriorated, the practice circle used Zheng He’s inability to practice many times to ridicule him as a stubborn stone who was not enlightened. These things were also recorded in some Among the autobiographical notes.

When Xu Changqing was young, he also collected books related to Zheng He's records. At that time, he did not underestimate Zheng He because of his status as a eunuch and his inability to practice. The masters who practice Zen and meditate are much greater, so they also have a little respect for them.

Now that he saw Zheng He's memorial tablet, all the deeds about Zheng He immediately appeared in Xu Changqing's mind, but when he recalled the things about Zheng He, he couldn't help but a little bit of doubt.Because according to his understanding, Zheng He was originally from the Green Sect, and he didn't start to convert to Buddhism until his apprentice monk Daoyan. It wasn't until his death that he was buried in the way of a Buddhist, and at the same time, he was secretly buried with the Green Sect. A secret funeral was added.However, looking at all the written records, there is no mention of Zheng He's conversion to Taoism. Although he has been in contact with various orthodox sects in the practice world because of the relationship with the governor of the secret factory, this is just a matter of business. .

Right now, the Huguo Temple where Xu Changqing is located is in the style of a Buddhist temple in terms of appearance and architectural style, but all the tablets inside are Taoist names, and the decorations on the altar table are also the purest Taoist utensils. The person who set up the tablet, or the successor thereafter, are all Taoist practitioners.

"Could it be that the orthodox Taoist sect seized the cave of the Buddhist sect?" Xu Changqing couldn't help but have a guess in his heart, because only in this way can it make sense why such a weird scene occurred.

While Xu Changqing was full of doubts in his heart, his spiritual thoughts were also unfolding in the hall. Because there was no external interference, the effect of using spiritual thoughts to detect here was much better than before. It can be deduced which kind of Xuanmen orthodox method is practiced by the person to whom the tablet belongs.

However, on Zheng He's tablet, Xu Changqing didn't feel a trace of Buddhism or Taoism, but a faint but very pure breath of divine power.

"Cultivate gods?" Xu Changqing also realized at this moment that even though Zheng He could not cultivate immortals or Buddhas, he might not be able to cultivate gods.He has created such a great achievement in the secular world that it is enough to build temples and shrines after his death. Even now in Nanyang, some people still regard Zheng He as the God of Wealth. They built a Temple of Wealth and worshiped it with incense. Zheng He already had the basic conditions.In addition to folk sacrificial beliefs, Zheng He was also regarded as the patron saint by the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Almost all eunuch temples have Zheng He's tablets and gods. Therefore, it is not surprising that Zheng He practiced gods after his death. In addition, it can also be said that it is reasonable.

Just when Xu Changqing was suspicious of the reason for everything he saw, suddenly within the coverage of his divine sense, an extremely weak aura of power disappeared in a flash. The appearance and disappearance of this aura of power can only be described in an instant, and The breath is extremely weak, almost imperceptible.If it was in other places, maybe Xu Changqing's spiritual sense would miss this breath of power. Even if he noticed it, he wouldn't feel that it was an abnormal situation, but in this cave, Xu Changqing's spiritual sense was hardly suppressed by any force, and this protector Except for Zheng He's tablet, which has a trace of divine power, the rest of the tablets in the main hall of the temple are all Taoist.Although the aura of power that appeared now has the pure and righteous aura of the Xuanmen, its root is more like the aura of a demon spirit. It is like oil mixed in water, and it is difficult for people to discover it.

Xu Changqing was worried about not being able to find any clues at this moment, and the sudden appearance of the breath of power just gave him a goal, so naturally he would not give up.Although this aura of power disappeared quickly and disappeared without a trace, it was of no use to Xu Changqing.Because there is no external force to suppress it, Xu Changqing can also freely display the way of intergenerational generation between heaven and earth. I saw that he used the way of intergenerational generation of heaven and earth to transform all the aura around him into his own magic power at the place where the power breath appeared and disappeared, and he easily passed away. This extremely weak breath of power was highlighted. (~^~)

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