Nine idlers

Supreme Demon

Chapter 770 The Seventh Supreme Demon

After Xu Changqing was still a pawn being manipulated by others, he put his mind into the realm of Dao Xin, and deduced the future events of the heavens, in order to find loopholes and steal the sky for the day.It's a pity that no matter how he deduces the development of the situation, finds countless loopholes, and changes the situation through these loopholes, he will eventually return to the original point. As far as the fate of heaven is concerned, the small trend can change, but the general trend will not change. He can never escape the identity of a pawn ,.

Just when Xu Changqing fell into an endless loop of deduction, Di Luo suddenly attacked and killed the Holy Heaven Master inexplicably, and the supernatural powers when he made the attack exuded the same mana breath, penetrating through layers The blood mist was sensed by Xu Changqing.This aura of mana is like that bit of light, opening up a new line of thought on the basis of the deduction trend that was originally trapped in an endless loop, allowing Xu Changqing's deduction of fate to break through all kinds of confusion and spy on that trace of true knowledge.

Although the aura of mana is not strong, and it has been concealed and modified, it is difficult to be noticed by others, but Xu Changqing sensed the aura of mana before it was assimilated by the blood mist, and analyzed it to deduce its origin.

"Great Destroyer Sword Power!" Xu Changqing murmured.

No, the magical powers and spells Di Luo used were not other demons at all, but the out-and-out Dashashi sword gesture, which was completely created by the Dasha Demon Lord's hand.According to Zhen Yuanzi's memory, after the Great Destroyer Sword Power was created by Emperor Zhenwu, he also taught it to his disciples, but no matter who practiced this kind of sword art, it was impossible for anyone to practice it. The method derived a new sword art.In the current Kunlun Three Realms, some of the sword formulas found in the ancient ruins in the Lou Guan Dao Sword Sect are from the Great Destruction Sword Power, and Lou Guan Dao's Shattering Universe Sword Art should be back to basics, starting to describe the source to The Great Destruction Sword Poses also contains a trace of the fundamental power of turning nothingness into the Great Destruction Sword Poses,

From ancient times to the present, only three people have truly cultivated the Dasha Sword Power. The first one is naturally the Emperor Zhenwu who created this method, and the other two are the Dasha Demon Lord who is the incarnation of Zhenwu Emperor's evil thoughts, and the Zhenwu Swing Demon Sword. Xu Changqing.If you insist on counting it, Xu Changqing's Great Destruction Sword Power cannot be regarded as Zhenwu Emperor's Great Destruction Sword Power, he should be regarded as a kind of derivation sword technique, but this sword formula is very close to the most fundamental Great Destruction Sword Power, making The two cannot be distinguished.

The Demon Lord of Great Destruction originated from Emperor Zhenwu, and his sword power of Great Destruction is the purest sword power of Great Destruction. It is precisely this that makes Xu Changqing have a flash of inspiration and connect some things that he had never thought of before to form a A complete thread of stealing the sky, and found a method from this thread that can transcend the fate of the world, and this method is the Great Destroyer Demon Lord.

Before that, Xu Changqing had always thought that the Great Destroyer Demon Lord was just an evil idea abandoned by Emperor Zhenwu in order to complete the Dao, but after a flash of inspiration just now, he realized that the Great Destroyer Demon Lord was actually a deadly chess game used by Emperor Zhenwu to steal the sky and change the day.

If you calculate carefully, Xu Changqing's current situation and position are similar to the situation of Emperor Zhenwu back then. They are all the people who raised the catastrophe and shouldered the natural responsibility of guiding the fate of the world.Like Xu Changqing, Emperor Zhenwu also wanted to get rid of his identity as a pawn, so he did the same thing as Xu Changqing, that is, created a clone, and used the clone to deal with the robbery. The demon master of destruction transformed by evil thoughts should be one of them .It's just that he seemed to be unlucky, and he disappeared before his layout was completed.

Although Emperor Zhenwu failed to complete the layout, it does not mean that his plan of stealing the sky and changing the sun has failed. The existence of the Demon Lord of Great Destruction should be the result of the success of this plan. The body of calamity.

Xu Changqing didn't know all about Emperor Zhenwu's layout, but he could still get a clue from some clues.At that time, the devil world was just a gathering place of evil thoughts and evil spirits from heaven and earth, without any life, only some demon heads condensed by evil thoughts. , and then replace him as the person who should be calamity to promote the catastrophe of heaven and earth.According to Xu Changqing's deduction, besides the inevitable appearance, he should have several similar incarnations, and these may be in the otherworldly gods' domain, or in the prehistoric land.

At that time, the ancient wild dragon clan and the ancient dragon clan suddenly broke out in a battle, and finally broke out in an all-out war, causing the vitality of the two clans to be seriously injured.After all, it happened so suddenly that even the ancient innate gods didn't respond.Xu Changqing didn't feel anything unusual before. After all, the two great dragon clans in ancient times had deep grievances, and fighting was inevitable, but now he saw some clues from some things that shouldn't be involved with them. Come, and all of them can be connected with Emperor Zhenwu.

No matter how Emperor Zhenwu planned it back then, the specific content of his plan to steal the sky and replace the sun is not so important to Xu Changqing. After all, the world is different, and the strategy and layout of the year may not be applicable to the current situation. .But there is one point that is very important to Xu Changqing. This point is that the Demon Lord of Great Destruction, who was originally the incarnation of Ying Jie, has now transcended the disaster. Variables beyond heaven and earth,.The only way for Xu Changqing to get rid of his identity as a chess piece is to use variables to disrupt the situation, and no matter how the variables in the avenue of heaven and earth change, they are within the general trend of the world. To disturb the general trend of the world.

Originally, Xu Changqing also thought that the Demon Lord of Destroyer was within the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and was even suppressed by the Dao of Heaven because of his special existence. Otherwise, with his cultivation base strength and power, it should not be impossible to unify the Demon Realm.But from the beginning to the end, the Demon Lord of Great Destroyer was huddled in the cave of the Central Demon Territory. Even if he traveled, he mostly used the very troublesome demonic incarnation.Now Xu Changqing felt a trace of true meaning outside the Dao from the trace of Dao Dao's sword force and sword intent that the Demon Lord of Dao Destroyed just blessed with mana in Di Luo's body, which did not belong to any kind of true meaning of Dao Dao in the Dao of Heaven and Earth.Presumably, the Demon Lord of Great Destruction should have already realized the particularity of the Great Destroyer, so he was inevitably involved in the Dao of Heaven and Earth because of cause and effect.

"I didn't expect him to hide it so deeply. If it wasn't for this accident, maybe it wouldn't be enough." Xu Changqing couldn't help feeling a bit after thinking about the Demon Lord of Destroyer, and said to himself.

It's no wonder Xu Changqing feels this way. If the Great Destroyer Demon Lord is an outsider as he guessed, then his mana will not be restricted by the Heavenly Dao. As long as it is not beyond the power of this world, he can let The strength of the power is raised to the limit of the world.If this is the case, then even if Master Dou Zhan received the help of the Buzhou Mountain Stone Pillar to refine his natal blood and raise his strength to the realm of Xuantian and Celestial Immortals, he might not be the opponent of the Great Destroyer Demon Lord.

Xu Changqing is still not very clear about why the Demon Lord of Destroyer is willing to take the risk of tainting karma, bless Di Luo with mana, and intervene in the war between Buddha and Demon, but what puzzles him at this moment is that it is time for Di Luo to be blessed Mana.

The Sword of Destruction contained in the three red lights that Di Luo just displayed is the purest Sword of Destruction, and it is also the sword of Destruction that should not appear on Di Luo's body. Its purity exceeds that of Xu Changqing. In the entire Kunlun Three Realms, only the Lord of Destroyer could possess this method.Leaving aside whether it is possible for Di Luo to practice this technique, even if he can accomplish this technique, when he met Xu Changqing before that, Xu Changqing was able to shatter the power of the sword and the sword intent.But the weird thing is that Xu Changqing didn't have any abnormalities at the time, so Di Luo probably obtained this trace of the Great Destroyer Sword Power and Sword Intent from other means after he separated from Xu Changqing.

Xu Changqing couldn't help but focus on the piece of land fragments that had become a place of melee. In his opinion, the intruders of the entire middle blood mist world have been concentrated here. If we want to find out the trace The source of the Great Destroyer's power and intent can only be here, among these powerhouses of the Three Realms.

Just when Xu Changqing's attention was extended to the piece of land fragments, the Dou Zhan Master, who had already stabilized the injury of Master Shengtian, turned towards Di Luo, and suddenly said inexplicably that he would use this method of borrowing corpses to plot against I fight against the Lord of the City, the Lord of Destroyer, you are too despicable to be a human being!No wonder they have been huddled in the Central Demon Realm for so many years and dare not come out. "

"My lord, what do you mean?" Di Luo obviously didn't understand what the other party meant, frowned and asked back.

Master Dou Zhan snorted coldly and said hum!It is undeniable that you, Di Luo, are indeed stronger than my senior brother, but do you think that you can seriously injure him to this point with just your blow? "Do not skip words.

Hearing what Master Dou Zhan said, Di Luo was stunned. He really didn't think so much just now, and all his attention was focused on Master Dou Zhan. Now that Master Dou Zhan mentioned it, it happened to make him feel the A lot is wrong.As Master Dou Zhan said, although Di Luo's clear strength is higher than that of Master Shengtian, it will not be much higher. At most, it is only a small realm. Arrived and responded.Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to seriously injure the Holy Heaven Master, at most he would only be slightly injured, or destroy a few Buddhist treasures. It is obviously not something he can do if he is seriously injured and dying like he is now.

In addition, Di Luo also made a pilgrimage to the Holy Heavenly Master, which is really inexplicable, because of the confrontation between Buddha and demon, not to mention other people, even he would not.He still remembered that when the Lord of the Holy Heaven was relying on him, his soul suddenly felt an extreme hatred. This hatred came and went quickly, but it was only a moment. In this moment, he Already following the heartbeat, the pilgrimage to the Lord of Heaven made a move, which made him feel like a puppet being controlled by rape.

Chapter 770 The Seventh Supreme Demon

Chapter 770 The Seventh Supreme Demon Is

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