Nine idlers

Chapter 301

Xu Changqing, who was wrapped in the yellow spring streamer, easily saw through the obscurity of the black mist through the special eyesight of the bronze armored corpse, and saw clearly the situation inside.There were already a dozen corpses lying in the black mist, all dressed in the same clothes as those who chased and killed Shen Qingwen, most of them had the Lei Jin of the Five Thunder Talismans of the Divine Firmament remaining on their bodies, and the rest had traces of fire and wind cutting left on their bodies.

At this moment, Andy was sitting cross-legged in the middle, holding two Five Thunder Talismans in his hand, the Pure Land Buddha light on his body was looming, and it looked like it was going to go out at any moment.Beside him, Su Chawei looked at the battle situation in the black mist with a serious expression, holding a purple gold Gu tripod and a strange animal bone that looked like iron but not iron in both hands, and a hidden witch power seemed to be on his body. Ropes are wrapped around his body, ready to launch the most violent attack at any time.

The three women who are fighting at the moment are Shen Qingwen and others. Although there are some gaps among them, they cooperate perfectly.Beth has already integrated her body into the black mist barrier she created, and every shot is accompanied by a yin and cold force, which instantly freezes the enemy's actions.At this time, Shen Qingwen and Catherine shot at the same time, cooperating with each other, the wind helped the fire, and the fire whirlwind, which made the two people's natural supernatural powers superimposed together, forming an invincible and tyrannical force.The power displayed by this force is not much worse than Xu Changqing's Five Elements Battle. No enemy can fight against it head-on. In addition, they attack the enemies whose actions are blocked by Beth's spell, so it is easy. Eliminate the opponents one by one.

On the surface, Shen Qingwen and the others had the upper hand, but looking at the overall situation, their situation was not very good, because their opponents were not humans at all, but sand monsters made of sand particles.Although these sand monsters are slow in movement, they are very powerful, and their attacking style is very difficult to dodge. Moreover, the sand monsters are not afraid of any attack at all. Just when one of them is crushed by Shen Qingwen and the others, another one will gather from the side .After some fighting, the number of these sand monsters has not decreased.On the contrary, there were more and more people, and they gradually surrounded Shen Qingwen and the others. If it wasn't for Beth's black fog barrier to block them, they would have already fallen into a disadvantage at this moment.

These sand monsters are not naturally formed, but a kind of aura puppets made by someone using the energy of the earth spirit, although they are only made temporarily.But its abilities are no different from ordinary spirit monsters.Every attack of the sand monster contains a small amount of earth spirit energy, which is powerful and strong, and as long as the spirit energy does not dissipate, the sand monster will not disappear, so it only needs to extinguish the source of the spirit energy.It's just that at this moment Shen Qingwen and others are tired of dealing with these endless sand monsters, and they have no time to think about other things, and Su Chawei seems to be aware of it, but because of Andy's relationship, they can't get out.

For the source of this earth spirit.Xu Changqing had already found it from the very beginning, and relying on the Yellow Spring Banner, he came to the caster not far away without a sound.In the northwest of the sandy beach shrouded in black mist.There is a small hill about four miles away. On the hill stands a dilapidated ancient outpost. The two British soldiers stationed in the outpost have turned into mummies, and the person who killed them is standing on the top of the building. On the top, the giant blond man with amazing earth spirit gathered all over his body.

I saw that this giant man was more than two meters tall, his body was covered with patterns, and his head was transparent, revealing a crystal-like skull.At this moment, he was opening his arms, chanting words, and the earth spirit energy around him rushed into his body frantically.And it accumulated in his body and transformed into a more pure aura, which shot towards the beach not far away.Although the appearance of the giant man is very terrifying, it is nothing in Xu Changqing's eyes. What really surprised him is that the energy of the five elements in this man's body is extremely single, only the energy of the earth spirit.

Just when Xu Changqing was about to concentrate his central and second consciousness to investigate the way the giant man gathered the energy of the earth spirit, the giant man seemed to have sensed Xu Changqing's existence, turned around suddenly, and without warning, he slammed a fierce blow at Xu Changqing's position. fist.The air of earth spirit contained in this punch is extremely pure and powerful.It was no worse than Xu Changqing's earth spirit battle technique, and when the giant man attacked, a burst of earth spirit energy suddenly appeared around Xu Changqing and bound his body, making him unable to dodge the attack.

In this regard, Xu Changqing no longer concealed his figure and strength, and used the bronze armored corpse to perform the earth spirit battle tactic, which instantly shook the surrounding earth spirit energy away, and followed the yellow spring flag in his hand to roll along the trend, incorporating the attacking earth spirit energy into it .Xu Changqing did not disperse this earth spirit energy, but instead used a very ordinary Tai Chi soft energy.Turn the attack direction of this earth spirit energy back.And he used the Five Elements Zhanjue, superimposing two Zhanjue punches on top of increase its power.

Faced with the force of the counterattack, the giant man showed a little surprise at first, but soon felt that it was just a more powerful earth spirit, and there was a disdainful sneer on his face, and he did not avoid it. He casually raised his hand and grabbed the air of the earth spirit.With the giant man's incomparably powerful control over the earth spirit energy, the earth spirit energy that came back from the counterattack was absorbed and transformed by him in an instant, disappearing invisibly.However, what the giant man couldn't think of was that the extremely pure earth spirit energy in his opinion was mixed with a trace of wood spirit energy restraining him. When he absorbed the earth spirit energy, he also absorbed it into his body.

"Introduction!" Feeling that the wood spirit dao power hidden in the earth spirit battle formula had entered the opponent's body, Xu Changqing immediately cast the magic formula, pinched his sword fingers, and pointed towards the giant man to completely attract the earth spirit power come out.

Just when the giant man was about to attack Xu Changqing again, a burst of blue light erupted from the giant man's body, making the giant man's movements stagnate.Following the blue light, it shrank into a ball at the giant man's heart, and then quickly spread out like the roots of an old tree, gradually extending to every part of the giant man's body.At the beginning, this giant man wanted to gather the earth spirit energy around him to dispel the wood spirit energy in his body, but what happened was that Xu Changqing didn't give him this chance at all, and he rushed in front of the giant man at that moment , and fought several wood spirit battles in a row towards the position where the giant man gathered the energy of the earth spirit.

These powerful streams of wood spirit energy not only dispersed the earth spirit energy gathered by the giant man, but also encouraged the growth of the wood spirit energy in his body, and also recoiled upwards along the channel of casting spells in the giant man's body. Sealed the giant man's crystal head.When the giant man in front of him was completely restrained by the air of the wood spirit, his skin became like a tree, his body was completely stiff, only his eyes could move, and he glared resentfully at Xu Changqing, who was beside him with a smile on his face.

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