Nine idlers

Chapter 1044

Because the stone tablet and the stone platform were too eye-catching before, and the stone sculpture was shattered and completely lost its original shape, Xu Changqing focused most of his attention on the stone tablet and the stone platform, and did not pay much attention to the stone sculpture. .But now after taking away the stone tablet and the stone platform, when he turned his attention to the gravel of the stone carving, he realized that the material used for the stone carving in front of him is very unusual, because this kind of material does not exist in the world.

This kind of spiritual material is called water jade, which is different from the secular jade named water jade because of its color and luster. This kind of spiritual material is really a jade made of water, so its essence is the essence of water. It is only because of some special reasons that it is presented in stone.

Xu Changqing is not very clear about how the special spiritual material of water jade was formed, and Zhen Yuanzi's incomplete memory has no answer. The only thing that is certain is that this kind of water jade is only produced in a place named Wuxi The place.It's just that in the first great catastrophe, when the ancient dragons and the innate gods fought, the place of Wuxi was destroyed, so that most of the water jade disappeared before they had any use. There is no place on the earth that can produce such spiritual materials as water jade.

Now this kind of water jade that has disappeared in the prehistoric period has appeared in the secular world and has been made into a magic weapon for sealing. It is conceivable that this piece of water jade must have been left over from the ancient prehistoric period. It is possible that this stone sculpture made of water jade is also a product of the ancient prehistoric times.

Xu Changqing did not find any relevant content in Zhen Yuanzi's incomplete memory about the function of this kind of water jade, because in Zhen Yuanzi's memory, although the source of this water jade was destroyed and the number was rare, but Its value can only be regarded as an ordinary spiritual material, and in the hands of those great masters, it will only be made into decorative items such as jade lanterns.There are so many spiritual materials that are more valuable than water jade in the prehistoric land. Until the time when the prehistoric land was broken, no one dared to say that they knew all the prehistoric spiritual materials.Therefore, not only did Zhen Yuanzi look down on this water jade, but even the other great powers in the prehistoric land did not pay too much attention to this water jade.

However, now it seems that those great powers in the entire prehistoric land have far underestimated the role of water jade.

After removing the stone platform and stele, all the restraining force exerted on the stone carving rubble disappeared.And all kinds of power breaths that were suppressed and undetectable before in the crushed stone also emitted.Among these weak auras of power, there are two most striking auras, one is the aura of the ancient prehistoric monster that Xu Changqing felt just now, and the other is the aura of power of innate gods.

The appearance of the power breath of the innate god did not surprise Xu Changqing too much, after all, he had guessed it before.Especially after the natal aura of the ancient prehistoric monster appeared, he was even more sure that there could be clues related to the innate gods here.

But when it comes to the question, this innate god is different from the innate god Xu Changqing thought of. He is not the innate god of Zhen Yuanzi who survived from the previous world, but the innate god who evolved from the prehistoric land. The local innate gods evolved under the influence of the Dao of Heaven.

Although in front of outsiders, there is no difference between these two kinds of innate gods, they are both the incarnation of the law of the prehistoric heaven, but to the innate gods themselves, there is a clear difference between the two, and only the innate gods themselves can feel it .And Xu Changqing, through Zhen Yuanzi's surviving memory, had the answer the moment this aura of innate god appeared.

Now the aura of innate gods in this pile of rubble is the strongest, even far surpassing the aura of that ancient prehistoric monster.Because after the stone carving is broken, the banned magic power in the stone carving begins to dissipate, and the stone carving gravel not only has to bear the impact of the innate gods banned inside it, but also needs to face the suppression of the stone platform and stele above, and finally makes the existing in the broken stone The monster's aura quickly weakened.On the contrary, the aura of the innate gods is relatively well preserved because it only needs to face the forbidden power of the ancient monsters.It's just that these are only secondary reasons, the main reason is that the power breath of the innate gods is not rootless duckweed.Its source is still relatively well preserved, and the power of this prehistoric innate god comes from a completely petrified eyeball.

Although this Paradise of Paradise belongs to a special existence like the sky outside the sky, it will also be affected by the power of heaven, especially when a part of Paradise of Paradise is compatible with Babao Mountain.The power of heaven and earth in the secular world will directly act on this blessed place.It's just that the lower the level of cultivation, the less affected people will be. With Xu Changqing's current mortal body and golden core level entering this paradise, he can hardly feel the influence of external forces.But the existence in this Taoist temple is different. Whether it is the treasure used to suppress or the existence to be suppressed, it can be said that it is a top existence far exceeding the power of the heavens in the three realms.Even Xu Changqing's current Jinxian body may not be able to compare with it, and the influence they feel will naturally increase exponentially.

Now the worldly power of humanity can be said to be the nemesis of all extraordinary power in the world, and the more powerful the extraordinary power is, the stronger the restraint will be. When the outside world builds Babao Mountain into a revolutionary cemetery, it will represent the power of humanity When those secular celebrities were buried in Babao Mountain, it can be said that most of the power of humanity in the entire Kyushu of China was concentrated here.After countless years of suppression, the unknown innate god was already extremely weak. After being impacted by this force of humanity, even if the power to seal him was also destroyed, he could not escape the seal with his own strength. In the end, he could only He chose to abandon an organ on his body as a substitute, and finally escaped.

Xu Changqing stepped forward to pick up the eyeball. Although he had prepared in advance, when he picked up the eyeball, he still felt that the power in the eyeball was trying to invade his body through his palm, and the ancient monsters around him were scattered around. At the moment when he got the eyeball, he gathered again, apparently trying to stop Xu Changqing.

It's a pity that these two powers are empty at the moment. If it is the first contact with innate gods and wild monsters, people may be frightened by them, and may even lose their minds and cause themselves to be hurt , but such a thing will obviously not happen if it falls on Xu Changqing.

From the very beginning, Xu Changqing ignored the condensed and seemingly powerful power of ancient monsters, and just used his mind to control Zhong Kui's Dharma to keep this power out.Although this power gives people an aura like Mount Tai is overwhelming, in fact it is already at the end of its strength, and its aura is only superficial. Even if Zhong Kui's spirit and gods are not displayed, this power is impossible to cause any harm to his body. .

Immediately afterwards, Xu Changqing held the petrified eyeball in his palm, allowing the power in the eyeball to penetrate into his palm until the entire palm was completely infiltrated by the power of the innate god, and the power of the eyeball itself began to weaken Only then did he start to use the mana that had been injected into the seven-star bracelet to arouse the divine power of the day tour god and the night tour god.After saying "seal" lightly, he saw the seven-star bracelet in his hand bursting with red and white light, intertwined like ropes, and then got into his palm, quickly catching those The breath of innate god power that invaded his palms, restrained them, and pulled them out of his palms one by one.Immediately afterwards, these two divine powers flowed upstream along the bound breath of the innate gods, counterattacking the petrified eyeball, easily entered the petrified eyeball, and turned it into a spiritual net with fifty latitudes and longitudes vertically and horizontally. The eyeball is wrapped.

With the completion of Xu Changqing's spellcasting, the petrified eyeball held by his palm also changed slightly, with fifty small interlaced scratches on the surface. These small scratches are all covered with very subtle divine scripts, and each divine script contains extremely profound principles of the Great Dao.

This method was not thought up by Xu Changqing himself, it was completely obtained from Zhen Yuanzi's incomplete memory.In the prehistoric period, although the innate gods were classified as one family, the relationship between Zhenyuanzi, the innate gods who survived the previous world, and the local innate gods was very bad at first, and it could even be said to be hostile, so in Zhenyuan In Zizi's memory, there are also many god-forbidden techniques specially used to deal with this kind of local innate gods.Although Xu Changqing's current mortal body cultivation base can't exert the full power of the Forbidden God Technique at all, but as long as it can play a small role, after all, the innate power of the gods in the eyeballs is already extremely weak, and between him So it took so many hands and feet to keep the eyeball, mainly because of the original power of the innate gods remaining in the eyeball.

It is an indisputable fact that the innate god who has been banned for countless years escaped with the substitute method, but this substitute method is not used casually. It not only needs to cut off an important organ, but also needs to inject the original divine power, so Xu Changqing had to seal this eyeball and preserve this trace of original divine power as a clue for him to find this innate god.

Although Xu Changqing didn't know who this innate god was, he was able to use the substitute method performed by this innate god to know that this innate god was at least banned before the ancient god dragon battle. Because this substitute method was the life-saving method that the prehistoric gods were best at in the past. Many people used this method to escape in the first world catastrophe, and even Zhen Yuanzi used this method.However, after the establishment of the Great Desolate Heavenly Court, various sects of the Great Desolation began to spring up like mushrooms after a spring rain, and some new methods began to emerge continuously. Naturally, this method of self-sacrifice was gradually replaced by other substitute methods that did not require self-harm.In Xu Changqing's view, this innate god has at least a dozen ways to escape without self-harm, but in the end he chose this one, so there is only one possibility, that is, he does not know other ways. (~^~)

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