Nine idlers

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Lingwei Twin Demons

"As expected, he is the only one who has attained the Tao among the idlers of the past dynasties!" Xu Changqing breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes, and said involuntarily after dividing his mind to control the circulation of the true energy in his body.Although the owner of the first generation of Yizhuang took great pains and failed to do his best, it also benefited Xu Changqing a lot. Just the three-flavored real fire that can refine magic weapons is enough for him to be overjoyed .Although he lost the golden body of merit, he has no regrets. After all, the golden body of merit is just a means for him to overcome the catastrophe, and the Shijia God Fight is also a body training method, and its effect is more practical than the golden body of merit. Strong on too much.

He stood up and looked at himself. The long gown and spirit treasures he was wearing had been broken into pieces and scattered all over the floor, but the underwear and short gown that he was wearing inside were fine.Although the Lingbao of the gown has been broken, it is made of ice silk after all. Even if it is broken, these fragments alone are still a treasure. Xu Changqing didn't waste any of it. He stretched out his hand and rolled it up, putting it in his sleeve In the world, leave it for him to use.

After tidying up, Xu Changqing continued to walk towards the young phoenix' lair inside.He found that the original pitted stone walls around the cave became much smoother after being impacted by the real fire energy and the earth spirit energy, and it felt a bit like glazed glass.In addition, he also found that even if he did not use the Taoist eye, he could see everything around him as clearly as daylight.Many small things that used to be seen clearly with the eyes of the gods now only need a little concentration, and they can also be seen clearly with the naked eye. It seems that the golden light pair of merits just refined not only the eyes of the forehead, but also the pair of mortals. The naked eye has also been refined to have some abilities.

Xu Changqing walked briskly, and soon came to the young phoenix's lair. Although the scene in front of him was within his expectation, it still surprised him a little.The entire cave directly bears all the real fire after the birth of the real fire phoenix, and all the surfaces have turned into an unknown substance as transparent as western glass, a bit like the legendary Tianyang diamond.He tried to knock off that substance and take it back for refining, but no matter what he did, he couldn't bring any harm to the substance, and even his not-so-pure Sanwei Zhenhuo would only make the substance more difficult. The burning became harder, and finally exhausted all means, he could only lament that he was not blessed to enjoy this treasure.

On the ground in the center of the cave, there are 36 tombstones that have been refined into Tianyang diamonds, and the writing on the tombstones is still clearly visible.In the center of the Star Dou Formation of Tiangang, there is a small mound like a volcano. There was no such thing at this time. The diamond seals the channel, and when it matures next time, the pure fire can be used to close it.

After being refined by the Fire Phoenix True Spirit, the Tiangang Star Dou Array in the cave was not damaged but even more perfect.The dome of the cave is covered with irregular Tianyang diamonds, and they all emit a little light from time to time. In this way, a natural celestial star diagram is formed, in which the 36 stars of Tiangang are exactly in the position Corresponding to the tombstone below, it finally forms a great auspicious energy vein of harmony between heaven and earth.Even if the power of the young phoenix' acupoint fades, Xu Changqing, the only descendant of the nine-time idler, can still maintain his luck unabated by virtue of this star formation.

In the entire cave, what caught Xu Changqing's attention the most was the dome of the cave above the small mound in the center of the formation, where a square seal was floating there.If it weren't for his naked eyes being refined by the golden light of merit, it would be difficult to see the square seal the size of a rice cake on it.

Xu Changqing walked to the side of the small mound, looked up at the square seal floating under the dome, calculated the distance in his mind, and suddenly moved up to perform ghostly movements and leap upwards.Since he has already opened up the Great Zhou Tian at this moment, and the ghosts and ghosts have raised another level, the height of about ten feet is not a problem for him at all.However, when he stretched out his hand to grab the square seal, a powerful thunder force rushed into his body along his arm from the square seal, breaking up his gathered true energy, making him unable to maintain his lightness kung fu. Fa Jue, fell down heavily.

"Drink!" Xu Changqing's body was also paralyzed by Lei Jin, and he didn't recover until his body was about to hit the ground. Seeing that he was about to become the first idler who was thrown to death because of that thing, Xu Changqing hurried to luck With a loud shout, he shook off the Lei Jin that was restraining his body, and hastily gathered the water palms of the Yin-Yang and Five-element Hands that gathered his true energy and slapped them on the ground.

"Ah!" Only Xu Changqing screamed, and the falling body rolled on the ground for a few times before stopping the charge.I saw him holding the arm that slapped the ground with his water palm, and stood up with a pale face. It seemed that the arm was broken.

"Damn it! I'm getting carried away!" Xu Changqing endured the pain, put the broken arm back to its original place, and then circulated his true energy to repair the broken bone, constantly blaming himself and introspecting in his heart.If it was normal, he would definitely be cautious, but today's things went so smoothly, and he gained so many benefits. He thought that his luck was good at this moment, and there should be no accidents, so he was so bold just to grab the unknown coin with his hands. The square seal of the name.As everyone knows, prosperity and decline are bound to happen, breaking an arm right now is considered very light, if Xu Changqing dies because of this, then Xu Changqing will be wronged.

Under the nourishment of Jindan Zhenyuan, the broken bone was quickly connected. Xu Changqing checked the square seal that almost killed him, and couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement in his heart, repeatedly secretly thinking that it was worth it.

I saw that the square seal was a copper seal, on which a very fine image of an ancient thunder beast was cast, and on the surface of the seal was engraved the "Seal of the Great Judge of Thunder" with a thin gold body.In the history of the practice world, there is only one person who has been named the Great Judge of Thunder, and that person is Lin Lingsu, the number one demon dao in the late Northern Song Dynasty, and this person is also the strongest master of the Shenxiao Sect of the Sanshan Fulu sect.Back then, no one could match his divine sky thunder technique, even Maoshan and the Dragon and Tiger Sects who were proficient in thunder technique could only look back at him. .This thunderbolt judge's seal was personally cast and carved by the then emperor Song Huizong.

This official seal is kept by the heads of the Shenxiao Sect in the past, and it is tempered by the Shenxiao Leifa every day. It has long been out of the category of Lingbao and has become a thunder artifact. And known in the world.In the Yuan Dynasty, the Shenxiao Sect was once in a state of decline. At that time, because of the Quanzhen Taoism, it was squeezed out of the northern territory, and could only travel to the south. In the end, it had to be merged into Zhengyi. Pai Zhibao was also almost lost due to various reasons, and the seal of the Great Judge Thunder was lost at that time.Unexpectedly, after hundreds of years, this artifact finally fell into the hands of the first generation owner of Yizhuang. Together with the artifact, it fell into the hands of Shangqing Shenxiao Wulei.

But fortunately, hundreds of years have passed since the Seal of Thunder Judge was not nourished with true energy and lightning methods, which greatly reduced its power.Otherwise, according to the power of hundreds of years ago, Xu Changqing didn't use the five thunders of the gods to get the official seal just now, triggering the power of the five thunders in the official seal would not only paralyze him, but would have already lost his soul.

Although the power has weakened, the Great Judge Seal of Thunder is a rare artifact in the world after all. If you want to completely refine it and exert its full power, it will definitely not be able to be moved overnight, and this is not a good refining weapon. device place.Therefore, Xu Changqing, who had a plan in mind, put the official seal in his sleeve into the world of heaven and earth, stretched his connected arm, felt that there was nothing serious, turned around and put a stick of incense on the nine-time idlers and his mother, and got up Leaving the young phoenix 'cave'.

Arriving at the front Qianlong's Cave, the giant python seems to have not completely refined the spiritual energy it swallowed, and still entangled its body, but the snake's head was raised high, repeatedly swallowing and swallowing the black inner alchemy, every time When he swallowed the inner alchemy once, a new horn that grew on its forehead grew a little bit.Seeing that the giant python was in the critical moment of turning into a jiao, Xu Changqing didn't disturb its cultivation, and after burning a few God Concentrating Talismans to help it, he left Qianlong's Cave lightly.

After entering the Eight Gates' Fascinating Soul Formation, some caves collapsed due to the earthquake caused by the aura just now. Xu Changqing had to fumble around and walk around. Fortunately, he was very familiar with this place. , even if he detours to other routes, he can quickly find the correct route.Just as he was about to approach the exit, suddenly some voices came in from outside, it seemed that someone was outside, and the presence of someone made him feel inexplicably nervous.

Xu Changqing, who had never felt this way before, hurriedly found a place to hide, then gathered his consciousness, opened his eyes, and looked outside through the stone wall of the mountain.After seeing the scene outside the cave clearly, he couldn't help taking a breath.I saw five people outside the cave, two of whom were wearing the official uniforms of the Qin Tianjian of the Qing court, holding a compass in their hands, and seemed to be detecting the location of Qianlong's lair.Standing behind the imperial geomast who led the Qing court were two real masters. Although these two people have not yet entered the innate realm, it can be seen from their bulging temples that their skills are absolute. It is perfect.The man in black robe standing at the edge of the pond at the end is the one who makes Xu Changqing really nervous. He has eighteen refined human heads around his neck. Judging from the aura above, these human heads were all murderous. In addition, on his right hand, the little finger and the ring finger are covered with a false finger made of white jade.

Judging from the attire of this black-robed man, it is very similar to the Lingwei Shuangxian who once dominated the practice world outside the pass. Because they practiced the Lingwei Mysterious Demon Art taught by the shaman outside the pass, they were also called the Lingwei Twin Demons.Because they offended a master Taoist who was cultivating in Changbai Mountain and waiting for the opportunity to ascend, they were chased and killed by him for three thousand miles, and they were captured in Mongolia. They cut off the little finger and ring finger of their right hand as a warning. It disappeared from outside the pass, and no one knew its whereabouts.

At this time, Xu Changqing saw that they seemed to be talking. In order to be able to hear what they said, he put his hands on the stone wall and used the technique of listening to the ground, which he was not very good at.What surprised him was that when he used the technique of listening to the earth and gathered the surrounding earth spirit energy to surround himself and integrate with the stone wall, he thought he would fail a few times. Yuanzhu actually moved with his heart, and spontaneously helped him absorb the energy of the earth spirit, and immediately displayed the technique of listening to the earth.

When Xu Changqing's body merged with the stone wall or the mountain because of the energy of the earth spirit, he seemed to be standing among the five people and listening to them, and with the help of divine eyes, he could clearly Seeing these five people, it feels more like an invisible person.

"Master Baha, will that monster still appear?" Among the five people, a slightly shorter martial arts master looked at the big pond and asked with lingering fear.

At this time, Xu Changqing discovered that there was a layer of blood in the big pond. It seemed that the big carp had already fought with them and was injured.

The black-robed man also looked at the pond, and said, "It's okay, that carp spirit has already been wounded by my Lingwei Xuanmo skill, as long as my master is around, this beast will not dare to surface again " As he spoke, he impatiently asked the two Qintian supervisors who were holding a compass and looking left and right: "How long do you have to watch? Is this where the dragon's veins are? Don't keep saying no." Talking, gesticulating here, if I knew it would be so boring, I wouldn't compete with my elder brother for this errand!"

Although the spirit and power double demons have profound skills, they don't know the theory of fortune, and they don't care about luck.The two Qintian supervisors can be regarded as half practitioners. Although they ridiculed the ignorance of the Lingwei double demons in their hearts, they did not dare to 'reveal' it to the public. One of the older geologists explained: "If you return to the teacher, There should be a dragon vein here, but it is not what we are looking for."

"What does it mean to have dragon veins, but it's not what we want? Aren't all dragon veins the same?" Lingwei Damo Baja frowned and shouted.

Another young geomancer hurriedly explained: "Don't worry, Immortal Elder. Judging from the aura we sensed last night and the aura emanating from the mountain just now, there should indeed be a dragon vein here! But looking at the mountain's There is no pattern of dragon veins in the terrain pattern, and from this big pond, there must be a hidden river passing through the ground, so even if there are dragon veins here, it is just a hidden dragon bureau, not the ascending dragon bureau that Lafayette asked us to look for."

Baja seemed to be confused by the words of the geologist, and simply asked directly: "I don't care about Qianlong, Shenglong, I just want to know whether this dragon vein is useful to us?"

The two geologists glanced at each other and said, "The Bureau of Qianlong governs the wealth and wealth of the world, and has the role of a hidden king, and this place is far away from the Chen family in the south of the Yangtze River..."

Before the two geologists finished speaking, a senior expert behind them interrupted their words and said anxiously: "The two adults want to say that this Qianlong has been occupied by the Chen family, so Chen After so many years, the family has been able to dominate the south of the Yangtze River and become the biggest threat to Lafayette, we should break the Chen family's hidden dragon game."

The two geologists looked again and nodded in unison.

At this time, when everyone's eyes were on Baja, the person in charge, Baja suddenly took off the eighteen disgusting-looking heads from his neck, lowered his head inexplicably and said to his feet: "You I’ve been listening to it for so long, it’s time to hear enough!”

After finishing speaking, he waved the head in his hand, rolled up a stream of black true essence demonic energy, and hit the ground fiercely, breaking up the earth spirit energy around Xu Changqing through the mountain, breaking him. The art of earth listening.

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