Nine idlers

Chapter 1151 The Core of the Ruins

The battleship was also driving quickly in the void of the ruins, quickly approaching the largest olive-shaped land in the outer star ring, and then docked at the top of a pyramid in a city on this land.

The various groups of gods in the battleship were puzzled by this docking. In their opinion, the battleship should go directly to the core of the ruins.For this, Blood Ax Barent did not give any explanation, but only said that when it is necessary to rest a ruins, during this period of time, the god-descendant group in the battleship is allowed to move freely in the city outside.

Although Blood Axe Barent's explanation is not satisfactory, but people from various god-descendent groups can't say anything more, after all, they are now in someone else's territory.Among them, except those who knew that they were being treated as "sacrifices" were not in the mood to play, most of the other god-born people who came to Dixu for the first time left the battleship after getting the news, and went to Take a walk around the outside city.

Xu Changqing also stepped out of the battleship, but he didn't go too far, he was just on the edge of the platform at the top of the pyramid, overlooking the whole city.

The layout of this city is very regular. With a thousand-meter-high tower in the distance as the center, six streets radiate outward, and a hexagonal horizontal street is drawn at every distance. The six main roads are connected and divided into A sprawling urban area.

From the perspective of the layout of the city alone, if measured by the concept of modern civilization, the level of civilization of the Dixu can be said to be far beyond that of other god-descendant groups in the Outer Ring Sky. The god-born races of heaven are a group of barbarians.

In addition to the striking layout of the entire city, the architectural style inside the city is also very unique. This so-called uniqueness is based on the perspective of this heaven and earth god-descendant group.

Roman arched buildings, Greek temple buildings, European Baroque gorgeous buildings, Egyptian megalithic buildings and other architectural styles, no matter ancient or modern, all come together here, and even in the center of the city, there is a building The group is entirely a wooden structure building in the ancient Chinese court style.All in all, all the standard architectural styles that can be seen in the world can be seen here, except that there is no architectural style that belongs to the various god-descendant groups in this world.

Xu Changqing was not too surprised by the scene he saw in front of him because he had guessed beforehand.

Obviously, no one here can see any problems from these buildings like Xu Changqing. These descendants of the Outer Ring Sky just feel a little uncomfortable with these weird and complicated buildings, and it can even be said to be very disgusting.In their view, the function of a house is to live in people, and most of the basic functions of the buildings in this city have nothing to do with living. They are built just for good looks, flashy and contrary to the traditions of the divine ethnic group.

It is precisely because of this disgusting mentality that these people of the God-descendant group quickly lost their interest in continuing to walk around and look around, and returned to the battleship one after another.

Most of the eyes of these descendants of gods are attracted by those strange buildings that have never been seen before, and only a few people with other thoughts set their eyes on other places.Among these people were members of the reincarnation clan, and when these reincarnation clan members came back and exchanged the collected information with each other, Xu Changqing happened to hear it, which also made Xu Changqing understand why Blood Ax Barent wanted the battleship When docked here at an underground market.

Right now, this city can be said to be the largest city in the entire Dixu space except the Dixu core, and it is also the center of the Dixu outer star ring.Inferred according to common sense, this should also be the place with the most people in the entire Dixu, at least the outer star ring area.

However, it is not difficult to find from the situation in front of us that this city is very large, majestic, and gorgeous, but there are very few people, so few that it is almost equivalent to an ordinary reincarnation tribe. Even under Xu Changqing's estimation, The number of god-born fighters hidden in the central area of ​​the battleship is more than the number of people in the entire city.

With such a large city and such a small population, anyone who sees this city for the first time will have a sense of depression, and then have an inexplicable idea that the god-descendant group of Dixu is declining, and the population is declining. reduce.

"Paralyzing the enemy?" Xu Changqing almost didn't need to think too much, he could see what the god-descendant group of Dixu wanted to do.Although in his opinion, this approach has too many loopholes and is easy to be seen through, but it has a miraculous effect when placed here. Obviously, the outer ring gods who despise everything in the Earth Ruins will be involuntary to everything they see. Think in the direction the other party wants.

A time passed quickly, and as the whistle-like buzzer deliberately installed on the battleship sounded, the outer ring gods who were wandering around the city returned to the battleship one after another. With the hatch closed, the hull trembled slightly. The battleship sailed into the air again.

At this time, instead of returning to the cabin, Xu Changqing, who stayed on the deck, discovered another thing connected with the worldly world, that is, the time standard.

Xu Changqing is not very clear about the situation of other god-descendant groups in Outer Ring Heaven, but among the reincarnation clan, one thing is certain, that is, the reincarnation clan does not have a very standard time division.For example, there are no minutes, no hours, and the meanings of days and months are also very vague. Only the year has an extremely accurate delineation, and this accuracy depends entirely on the number of times the reincarnation tree blooms and bears fruit.

But the situation in Dixu is different. There is a very clear division of minutes and hours here, and more importantly, the hours here are not determined according to the changes of various local celestial phenomena, but according to The hours in the secular world are defined, that is to say, an hour in the earth is equal to an hour in the secular world.

For ordinary people, the establishment of time standards is not an important thing. Whose time standard is used is just a matter of habit, but for Xu Changqing, the establishment of time standards is far more important than changing the common language and architecture of an ethnic group. Culture and so on are more important and more complex.

The time standard is the calendar, which represents the luck of a country and a group of people. Whether it is ancient or modern, the change of the calendar is very important to a country and a race.

Now these god-descendant groups in Dixu are actually using the secular calendar time, which means that these god-descendant groups are divided into two from other god-descendant groups in this world in terms of luck, and also It means that the person who formulates and implements this calendar controls the luck of these god-descendant groups, and it also means that this person has completely and completely controlled these god-descendant groups.

Judging from the information obtained from the reincarnation tribe before, it is clear that the god-descendant tribes in Inner Ring Sky believed that these god-descendant tribes in Dixu were only passively surrendered by the powerful force of the mysterious outsider. Now that the author has disappeared, such a surrendered situation naturally does not exist.

However, now it seems that the surrender back then may not be what those god-descendant groups in Outer Ring Heaven thought. They really surrendered to that mysterious outsider. Even though that person has disappeared for so many years, this kind of surrender mentality is still No change.

But at the same time, Xu Changqing also had a suspicion. He suspected that the mysterious outsider who failed to enter the Tiangong and disappeared had never disappeared, and had been secretly controlling the Dixu, which had been opened up to a three-acre land.

In the next period of time, the battleship stopped at several other major cities on the largest land in the Star Ring. There is no longer any doubt about the ethnic decline of the race.

After the battleship flew from the last star ring city, the battleship no longer detoured, but flew towards the continent called the Eternal Land of Light at the core of the Earth Ruins.

This continent is the core of the entire Ruins, and the whole is covered by a cloud of light and mist. The light and mist itself does not have any heat, but it has a very strange light. This kind of light is not strong, but it can be transmitted for a long time without exhaustion. From a long distance, even on the outermost star ring, you can clearly feel the light shining on it. In a way, this light mist is equivalent to the sun in the world of Ruins.

When the battleship plunges into the light mist, the eyes of ordinary people will be a little unable to adapt, and there will be a temporary dazzled state, but they will recover soon. People standing on the deck can even breathe the surrounding light mist, quite like breathing in the mouth. Spit white light.

The entire core area of ​​the ruins is like an egg, and the light mist is the eggshell. Like an egg, the eggshell is not very thick. After flying for less than a quarter of an hour, the battleship has already passed through the light mist and entered to the interior.

Inside the light and fog is a relatively independent small space, which can also be said to be a small world, because when passing through the light and fog, Xu Changqing can feel the abnormal vibration produced by the battleship passing through the barrier of heaven and earth.

In the center of this small space is a huge landmass, which looks like a large disc, with some spike-like peaks on the disc, with clearly visible grasslands, valley bottoms, and criss-crossing mountains. Rivers, and such scenes exist on both sides of the land disc.

Although the scenery on the land is very strange, what really attracted Xu Changqing's attention were the special pyramids on the disk, and these pyramids should not have appeared here in his opinion, because they were called god altars, and in Xu Changqing's memory they were holy It is a tool for condensing divine fire to create gods.

"So that's it! That's it!" Seeing the altar of the gods, Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment, and then his face quickly showed a thoughtful look, and thought of an important role of the altar of the gods, and immediately understood why before You will feel that there are gods in this world,

With the altar of the gods, as long as you harvest enough power of faith, you can use the altar of the gods to create a primitive fire.In this way, even if the god descendants of Dixu do not have real divine blood, they only need to integrate the divine fire into their bodies to become gods, even if it is just a false god. (~^~)

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