Nine idlers

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Life Regrets (This chapter is free)

It has been almost ten days since the Ghost Festival. Since Chen Deshang came to see Xu Changqing once on the night of the Ghost Festival, he took his family and set off for Shanghai on the third day.The reason why Chen Deshang came to disturb Xu Changqing so late was mainly because of the letter he asked Jin Yunpeng to take to the north. The letter put forward some conditions, one of which was that after the Chen family assisted Yuan Shikai in regaining power, he was not allowed to extend his power to Come here from Jiangnan.He felt that he had put forward this point a bit too much, and thought that Yuan Shikai might not agree, which would cause the chance of reconciliation to be wasted. In a depressed mood, he came to Xu Changqing and wanted to consult his opinion for peace of mind.

However, in Xu Changqing's view, Chen Deshang's condition was not excessive at all. Even if it was an excessive condition, Yuan Shikai would still agree to it at this moment.He is now being looked down upon by the old lady in the Forbidden City, and he really needs help from outside, otherwise he would not have sent Duan Qirui to find the Chen family, and asked Duan Qirui to send Jin Yunpeng to Guangzhou to seek some help. Funded by a powerful merchant.But after all, Cixi broke out from that kind of life-and-death palace battle. She saw Yuan Shikai's little tricks in her eyes and kept it in her heart. Before Duan Qirui left Tianjin, she would be the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi who had a good relationship with the Chen family. Cen Chunxuan was replaced, and Zhang Renjun was reassigned as governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

Zhang Renjun was born as a Jinshi, he is quite capable, he is known as a thousand-mile horse, and he is an out-and-out royalist.After he took office as governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, he began to suppress the revolutionary party vigorously, and used this as an excuse to set up various obstacles for Jin Yunpeng, causing those merchants who had expressed their willingness to support Yuan Shikai to temporarily change their minds, making Jin Yunpeng return without success.In addition, he also dispatched the masters assigned to him by Cixi to set up an ambush to assassinate Jin Yunpeng, so that Jin Yunpeng fled from Guangdong and Guangxi, and fled to Chen Jiachong for refuge.It's just that he didn't expect that misfortune comes with blessings, and when he arrived in Chenjiachong, he made him do something that Duan Qirui himself couldn't do, and formed an alliance with the Chen family.

The Meng family has been abandoned by Yuan Shikai, coupled with Cixi's strict defense, there must be no masters around Yuan Shikai who can watch his spirits, and he certainly doesn't know that he is a dormant dragon at the moment. Although there are some twists and turns, there is bound to be a comeback possible.Just because Yuan Shikai couldn't see his own future clearly, the Chen family was like a life-saving straw for him at the moment. No matter what, he would firmly grasp it, and he would agree to any conditions, but he would not comply afterwards. Compliance is not necessarily the case.In fact, Chen Deshang never thought that Yuan Shikai would obediently abide by the conditions in the letter. The reason why he proposed these conditions was just a disguised humiliation to Yuan Shikai.With the strength of the Chen family, even if Yuan Shikai took control of the power in the north, it would be absolutely impossible for him to expand his power to the south, not to mention that there is a revolutionary army in the south that the Chen family plans to secretly support.

After getting Xu Changqing's suggestion, Chen Deshang, who was at ease, led Chen Tao and others and several important concubines, left Chen Jiachong, and traveled northward along the Yangtze River to Shanghai. At the same time, I talked with some Americans in Shanghai about the acquisition of American industrial plants.

Among the several sons and daughters of the Chen family, the eldest son, Chen Jingguo, is in charge of managing the overseas business of the Chen family in Europe in England. European high circles.Needless to say, the second son, Chen Fan, joined the revolutionary army with great enthusiasm and became the backbone of it. However, his luck was bad and he was trapped in Guangzhou and failed to make a big difference.The third son, Chen Zhenshan, has become a Shanghai beach tycoon by virtue of his own strength, and he can be regarded as an outlier in the Chen family.The fourth son, Chen Zhangping, runs in Shanghai and Hong Kong, is in charge of all the businesses of the Chen family, and is also the heir of the Huaxia industry of the Chen family in the future.The eldest daughter Chen Huilan is now studying in Japan, studying Western medicine, and met many enlightened people, including Ms. Qiu Jin, a heroine of Jianhu who Chen Deshang and Xu Changqing also admire very much.

At the beginning of this year, Ms. Qiu Jin returned to China to serve as the supervisor of Datong Academy. Chen Deshang made a special trip to congratulate her. Xu Changqing even left Chen Jiachong with Chen Deshang to attend the opening ceremony at the risk of disaster.At that time, Xu Changqing once had a long talk with Ms. Qiu Jin about the future trend of the country. He found that Ms. Qiu Jin's views on the current situation were very consistent with his own observation of China's luck. There was no Taoism and metaphysics in it. , Xu Changqing bid farewell to him as a disciple when he left.

At that time, Xu Changqing saw her face and found that she had a bloody disaster, but unfortunately at that time, because of the concern about the disaster of heaven and earth, her spiritual consciousness was dusty, and all the methods of fortune-telling and fortune-telling lost their original effect, and she could not calculate her fortune.It wasn't until the news of Ms. Qiu Jin's arrest reached Chen Jiachong a month ago that Xu Changqing realized the seriousness of the matter. Unfortunately, before he and Chen Deshang rescued her, Ms. Qiu Jin was murdered by the Qing court in Shaoxing.This matter has become Xu Changqing's lifelong regret, so that he often sighs that China has lost another heroine who is far better than men.Perhaps it was precisely because of Qiu Jin's death that Chen Deshang completely lost trust in the Qing court and turned to fully support the Revolutionary Party.

Regarding his youngest son, Chen Deshang did not intend to let him waste time by his side, but planned to buy several factories in North America and hand them over to Chen Tao to take care of them.As early as after the reform failed, Chen Deshang learned from Xu Changqing that the catastrophe was coming, and he planned to separate all the properties, so as not to concentrate them all in one basket and end up in danger of being overthrown.At that time, in addition to expanding his industry in Europe, he also invested in dozens of businesses in the United States. Over the years, some investments lost money, while others made money.This time, Chen Deshang also felt that a big war was about to break out in China, so he followed Xu Changqing's suggestion, and after Chen Tao got married, he sent the couple to the United States to take over the property there, so as to avoid the disaster of war .

On the night of the Hungry Ghost Festival, after Chen Deshang left, Xu Changqing did not follow the original plan to refine the Lingbao.For those great writers, writing articles depends on their mood, while for practitioners, refining a spirit treasure depends even more on their mood.Due to Chen Deshang's disturbance, Xu Changqing was not in the mood to refine Lingbao. After collecting all the refining materials in his sleeves, he began to study the Meng family's dragon-hunting acupuncture technique that he had just obtained today.

Idlers of the past dynasties have collected a lot of strange books on numerology, and every few generations, a heir who is proficient in numerology will classify these ancient books and strange books and create a method of fortune-telling deduction suitable for his own family.At that time, the owner of the first generation of Yizhuang accidentally obtained a remnant copy of the "Xunlong Dian'cuo" technique. Through the remnant copy and similar geomancy and geomantic classics, he gave the "Xunlong" in the "Xunlong Dian" technique to him. After sorting it out, and according to this set of rules, I found a Qianlong 'cave' for the ancestors of the Chen family.If the owner of Yizhuang was able to learn the other half of the point-pointing technique of searching for dragons at that time, then he could point Qianlong into a rising dragon, so that the luck of the Chen family could reach the limit of ninety-five years. Replacing the Manchu Qing, sitting on the world.It's a pity that the potential dragon's cave failed to exert its full power in the end. The owner of Yizhuang could only let the Chen family dig an artificial river to flow through the Chen family, forming a pattern of fine water and long flow, so that the Chen family can be prosperous for a long time.

It is precisely because Qianlong's "acupoint" has not been enlightened that the first generation owner of Yizhuang deeply regretted it, and before leaving, he also wrote the article "Looking for Dragon's Acupoint" at all costs in the door. Among the regulations.It was Hu Yueniang's understanding of the obsession of the owners of Yizhuang in the past dynasties to the technique of finding dragons and tapping acupoints that the relationship between her and Xu Changqing eased a little bit. When it comes to mastering human nature, Xu Changqing really wants to Slightly inferior to Hu Yueniang.

The whole book of "Xunlong Pointing" is not very long, except the first half of which is just for reference, the second half with illustrations only adds up to 28 pages, and it only took Xu Changqing one night to complete it. Make a note of it.The content of the second half of the "acupoint" tapping method includes eight "acupoint" methods of dragon, jiao, python, tortoise, tiger, Nandou, Beidou, and three kills. , have different functions. In addition, there are three methods of breaking 'acupoints' and one method of observing pulse and exploring qi.

For Xu Changqing, getting Xunlong's point 'acupoint' technique was just to fulfill a last wish of his ancestors. What really interested him was the pulse-seeing and air-exploring technique in Xunlong's 'point' technique.The only weapon used by the Jiuliu idlers to observe the luck of the world is Zhou Tianling's signature gun. Although this kind of gun can accurately grasp the trend of the luck of the world, it consumes a lot of golden core and true energy , no less than a desperate fight against a well-matched opponent.However, for the Kanyu Fengshui family, even without the support of Taoism, they can clearly grasp the luck of the world with the naked eye and a compass. This is Xu Changqing's long-coveted Kanyu technique.

Xu Changqing painted all night and memorized all the techniques of searching for dragons and pointing 'points', and then painted for ten days to test the effect of observing the pulse and exploring the air. , to confirm whether the results of pulse observation and qi detection are consistent.The final result made Xu Changqing very satisfied. Although Zhou Tianling's signature technique could not achieve the precise effect of Zhou Tianling's signature, but if he added his own divine purpose, then his grasp of the direction of the Qi veins was definitely not in Zhou Tianling's signature. Under the method, and the loss of the golden core and true energy required by Zhou Tianling is only a drop in the bucket compared to Zhou Tianling's signing method.

These days, Xu Changqing traveled almost all the mountains around Chen Jiachong in order to verify the technique of observing the pulse and exploring the qi. Due to the repeated opening of the eyes, the real energy wasted a lot. The breakthrough made him able to sustain it.But what makes him happy is that due to the frequent opening of the eyes of the gods, he has gradually adapted to the discomfort when opening the eyes of the gods. After time, with enough real energy and more practice, he believes that the eyes of the gods will be opened as easily as ordinary eyes. combine.

The statue of Emperor Guan who practiced Shijia's god-beating had been sent to Yizhuang three days ago. Since he has been working hard to integrate the Meng family's dragon-hunting and point-pointing technique into his own way of Taoism, there is no It's time to start the cultivation of the Shi family gods.This statue of Emperor Guan deserves to be worshiped by the Qinggang for 200 years. Almost all the disciples of the Qinggang in the past were outlaws. The fierce spirit of thousands of desperadoes also merged into the statue of Guandi when worshiping him.When Xu Changqing took over the statue of Emperor Guan, he immediately felt the extreme pain in the palm of his hand as if being cut by a knife, and there was a layer of blood-red evil spirit around the statue, which was so thick that it was almost Turned into real plasma, this Guandi who was originally upright also seemed to have become extremely ferocious.

Xu Changqing placed the statue of Emperor Guan under the avenue map in the side room, and was suppressed by the Dao power in the avenue map to prevent any abnormalities. After two days' time, when the yin and yang will meet, he can start cultivating Shijiashen The first product to hit.For Chen Zhenshan, a named disciple, Xu Changqing was not prepared to let him do things for nothing. He picked out the best ten swordsman talismans from his Dao talisman and asked the people of Xinglong to bring them back to him.When you need to use it, just burn the talisman paper into ashes and swallow it, and within twelve hours, except for the eyes, genitals and ears and other weak doors, other parts of the body will be invulnerable, not even a pistol. cause some damages.

This is a kind of dao talisman that Xu Changqing 'fumbled' out by himself. Its origin is the Vajra Talisman of the White Lotus Sect, a side branch of Buddhism. According to legend, this kind of talisman was created by Tang Sai'er, the Holy Mother of the White Lotus Sect in the middle of the Ming Dynasty.Xu Changqing used the Vajra Talisman to delete some flashy Buddhist Golden Light Mantras, and added a little Daoist Spirit Gathering Mantra, turning the Vajra Talisman that can only last for less than one hour into a sword talisman that can last for twelve hours.Chen Zhenshan took more than a dozen of them when he went to Shanghai, and the master nurses of the Chen family, as well as some Chen family children who were assigned dangerous tasks, also liked this kind of talisman very much. This weapon talisman became the best-selling talisman among the thousands of talismans in Xu Changqing's hands.

Unlike other Yizhuang owners, Xu Changqing has never used a cent of the Chen family's money since he took over Yizhuang. All his expenses are earned by himself. This is the only thing Chen Deshang is dissatisfied with Xu Changqing, which makes Chen Deshang feel A little alienated from the owner of Yizhuang.The main source of Xu Changqing's money, in addition to the rewards for helping those Xiangxi exorcists and other Taoists to solve their problems every year, is also one of his main sources of money.Many merchants who still have a good relationship with Chen De will spend a lot of money to ask Xu Changqing to give orders for them, and each order is almost enough for Xu Changqing to spend for a year.

This was done deliberately by Xu Changqing. He just wanted to get his main luck out of the Chen family's luck veins without anyone noticing it. Obviously, this decision was made when inheriting Yizhuang Very correct.When the catastrophe fell, the luck of the Chen family began to fall to a stable point due to the relationship with the private house, but Xu Changqing's luck had been rising all the time, and it had even reached an extreme recently.In this way, Xu Changqing can not only use the Chen family to block the catastrophe, but also not be affected by the weakening of the Chen family's energy, so that he has completed the first step to safely survive the catastrophe.

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