Nine idlers

Chapter 21 Flying Rock Crypt

Chapter 21 Flying Stones 'Cave'

On this day, Xu Changqing walked towards Feishi Mountain to the north of Chen Jiachong alone.Because you are walking in a straight line, you have to pass through layers of mountains and forests, and the road is hidden in the bushes, with ups and downs, and there are many relatively dangerous cliffs along the way, so it is extremely difficult to walk.This road can be said to be barren and inhabited. Except for a small number of woodcutters and hunters who come and go nearby from time to time, other ordinary people rarely set foot here.

Here, Xu Changqing didn't need to take into account the worldly vision of what he was doing, and displayed all the worldly martial arts he had practiced for many years, so that his hands and feet could move freely, preparing for the practice of Shijia Shenda two days later.Although the dense forest is full of weeds, and the branches branched wantonly like needles, but for Xu Changqing, this obstacle is nothing.

After making sure that there was no one around, he let go of his hands and feet, jumped up, his body turned into feathers, and floated on the slightly low-hanging grass blades, and then jumped up like a dragonfly on water, with extremely fast speed. speeding forward.When there was a tree branch blocking the way in front of him, his figure twisted strangely, and he easily passed around the tip of the branch sticking outwards, and the speed of his forward drifting did not change at all.

This lightness kung fu was found by Xu Changqing's master after he wiped out a flower picker who traveled across the south of the Yangtze River. The real name of lightness kung fu is ghosts and spirits. From the name, it is known that it is mainly fast, changeable, and endurance.This set of lightness kung fu can be regarded as the top level of lightness kung fu in the secular martial arts. It is said that after practicing it to the extreme, it can travel thousands of miles a day without being touched by wind and dust.Although this lightness skill is as shallow as a child's play in front of the Taoist technique of flying clouds and driving fog, the technique of flying clouds and driving fog is an authentic mystery of Taoism. The world's top lightness kung fu can be regarded as better than nothing.

Because Xu Changqing has already entered the innate state of the last stage of refining and transforming qi, and what he circulates is not ordinary inner family zhenqi, but Jindan Zhenyuan, which is hundreds of times and thousands of times stronger than inner family zhenqi, which makes him very happy. He easily practiced this set of lightness skills to the highest level.Although the highest state of this kind of lightness kung fu is not like the legend that it can travel thousands of miles a day and stay away from the wind and dust, but judging from the four characters of ghosts and gods in the name of lightness kung fu, he has already achieved that effect.He once tried to run Jindan Zhenyuan in Chenjiachong, and he used all his strength to display ghosts and spirits. He really seemed to have become a gust of wind, shuttling through the streets and alleys of Chenjiachong, so fast that he couldn't see people clearly.In addition, the special internal breath operation method of this kind of qinggong makes the air around the body slide to the two sides without any hindrance, not only increasing the speed, but also making no sound, so that the three watchmen in the Chen family that day all said by coincidence that they saw ghosts. , Wandering in the mountain city caused quite a commotion.

Running quickly in the woods with light work, because you need to avoid some branches and branches, you need to suddenly change your luck method from time to time to drive your body to twist to avoid it. Although this can train your body's response well, it still feels a little troublesome over time.So Xu Changqing stopped suddenly, his luck rose, and he stood weightlessly on a thorn grass, and looked up at the tree crowns above.

After finding a way to go up, he lightly tapped the blades of grass under his feet, his body flew up, and then tapped the canopy of the trees beside him several times with his toes, and he circled up like a giant python, avoiding dense foliage overhead.When he was approaching the crown of the tree, he flipped over very freely and kicked a protruding branch and leaf on the right side, and rushed straight up.Following his hands, he circulated the water palm softness in Wudang Taihemen Yinyang Wuxing's hand, and slapped several palms on the branches above his head. After shaking open a big hole, he stretched his arms, and before the tree hole closed, his whole body turned into a A roc leaped out of the dense forest, gliding past the top of the canopy.

At this moment, Xu Changqing is like a land fairy, with his hands behind his back, walking leisurely at his feet, lightly touching the leaves on the treetops, and quickly passing in the air. When feeling the mountain wind blowing across his face, the braids on his head are like swimming snakes It is generally bent and twisted, and the sound of the golden bell at the tail adds a bit of freshness to the silence in the mountains.

Although Xu Changqing couldn't ride the clouds and travel around the world like those legendary immortals and Buddhas, he felt very satisfied riding the wind and wandering around the world like this.In his opinion, the lightness kung fu of a secular martial art can actually make people have the power to resist the wind, which is not much worse than those of the gods and the five elements. There is no one else in the worldly martial arts that can practice it.However, how could he have thought that there are a few people in the secular martial arts who can reach the innate state, and the cultivation world has always looked down upon the extraordinary skills of the secular martial arts, and there is not enough time to practice Taoism every day, so how can they be like idlers? Also, if you have time to practice light-body exercises or boxing kung fu that have nothing to do with the Dao?

With Xu Changqing's speed, he soon arrived at Feishi Mountain where he was going. After an open pond appeared in front of him, he tapped on the branches, rushed out of the top of the forest, turned over gracefully in mid-air, and landed lightly. On the boulder next to the pond.According to the local people, this flying stone mountain fell from the sky, and the pond next to the mountain is a deep pit that was made by rolling a few times when the mountain fell. Fallen old monster.

It is not uncommon for legends like Feishishan to have one or two in every state. Xu Changqing has never seen the old pond monster that the locals call it, but it is true that there is a big carp that is about to mature in the pond. of.

Seeing that Xu Changqing landed on the stones by the pond, he took out a dozen or so self-refined calming pills from his sleeve and threw them into the water.Not long after, the pond began to stir, and a carp that was as big as Yizhuang's big bath tub and had two golden dragon beards by its mouth jumped out of the water.At the same time it leaped out of the water, it flicked its tail and patted the tranquilizing pill floating on the water into the air. Then the fish mouth sucked it hard, and a dozen pills were sucked into his stomach without falling.When the carp fell into the water, its tail patted the water surface vigorously on purpose, splashing water onto Xu Changqing's coat, as if dissatisfied that there were only a dozen or so danyangs, and then quickly dived into the depths of the pond.

Seeing the provocation of the carp, Xu Changqing couldn't help shaking his head and smiling. He shook the hem of the gown with his hand to shake off the water drops, and then jumped up, touching the water surface with his toes a few times, towards the middle of a cliff opposite the pond. A vine rushed past.When he was about to hit the cliff, suddenly there seemed to be a ripple of water in the air around the cliff, and Xu Changqing sank into the rocks of the cliff without a sound, and everything around him returned to calm.

The ancestral tomb of the Chen family is in the belly of Feishi Mountain. The first generation owner of Yizhuang found this place by accident, and discovered the phantom formation artificially arranged and the carp spirit guarding it.At that time, in order to enter the cave leading to the mountainside behind the phantom array, the owner of the first generation of Yizhuang even fought a battle with carp.Although the carp essence has not yet transformed into a dragon, it already possesses the ability of some dragons to cast rain and strike thunder. The owner of the first generation of Yizhuang spent a lot of effort and lost a few powerful magic tools to subdue him.

Later, the owner of the first generation of Yizhuang discovered a Qianlong cave in the cave, as well as a young phoenix cave that was born with the Qianlong cave.Qianlong's Cave is very rich and very suitable for burying the ancestors of the Chen family, while Chufeng's Cave has a restrained aura and is hidden deep.Later, the owner of the first generation of Yizhuang sealed the remains of the ancestors of the Chen family in golden coffins and buried them in Qianlong's Cave. The corresponding position of the young phoenix' hole'.There are a total of 36 bone burial places in the "Cave" of the young phoenix. Except for the first generation of Yizhuang owners who got the spiritual objects of heaven and earth and repaired the avenue to fly away, the rest of the previous generations of Jiuliu idlers and the owners of Yizhuang in the past are all buried here. When it comes to Xu Changqing's generation, it happens to be the seventh generation descendant of Jiuliu idler No.30.However, the bone burial site that originally belonged to him here was used by Xu Changqing to bury his mother's remains when he buried his master here.That is to say, if Xu Changqing can't form a golden core, then he can only be buried elsewhere after his death.

The reason why the bone burial site of Chu Feng 36 is so important to the idlers of all ages is because it can make the soul of the bone buryer be nourished by the star power of Tiangang even if it reincarnates countless times, although it will not be extremely rich, but But he can be free from disease and disaster, and his soul can always reincarnate in the human realm, and he can re-enter the Hunyuan Avenue if he has a chance.

Although Xu Changqing's mother died before he was born, it doesn't mean that he has no feelings for his mother.When he was learning Taoism with the owner of Daiyizhuang, he strongly demanded that his mother's grave be transferred from the cemetery at the foot of the mountain to Taohua Mountain.After that, he studied his fate even more intensively, and when he was 12 years old, he forcibly reversed Zhou Tianling's signature to calculate his mother's fate.You must know that in the absence of the true spirit of life, looking back at the fate of others out of thin air is an act against the heavens, and you will be sent by the heavens.Fortunately, his master rescued him in time, so he didn't lose his life in this incident.

Although the calculation is only a beginning, Xu Changqing already knew that her mother was kicked out of the house by her husband's family, and her mother's family did not take her in, so she was exiled to Chen Jiachong through hardships, and finally felt that life was boring, so she hanged herself.Due to reverse observation of fate and fortune, only a vague outline can be seen, and the specific events, names of people and houses are unknown. The only thing that impressed Xu Changqing very deeply is that there is a huge chastity archway at the entrance of his mother's natal village. Kangxi's own handwritten book.

When Xu Changqing took over Yizhuang, he vowed to find those two families and let them often suffer their own pain.So he didn't hesitate to owe Chen Deshang the karmic favor and asked him to help him find the clues on the chastity archway and his jade pendant, but it's a pity that ten years have passed and there is still no news.

Except for the previous Patriarchs of the Chen family, only the owner of Yizhuang can know the Qianlong's Cave of Feishi Mountain, but the Patriarch of the Chen family only knows the approximate location, not the way to enter.Compared with other Yizhuang owners, Xu Changqing obviously came to Feishi Mountain much more frequently. He just wanted to let himself not forget the humiliation and pain his mother suffered when he saw his mother's tomb.

After entering the cave, Xu Changqing stepped on the slightly 'wet' ground and walked straight down towards the mountainside. After walking for a while, there began to appear maze-like forks, and these forks were widely distributed. Gradually formed a natural eight-door 'ecstasy' array.Xu Changqing walked down the familiar fork, and after passing through the eight-door enchantment array, he came to a relatively open cave.A simple mausoleum was built in the center of the cave. On the tombstones were written the names of the ancestors of the Chen family. On the surrounding stone walls there were long-burning lamps lit with Jiaoren oil. Four transparent stone beasts were guarding the tomb. There was a giant python with the thickness of a bucket swimming in the cave, and when it saw Xu Changqing coming, it swam towards him.

This giant python, which has almost become fine, was also subdued by the first generation owner of Yizhuang. The reason why it was placed in Qianlong's "cave" was to guard the tomb and to let it absorb Qianlong. The dragon energy emanating from the 'cave' makes it have the foundation to become a dragon and transform into a jiao in the future.Because Xu Changqing often came to Feishi Mountain, and brought some calming pills to this giant python to increase its cultivation and Taoism, and from time to time, he would listen to some Taoist masters to make it enlightened, so in the past dynasties Among the owners of Yizhuang, it has the best relationship with Xu Changqing.

Seeing the giant python with its head held high, its mouth wide open, and the red letter spitting out towards him, ordinary people would have fainted from fright, but Xu Changqing, who is used to it, smiled, took out more than a dozen calming pills from his sleeve, and threw them Put it into the mouth of the giant python, then pat its head, and let it go aside to practice by itself.The giant python swallowed the Dingshen Pill, pushed its head against Xu Changqing's body, then retreated to the side and tucked its head into its body, concentrating on refining the power of Dingshen Pill.

Xu Changqing walked to the tomb of the ancestors of the Chen family, took out three sticks of incense from his sleeve, and bowed respectfully to the tomb of the ancestors of the Chen family, offering five-body throwing ceremony.The reason why Jiuliu idlers are willing to assist the Chen family for more than 100 years, and the first generation owner of Yizhuang did not hesitate to postpone his chance of attaining enlightenment, and spent energy to find the Qianlong "cave" for the Chen family, is to pay respects to Chen who is buried in this tomb. The ancestors of the family repay their kindness.It was the ancestor of the Chen family who helped him find the spiritual object of heaven and earth that helped the first generation of Yizhuang masters to form a golden core and cultivate a road. The Jindan Dao has played a very important role, and it is from this generation of idlers that they have their own complete set of ways to achieve enlightenment.

This is not only the great kindness of the Chen family to the Jiuliu idlers, but also the great cause and effect, but the first generation of Yizhuang masters have cultivated the Tao and are not involved in karma, so the karma of the Chen family can only be traced later. The heirs to repay.In this way, he will establish the lineage of the owner of the Yizhuang in Taohua Mountain, and at the same time arrange the Tiangang Star Dou array in the young phoenix's cave. .

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