Nine idlers

Chapter 22 Earth Qi Fire Spirit

Chapter 22 Earth Air Fire Spirit

After worshiping the ancestors of the Chen family, Xu Changqing continued to walk along the cave behind the mausoleum. As he got deeper and deeper into the mountainside, the temperature here gradually increased, and the surrounding earth atmosphere became very thick .At this moment, Xu Changqing frowned, stopped, closed his eyes slightly, and felt the atmosphere and heat around him.This is not the first time he has come to Chufeng's Cave. Although it was very hot before, and the earth's air was thicker than other places, it has never been so thick as today. It feels like it is about to freeze, making it difficult to breathe. pain of.

The scene in front of him was really not right, Xu Changqing raised his hand and silently pinched his fingers to figure out what happened here.Just when he exerted all his strength to fix the universe with his palm, the long-gown Lingbao on his body automatically began to absorb the surrounding earth energy under the control of the outer circle of the universe in his sleeve.Streams of the purest earth energy were sucked into the world that Xu Changqing had built with the universe in his sleeve, and gradually expanded until it was on the same level as Xu Changqing's Golden Core body.Although the universe in the sleeve is no longer expanding, the absorption of earth energy has not stopped. The rich earth energy gradually condenses into a small pitch-black ball in the universe in the sleeve, and the ball seems to have no bottom line. Influx, can not fill it.

Xu Changqing, who had vaguely grasped some of the situation, woke up from the formula of "one palm to determine the universe", and immediately he discovered the strangeness of the world in the sleeve of his body.He understood that this was a great opportunity accumulated by the 35 generations of his ancestors, so he didn't dare to neglect, and sat cross-legged with five hearts facing the sky, letting the long-gown spirit treasure on his body absorb the spiritual energy of the five elements. The Dingtian Hunyuan Orb in that side of the world, while he silently mobilized the three yang real fires that had been practiced to the extreme in his body, gathered them on the top of his head, and absorbed the five elements of real fire that filled the cave wantonly.

After inhaling the real fire energy of the five elements, the color of the three-yang real fire gathering on the top of the head gradually changed from dark purple to black, and the fire ball shrank smaller and smaller, and finally shrunk to A fingernail-sized ball emitting black flames.Afterwards, the aura in the entire cave no longer scattered and lost, but Qin and Jin clearly poured into the two small beads on the top of Xu Changqing's head and body respectively. Absorbing the surrounding aura.

With the passage of time, all the spiritual energy in the cave was absorbed by the two beads. At this moment, there was an incomparably clear bird song from the depths of the cave, followed by a five-element sound that was stronger than before. The real fire energy and five elements spirit energy rushed towards the two beads.Xu Changqing suddenly felt a burst of cold and heat in his body and excruciating pain, which made him have to completely immerse his mind in his true name, get rid of the sensation of lust, and let the two auras from Yin to Yang refine his body.

At this time, without Xu Changqing's control, the real fire beads on the head absorbed the aura suddenly faster, as if swallowing the five-element real fire that came out with the birdsong in one gulp, making the five-element real fire The anger disappeared instantly.The True Fire Bead also changed after absorbing the extremely pure Five Elements True Fire Qi. The black outer layer of the bead shattered like an egg shell, and the silver-white light inside the bead burst out suddenly. The real fireball immediately turned into a white fireball, and the fireball was still expanding.When the fireball swelled to the size of a human head, it suddenly split into three, turning into three fist-sized fireballs that hovered in the air and landed on Xu Changqing's shoulders and the top of Xu Changqing's head respectively. White flames continued to emerge from the ball. Immediately retracted, as if refining himself.It didn't stop changing until the fireball shrank to the size of a thumb, and Xu Changqing's Sanyang True Fire also turned into the current Sanwei True Fire before the Golden Core was formed, at least in a sense it was Sanwei True Fire.

Compared with the change of the True Fire Orb, the Heaven-fixing Hunyuan Orb in Xu Jiujiu's sleeve in the world of universe is not so lucky.When the True Fire Bead lost control and absorbed the yang and soft five-element real fire qi, the five-element earth aura that interacted with it became frenzied because of the loss of the opponent's suppression. It shattered because it couldn't bear the influx of the earth's spiritual energy, which was extremely dark and rigid.Because of the loss of the long-gown spirit treasure that can absorb the aura of the earth, the Dingtian Hunyuan Orb in the universe in the sleeve no longer changes, and the universe in the sleeve is directly connected with Xu Changqing's natal body, forming a The inner cycle of heaven and earth has completed the cultivation of the first level of the universe in the sleeves of the ancient times.

The aura of the Five Elements Earth that Xu Changqing could not fully absorb violently crashed into the cave, causing a moderate earthquake.Just when the cave was about to be collapsed by the aura of the five elements, the giant python guarding the tomb of the Chen family rushed over, opened its mouth wide, spit out a bead, and quickly absorbed the aura of the five elements into the Inside the bead, swallowed it into the belly, and then slowly exited the cave.

After everything around him calmed down, Xu Changqing didn't wake up immediately. His mind was observing the changes in his body bit by bit through his natal true spirit.Under the refinement of the two energies of the five elements, from yin to yang, from rigidity to softness, the meridians of his body have reached the limit of golden elixir practice, and they have passed through the Great Zhoutian without forming a golden elixir.After running 36 rounds of small circles quickly, the Jindan Zhenyuan enters the cycle of the Great Circle. After being refined by the eight meridians of the Great Circle, it turns into a golden 'liquid' and accumulates the true essence in the upper, middle, and lower three circles. In the dantian, there is no loss of the ability to transform the golden core essence into gold liquid essence because of the loss of the outer circle of the gown spirit treasure.

Due to the large cycle of circulation forced by external force, the meridians in Xu Changqing's body were damaged in many places. If some places are not repaired immediately, they will become chronic diseases, and they will not be able to achieve perfection if they try to repair them in the future.So after everything around him became calm, he dismantled the first layer of golden body of meritorious virtues that he had cultivated with great difficulty, and all the golden light of meritorious virtues slowly penetrated into the damaged meridians, further refining the tenacity of the meridians all over his body strength.As for the extra golden light of merit, it rushed upwards into the god's eye on Xu Changqing's forehead, refining and decomposing the evil and resentment that the previous master of Yizhuang had not fully refined, so that Xu Changqing, the god-given god's eye, could Play it to its full potential.

When the last ray of golden light of merit merged into the meridian and the eyes of the gods, Xu Changqing's mind withdrew from the true soul of his life. He felt the changes in every inch of his body, and great joy similar to attaining the Tao rose in his heart. Afterwards, it has been improved a lot. Although the number of deduction of Taoism has not been expanded, it has made the Taoism more stable and will not be invaded by external demons.

Suddenly, Xu Changqing raised his head upwards, following his heart, the eyes on his forehead opened effortlessly in his mind, just like the eyes of ordinary people.When the god's eyes were opened, a divine light invisible to the naked eye shot out from the god's eyes, penetrated the mountain above the head, rushed straight up, penetrated the clouds, and entered the boundless sky.Xu Changqing became extremely excited and surprised at this moment, he could actually see the scene outside the sky at this moment.Although under the guidance of the owner of Yizhuang in the previous generation, he has also read many western astronomical works, knowing that the earth under his feet is round, the earth revolves around the sun, and the surrounding of the earth is void, etc., but he knows the same thing, Seeing it with your own eyes is another matter.Especially after he saw that the ugly surface on the moon was completely opposite to the moon palace scene he had imagined when he was a child, he felt an inexplicable sense of loss.

When Xu Changqing wanted to continue to extend the range of the divine light, he suddenly felt dizzy, which should be caused by the excessive consumption of the spiritual consciousness in the upper dantian.So he quickly withdrew his divine light, stored his consciousness in the golden 'liquid' true essence of the upper dantian, and at the same time wrapped his mind with the golden 'liquid' true essence of the middle dantian to slowly nourish and refine it.The upper dantian divine sense controls the power of the divine eye, and the divine eye has been completely connected with the divine sense after being refined by the golden light of merit. The stronger the divine sense, the stronger the power of the divine eye, just like the divine light just now It is just an extension of the microscopic ability of the gods.The mind of the middle dantian controls the mental calculation of fate, the stronger the mind, the stronger the response to the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and the accuracy of using various fortune-telling methods will also increase accordingly.When he goes down to the dantian to form the golden elixir, then he can carry out the practice of refining Qi and transforming the spirit of the supernatant nine-turn golden elixir, and the practice of combining the three talents into one. The road to ascension.

This opportunity to use external force to improve cultivation was carefully arranged by the owner of the first generation of Yizhuang. After he discovered Qianlong's cave and Chufeng's cave, he easily detected two strange 'caves' ', each has the real fire energy and the earth spirit energy in the five elements of heaven and earth, and they suppress each other and accumulate and grow.At that time, he arranged the Tiangang Star Array in Chufeng's Cave. On the surface, he used the power of the stars to nourish the souls of the idlers of the past generations, so that they could return to the Dao, but in secret, he really relied on the power of the stars to nourish them. The true spirit of the fire phoenix in the 'cave' of the young phoenix.

After all the 36 bone burial sites in Tiangang have buried their bones, then the true spirit of the fire phoenix can mature and break away from the shackles of the earth's aura, soaring away.At that time, the Jiuliu idlers who buried their bones could rely on the pure fire emitted by the true fire phoenix to refine their bodies and minds and complete the golden alchemy road, while the giant python guarding outside could also rely on the earth spirit energy emitted at the same time. If the cultivation is successful, it will turn into an earth dragon, and the big carp in the pond can also use the dragon gate that appears when the python transforms into a dragon, jump over the dragon gate and turn into a heavenly dragon.This can also be regarded as a kind of reward from the owner of the first generation of Yizhuang to the descendants to complete the cause and effect for him, and to guard the tomb with giant pythons and big carps.

The layout of the first-generation Yizhuang owner can be said to be interlocking, but it is a pity that people are not as good as heaven. Even the first-generation Yizhuang owner who has attained the Tao and a half-immortal body cannot calculate everything.He didn't expect that Xu Changqing would actually bury his mother in the "cave" of the young phoenix, which caused flaws to appear in Tiangang 36 Star Dou. Pure Yanghuo failed to ascend in the end, and had to dissipate the five elements of true fire energy in the body, returning to the initial state of the young phoenix.

Since it is not the purest yang fire, nor is it a spiritual object of heaven and earth, Xu Changqing can't absorb it into a golden pill, so he has to settle for the next best thing, condense the three yang fires he has refined to the limit, and absorb the overflowing five-element real fire energy , and the aura of the five elements that originally belonged to the giant python was absorbed by Xu Changqing's ancient sleeve Qiankun gun into the Dingtian Hunyuan Pearl of that side of the world.At the moment when the true fire phoenix degenerates to the state of a young phoenix, the real fire energy closest to the pure Yang fire and the corresponding pure earth aura radiate from the fire phoenix true spirit.

Because this kind of pure true fire energy and earth spirit energy can refine the meridians, but it can also hurt the mind, Xu Changqing had to give up the control of the real fire orb and the fixed-heaven Hunyuan bead, and retreated his mind to the true spirit to hide.In this way, the real fire pearl failed to complete the final refinement under the control of the mind, and the Sanwei real fire, which was only available after the golden elixir was achieved, was divided into three by itself at the last moment, and it changed into another kind that was a bit nondescript. The three flavors are really hot.Different from the three-flavored real fire that can incinerate all things and refine the essence, this kind of three-flavored real fire can't burn things, can't hurt people, and can only be used to refine magic tools and life spirits. At best, it can be regarded as a kind of fire for cultivation.

As for the Dingtian Hunyuan Orb, it was even worse. Due to the loss of control, the absorption speed of the Dingtian Hunyuan Orb suddenly accelerated, making it impossible for the Long-coated Spirit Treasure, which is the only external weapon of the universe in its sleeve, to bear so much influx of earth spirit energy. , thereby breaking apart.Although after the refinement of the earth aura, the universe in the sleeve has been connected with the natal aura, but because the most pure earth aura has not been fully absorbed by the Dingtian Hunyuan Pearl, it is cheaper than the giant python, making Dingtian The Hunyuan Pearl didn't do its best.After completing the important function of finally breaking the Hunyuan and achieving the living world, it became a dead pearl instead.As a result, the universe in the sleeves can never become a living world corresponding to the real world as deduced by the realm of Dao Xin. No matter how the universe in the sleeves improves along with the natal desire in the future, this world will always be one. A dead world without any aura.

Although the great opportunities that have been accumulated for more than a hundred years this time are much worse than the benefits expected by the first-generation Yizhuang owner, and even failed to complete the Jindan Road, Xu Changqing is already very satisfied.Not to mention that the meridians in his body have been practiced to the extreme of the Great Circumference, and the golden elixir can directly extract the golden 'liquid' true essence from the Great Circumference, and the half-baked Sanwei Zhenhuo alone is enough to make him feel that this trip is not allowed. After all, this kind of training fire that can refine magic weapons allows him to refine the same items into better magic tools or spirit treasures, without the need to search for third-rate spirit treasures or carefully use spirit treasures handed down from his ancestors up.Secondly, although the Dingtian Hunyuan Pearl has become a dead pearl, he can still feel the powerful power contained in the pearl, but he doesn't know how to use it.

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