Nine idlers

Chapter 324

More than ten years have passed.Both of them have transformed from immature teenagers to steady adults.The temperament of the two has also changed because of the way of doing things and the way of life.And the difference is getting bigger and bigger.Although already more than 30 years old.Xu Changqing's appearance has not changed much.Still like a young man in his early twenties.It's just that the spirit of fighting in the world is missing on his face.There is an extra worldly atmosphere that is restrained and dusty.It even more perfectly complements his old-fashioned nickname.On the other hand, Chen Jingguo's changes were more obvious.Years of secular tempering made him look more mature than Xu Changqing.The eyes are sharp and restrained.The blood of youth has long since receded.All that is left is sophistication.This also made Chen Jingguo full of worldly fame and fortune.Even Xu Changqing's two registered disciples could clearly feel it.When Xu Changqing stood with him.This difference in temperament is particularly pronounced.

After a burst of excitement of reuniting old friends after a long absence.Chen Jingguo turned around and introduced his wife to Xu Changqing.Said: "This is my wife Elisa. Merianton." Then he couldn't wait to pick up his daughter and said: "This is my daughter Joanna. The Chinese name is Yuqian."

Xu Changqing was not fascinated by Eliza's appearance.He looked her up and down.It seems to be a bit embarrassing on purpose.With Huaxia's clasping ceremony.And said in Chinese: "Little brother has seen sister-in-law!"

Eliza froze slightly.But then smiled again.Step forward.According to Huaxia's bowing etiquette.Also said in Chinese with a Beijing accent: "Xie Wu. I have met Mr.." "Xie Wu?" Xu Changqing was stunned.He turned to look at Chen Jingguo.Said: "The spring festival dance in front of Baiyutang, the east wind blows evenly. The bees and butterflies are in chaos. How many times have the water flowed away, so why should I be resigned to Fangchen! Scholar, you still like the Red Chamber so much."

"I can't quit the love I've had for so many years!" Chen Jingguo lovingly held Eliza's hand.Said: "Back then, Xie Wu put in a lot of hard work to learn Chinese. What do you think? It's not bad!"

Xu Changqing looked at Chen Jingguo with deep answer.He set his sights on little Joanna.He laughed and said, "What an exquisite and translucent doll!"Take out a piece of angel-shaped jade pendant from Qiankun in the sleeve, which has been prepared a long time ago.Pass it to Eliza.Said: "I just happened to be bored on the way here and made a small ornament. It's nothing expensive. Let's treat it as a gift for meeting!"

Although Xu Changqing's tone sounded an understatement.But no one around thinks so.Because the ornament in his hand is too eye-catching.The material used for jade ornaments was just a piece of ordinary jade at first.But it has been refined by Xu Changqing's Samadhi real fire.Its material can already be classified as the best.Plus when Xu Changqing was making accessories.With the golden liquid and true essence, some strange methods such as the five-element formation were added to it.It makes the jade ornaments have a single point of white brilliance invisibly.Even in the midday sun.All appear very striking.

"This, this thing is too precious!" Chen Jingguo naturally knew Xu Changqing's ability.See the extraordinary things in his hands.Can't help but hesitate.Said.

"It's just a gadget made on the boat!" Xu Changqing smiled.He reached out and hung the jade ornament around little Joanna's neck.Just after the pendant was attached to little Joanna's body.The light surrounding the surface of the pendant is immediately introverted.And little Joanna also felt the effect of the pendant.Whispered in Chen Jingguo's ear: "Father! This thing is so cold and comfortable. Xiaoyu can't feel the heat now."

Chen Jingguo said: "Thank you, old man!"

After the two exchanged pleasantries and reminisced about the old days.People from the direct descendants of the Chen family hurriedly came up to pay respects.The respectful demeanor surprised the foreigners who were familiar with them.Chen Jingguo also turned around and spoke to Xiao En at the side.And under his introduction.I got to know these people who came with Xu Changqing.Eliza was about to order the housekeeper, Joan, to gather the family members to come and greet her.Xu Changqing is already a little tired of these secular rituals.Waving his hand means no need.Regardless of the faces of the people around.Under Chen Yun's guidance, they got into a carriage.

"Does he have any opinion on me? It seems..." Eliza frowned.asked her husband.

"No. This is his character. After getting along for a long time, you will understand." Chen Jingguo comforted his wife.Then he ordered everyone to get into the carriage separately.Leaving the pier one after another.A grand pomp from the very beginning.In the end, he left anticlimactically.The whole process seemed a little inexplicable.The spies from various parties who were in the crowd did not understand what Chen Jingguo meant by doing so.But they still faithfully recorded the whole process.Especially the protagonist Xu Changqing.

when it is time to leave.Chen Jingguo seemed to have some private things to say to Xu Changqing.ride with him in a carriage.Eliza mother and daughter were driven to another car by him.Compared to the closeness just now.Now the atmosphere in the carriage seemed much colder.Xu Changqing himself doesn't like to talk too much.After sitting in the carriage, he closed his eyes and rested his mind.Although Chen Jingguo had a lot to say in his heart.But I don't know how to speak.

The convoy quickly passed the stone road in the city.Came to the suburbs.After following the sandy dirt road to the end.Turned into a forest.Drive towards the wealthy villa area outside Marseille.Some of the carriages behind also parted at the fork.It seems that they are going back to the branches under their respective jurisdictions.

After entering the woods.Chen Jingguo finally couldn't help but speak.Asked: "You come from China. Is there any news about Qingping?"

Xu Changqing opened his eyes.He looked at Chen Jingguo with a complicated expression.Asked: "Did you ask Chen Weng?"

"I asked before. But my father didn't want to say anything. The people below didn't dare to say too much. Later... Then when things got busy, I forgot about it." Chen Jingguo said with a seemingly calm expression.But the twinkling eyes revealed his heart without a doubt.

Back then, he, Xu Changqing and Sheng Qingping were childhood sweethearts.She also pursued Sheng Qingping.But in the end he lost to Xu Changqing.The loss was in the hands of Xu Changqing.He didn't feel very unhappy.I also sincerely blessed Xu Changqing and Sheng Qingping.But then Xu Changqing was on the wedding night.Suddenly and inexplicably abandoned Sheng Qingping.Order Sheng Qingping to leave.The final whereabouts are unknown.This made him feel very angry.And break off with it.Later, he even offered to open Huaxia.Go to Europe to start a business.He later learned that Xu Changqing would do such an abnormal thing.It was entirely because his master forcibly cast a spell to cut off his secular fate.It made him ruthless and loveless at the time.So under Chen Deshang's help.The relationship between the two has reconciled.At least on the surface.After all, some things are hard to undo once they happen.Now Chen Jingguo mentioned Sheng Qingping again.He also wanted to settle a matter that had been on his mind for many years.

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