Nine idlers

Chapter 300

In the West, the glorious angel Raphael is as famous as Michael and Gabriel, and is one of the seven supreme angels.Among all the angels, his positions are very mixed, from the low-level archangel to the supreme seraphim, covering almost all angel classes.In Western religious scriptures, Raphael is the angel who helps humans the most. He is also known as the patron saint of youths and travelers, and the disseminator of medicine. He is also an angel that often appears in Western church scriptures.

Whether it is Christianity, Islam or Judaism, because of different teachings, they all have their own guardian angels, Michael in Christianity, Gabriel in Islam and Uriel in Judaism.In their respective religions, they will always elevate the status of their lord guardian angel to rank him above all angels, and Raphael is an exception. Angels are equal and highly respected by believers. \\\\\

When Xu Changqing was studying the scriptures of the Western Church from Father Matthews, he also sorted out all the scriptures related to Raphael out of curiosity, and had a deep understanding of this extraordinary angel. I also feel a little emotional.

"Xu Changqing, an oriental mundane traveler." Xu Changqing said with his hands on his back, his toes lightly touching the sand, and his body lightly moving in front of Raphael.

"I know you, Xu Changqing!" When Raphael spoke, the wings behind him vibrated the air slightly, making the words come out like a bell, and said: "Matthews is my believer. Ten years ago he will You told me about you. When he came back from the East two years ago, he also came to me and said that the cross was on your body. He hoped that I could help him find the things you need and exchange the cross. But I didn't agree.\\00k"

"Why?" Xu Changqing frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice, "Why didn't you agree?"

"The power attached to the cross may be what many people want, but I am an exception, because the cross will destroy the existing balance." Raphael waved his hand around.Suddenly a clear spring surged from the ground, and the seeds buried deep in the dust began to germinate and grow rapidly.Soon it grew into date palm trees, and this desert became an oasis in a short time.

"It's so good to change the stars with one hand. It transforms all things! Your Excellency is worthy of being called the patron saint of travelers." Xu Changqing calmly watched all the changes around him, and couldn't help admiring. Although he could do this kind of thing, he absolutely couldn't. Do it as freely and casually as Raphael. ^^^^ However, this does not mean that his strength is far behind Raphael, if he is really fighting.It is still unknown who will win the battle.

Raphael walked to the pool of the oasis and sat down, the wings behind him folded and disappeared one by one.The clothes on his body then turned into a burqa worn by an Arab woman, and the contours of facial features appeared on his face without facial features.Before the facial features were fully formed, there was a tulle to cover his face, revealing only a pair of bright eyes with long eyelashes, and at the same time, the voice changed into a female voice, patted the sand beside him, and said: "Come here Sit down! I believe you and I have a lot of things to say." Then he looked in the direction of Aden City and said, "Your people are very strong, and those people from South America will not be their opponents."

When Raphael spoke, Xu Changqing's divine sense also sensed in the direction of Aden. === After understanding the situation.So relieved, he walked over to Raphael and sat down.Turning his head to look at the mysterious and charming woman in front of him, he said, "Your appearance reminds me of Guanyin, a character in oriental mythology."

"It's the Avalokitesvara of Buddhism." Rafael was stunned for a moment, and soon understood the meaning of Xu Changqing's words, with slightly annoyed eyes, he said: "I'm different from him, he was originally a man but turned into a woman, and I When incarnate as a human, I have always been a woman, and this has never changed, and I don't need to use women to seduce believers."

Xu Changqing followed up and said: "But in the records of Western scriptures, didn't you once wrestle with Jacob?"

"Can't women wrestle with men?" Raphael quickly retorted, seeing Xu Changqing's expression was stunned, unable to refute, he smiled triumphantly as if he had taken advantage of it, but then she Immediately calmed down again, but with a slightly serious tone, he said, "Did you take the 72 Demon God Pillar in Borobudur?"

"Yes. ****" Xu Changqing didn't deny it. He raised his hand and lifted the copper pillar out of the picture of purgatory, floating on the palm of his hand.When the Demon God's Pillar appeared, a strong evil spirit emanated from the pillar, and all the snakes, insects, rats and ants within a radius of ten miles were startled and crawled out, and died inexplicably within a few steps. A strand of black air floated out and was absorbed by the Demon God Zhu.

Seeing this situation, Raphael frowned, and said, "I didn't expect the Demon God's pillar to be so seriously polluted by Solomon's resentment and the evil spirit of those Demon Gods, and I don't know whether it was right or wrong to do that back then." Soon she Then he returned to normal, and said: "This demon pillar and the golden scroll you got from the Three Goddesses come from the same place, and are also made by the same person. If you want to unlock the seal on the golden scroll and see the contents, first It is better to master this demon stick."

"Are you not interested in this golden scroll?" Xu Changqing raised his hand again, and took out the golden scroll from Qiankun in his sleeve, only to see that the golden scroll, which was originally a dead thing, resonated with the Demon God Zhu at this moment, not only exuding a faint The light still vibrated slightly.

"This thing is of no use to me." Raphael looked at the two items in Xu Changqing's hands, his eyes were clear, and he said calmly: "The reason why I stay here is mainly to prevent others from getting this thing. As for now , since the three goddesses handed this thing over to you, you naturally have something worthy of the trust of the three of them, and I don't need to ask. Although I don't need this thing, there are others who will. In a few days, you The news of getting the golden scroll will spread throughout the world, and there will probably be countless people looking for you."

Xu Changqing smiled slightly, put the two items back into his body, and at the same time took out the Yinshen stick, and said: "Thank you for reminding, but the more these moths come to the flame, the more I like it."

As he was talking, he suddenly rose into the air, raised the Yinshen stick in his hand, gathered his true energy, and used the Shaolin school's cloak stick technique with all his strength.Although it is only a secular martial art, it is completely different after Xu Changqing used it. The shadows of sticks all over the sky covered the land with a radius of several kilometers. The flying yellow sand covered the sky and closed the sun.Afterwards, only screams came from the ground. Under such a fierce and sudden attack, none of those hiding escaped. He was crushed to death in the sand.

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