Nine idlers

Chapter 1045

"How could this be? How could this be?" The old man was walking back and forth in Huguo Temple with a compass in his hand, muttering to himself in a daze, as if he had fallen into some kind of bewilderment, his whole body staggered It's like falling down at any time.

"Mr. Song, you have high blood pressure. Don't get too excited. Think about problems slowly. Don't worry." One of the middle-aged soldiers looked at the old man worriedly. Before supporting the old man's slightly shaking body, he persuaded him.

The old man also felt that he was really too excited. With slightly trembling hands, he took out a medicine bottle from his pocket, poured out a medicine, took the teacup handed over by the middle-aged man, took the medicine, took a few deep breaths, After calming down his agitated mood, his originally pale face also turned slightly better.

Another middle-aged soldier with eyes and bookishness obviously didn't have a good attitude towards the old man. There was a trace of repulsion and disdain in his eyes. When the old man's mood improved a little, he questioned it too much, saying: "Song Old, could it be that the time has advanced?"

The old man glanced at the middle-aged soldier, and immediately shook his head and said: "Impossible! The demise of a blessed land is not that simple, and there will be a relatively long process, especially when the secret factory Dongtian is so closely connected with the Huaxia Dragon Vein. It will take a long time for its demise, otherwise it will affect the Huaxia Dragon Vessel. Now the secret factory Dongtian has suddenly disappeared, but there is no problem with the Huaxia Dragon Vessel. "He paused for a while, his face The dazed look reappeared, and said: "This, this is really unbelievable, I don't know what's going on?"

The middle-aged soldier still did not stop questioning, and continued to say rudely: "Old Song, could it be that the time calculation is wrong?"

The old man frowned, his eyes began to become a little dissatisfied, but he seemed to have some scruples about his identity as a middle-aged soldier, so he suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and took a deep breath.Patiently explained: "If it's just me calculating alone, there is a possibility of making mistakes, but even the masters of Jiang, Lai, and Shao's joint deduction, the results are the same. It is obvious that the time is absolutely correct. of."

"Then..." The middle-aged soldier didn't seem to give up the doubts in his heart, and was about to continue speaking.

"Enough!" The companion on the side immediately stopped him from continuing to question, and said with a hint of warning: "Commissar Yu, you just came to work in our department and you don't know much about the situation in the department. When you understand the specifics of the department After work, there won’t be so many doubts.”

"I just want to start working as soon as possible. There is no other meaning." The middle-aged soldier is much higher than himself in terms of authority and seniority. I have worked together for a long time, and I don't want to fall out with them because of some small differences of opinion, so even though I still have some opinions in my heart, I didn't quarrel with my partner, I just made a sophistry with my wording, and stopped talking.Standing quietly watching.

Another middle-aged soldier didn't intend to continue arguing with his colleagues. Seeing that the other party backed down a step, he didn't say anything more. He turned his head and asked the old man, "Mr. Song, could it be something over there? Has it affected this side? Didn’t you often say that the dragon veins of Kyushu are originally one, and they will inevitably affect each other?”

While speaking, he also pointed to the west, meaning something.

The old man was stunned.Slightly frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's not the problem over there. If it really had an impact, it would have already been affected. It won't wait until now." As he spoke, he seemed to suddenly think of something, talking to himself Said: "It's been two months since I entered this cave last time, and the situation at that time was still normal, that is to say, the secret factory cave consumed the power of heaven and earth that would take 30 years to completely consume within two months. I... I remember this kind of thing happened before."

The middle-aged soldier said anxiously: "Old Song, have you seen such things?"

"You should have heard of this." The old man looked at the two soldiers and said, "It is said that before the liberation, the authentic inner mountain gates of the Immortal Buddha, including the blessed land of the cave, disappeared almost at the same time, and the last thing left was only some There are ruins, and what happened there is very similar to what is happening here now."

Hearing this, Political Commissar Yu couldn't help but said: "Is there really an authentic immortal Buddha? I thought it was just a myth and legend?"

The old man said in a deep voice: "For ordinary people, such things as dragon veins and caves are not myths. In a few decades, maybe people like me will become legends."

"Mr. Song, you are still a legend even now." The middle-aged soldier patted his ass for a while, then turned serious, and said: "Since the things there are somewhat similar to the present, can you also refer to each other for the cause? some?"

"This, this is hard to say." The old man played a trick of Tai Chi, without expressing it clearly, and took the proposal vaguely.

In fact, the reason for the disappearance of the inner mountain gate of Xianfo Zhengzong has been widely discussed among the only remaining practitioners in the practice world. Then the catastrophe fell and destroyed all the practice sects, loose cultivator families, etc. that participated in that event back then. Simply put, it was caused by external forces.

Now the old man will naturally not be so stupid as to say these things, because the secret factory cave will collapse, it is entirely because the current government does not allow the existence of special forces like the secret factory, and directly built the revolutionary cemetery on Babaoshan The secret factory came out of the mountain and attached to it.It's just that the strength was a bit too much, which caused the secret factory cave to collapse, and finally made them rootless people have to move out of there.If he said these things now, it would be tantamount to blaming the current government for what it did back then. Even though he has a high position in the department and is respected, he was just a civil servant outside the system from the beginning to the end. To worship, you have to be cautious in your words and deeds, so as not to be caught by someone with a heart and cause some disaster.

"What should we do now?" The middle-aged soldier seemed to have sensed the reason for the old man's ambiguity, scratched his head in embarrassment, and changed the topic somewhat abruptly.

The old man was silent for a while, and glanced at the political commissar Yu who was always suspicious, knowing that if he didn't show his hand, he might be treated as an ordinary Jiang Hu by the new political commissar Yu for a long time to come. Warlock, then the next job will not be easy.

So after thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "I can try to calculate what happened in the Huguo Temple before and after the disappearance of the secret factory cave, and see if I can find any clues?"

The middle-aged soldier and Political Commissar Nayu looked at each other, nodded, and said, "It seems that this is the only way to deal with it now, so I will trouble you, Mr. Song."

The old man nodded, reached out his hand to dig out the cloth bag at his waist, and took out three copper coins. These three copper coins were different from ordinary copper coins. Although there were characters on the surface, those characters were all very strange, as if It seems that many characters have been squeezed together. Although the fonts are dense and complicated, the lines are very clear. If you read carefully, you can still see which characters have been integrated into these four characters.The most peculiar thing about this copper coin is not the words on the surface, but the copper coin itself. Although it is not night, but because of the gloomy sky, the surrounding light is not very sufficient. There is a faint golden light, and anyone who looks at it will feel the extraordinaryness of the copper coin.

"Old Song, is it necessary to use this thing?" Seeing the copper coin that the old man took out, the middle-aged soldier immediately became serious and asked.

Compared with the political commissar Yu, the middle-aged soldier who has been in the special department for nearly 20 years is very aware of the importance of these three copper coins. It was Mr. Song who used these three copper coins to calculate the date of an important leader of the country. Doom helped the leader avoid a fatal assassination, and every time Song Lao used the three copper coins afterwards, it was at a very critical time for state affairs.As far as he knows, these three copper coins cannot be used indefinitely, and each use will consume part of the spirituality of the copper coins, so even though he respects the old man in front of him very much, he still has to doubt that the old man used the copper coins here. Is the place suitable.

"Of course it is necessary." The old man replied very positively, but he didn't explain the reason, because he also had a little selfishness in it. Although the secret factory cave has long been abandoned, the secret factory mourning hall is still there. It was his concern, that's why he borrowed some manpower from the department more than once over the years to help him return to the secret factory cave.Although the final demise of the secret factory cave had already been foreseen, but seeing the shattering of the secret amulet left by the ancestors this morning, and realizing that the secret factory cave had disappeared, it was still a little hard for him to accept.Now he doesn't have the ability to turn the world around and bring the secret factory cave back to life, but at least he can figure out why the secret factory cave died early. This is a trivial matter that he can do.

Perhaps because he felt that it was not safe to just use three copper coins, the old man thought for a while and took out a tortoise shell that was full of cracks and seemed to be broken at any time from the cloth bag.The middle-aged soldier seemed to have never seen this tortoise shell before, and looked at it curiously. He soon discovered that apart from the striking cracks on the surface, there was an innate gossip pattern growing on the turtle's plastron. It looks very miraculous.

Just when the middle-aged soldier was very curious and was about to ask the old man about the origin of the tortoise shell, the old man no longer gave him a chance to speak. He put three copper coins into the tortoise shell, covered the tortoise shell with both hands, and shook it according to a certain frequency. Get up, and mutter words in your mouth, with a very pious demeanor. (~^~)

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