Nine idlers

Chapter 325

After the Eastern Trading convoy passed through a wild forest, they passed a small arch made of vines. The trees on both sides of the road began to become orderly, obviously the result of careful planting.After passing through the woods and crossing a small river, the convoy drove into a courtyard with a stone pillar gate.In the courtyard, three or four horse-drawn carriages can be driven on the flat stone road at the same time. There are some fountain sculptures scattered on both sides of the road. Western-style shrub gardens are densely covered around it. At the end of the road is a very traditional Western palace-style villa. .

The carriages stopped at the entrance of the villa one after another, and some male and female servants who were waiting there stepped forward to open the door.When everyone got out of the car and looked at the leaders Xu Changqing and Chen Jingguo, they found that their faces were a little ugly, as if they had quarreled, and the lively atmosphere around them immediately became a little cold.

"I've arranged an evening banquet. Everyone, go and wash up first, and change your clothes." Chen Jingguo broke the weird atmosphere with a loud voice, smiled at Sean, and said, "Sean, you don't want to see outsiders, just put your clothes on." Treat this as your home. Everyone, don't be too restrained, you are Changqing's friends, so naturally you are also my friends. "

"Don't worry, we won't save you money." Xiao En also responded with a smile, then pulled Chen Jingguo aside, and asked in a low voice, "Are you and Master okay? How do I feel about you..."

"It's okay! Don't think about it." With a calm face, Chen Jingguo patted Xiao En's shoulder without further explanation, and then said to his wife: "I will leave this to you. Changqing and I still have some things to discuss. .”

After speaking, he apologized to everyone, and walked towards a separate small building next to the villa with Xu Changqing.Although Chen Jingguo's behavior seemed very impolite, neither Catherine nor Shen Qingwen.Still, Sean and Anna belonged to that kind of big family, so they naturally knew what to ask and what not to ask, so they followed Eliza into the house.Only Beth glanced at the house when she entered, and seemed to feel something, with a look of surprise on her face.

Chen Jingguo and Xu Changqing came to the independent small house. Although it looked old from the outside, the interior layout was completely opposite. Crystal chandeliers, mahogany furniture and various famous paintings decorated the house luxuriously.But it is quite old-fashioned, and the books on the wall bookcases add a bit of cultural atmosphere here.

There were already four gray-haired old men sitting in the room at this moment. They saw Chen Jingguo leading Xu Changqing in.Immediately stood up, went forward to salute Xu Changqing together and said, "I'll wait for the scattered people to meet Mr."

"Four, I haven't seen you for many years!" Xu Changqing didn't accept their gift, and immediately raised his hand to help the four of them up with the golden essence.Although the four of them resisted tentatively, they only resisted for a while, and immediately collapsed in front of the golden liquid essence mixed with the energy of earth spirit. The strength of coming back gave me a somersault.Perhaps they felt that Xu Changqing's cultivation was much higher than Xu Changqing in their hearts.The faces of the four of them all showed surprise on their faces.

The four people in front of them are Xing, they are four brothers.He and Xu Changqing can be regarded as old acquaintances, and they are also well-known masters of loose cultivation in the Chinese practice circle.It's just that the four of them have very upright personalities and have offended many schools of practice. It is common for them to be chased and killed. In order to take refuge, Xu Changqing tricked them into being guards by Chen Jingguo's side and came to Europe.

The skills of these four people are extremely profound, and their skills complement each other. If a set of four-element overturning formation is used to the extreme, even Xu Changqing now is not sure that he can complete it. Back then, they relied on this formation again and again. escaped the pursuit of the enemy.Over the years, Chen Jingguo was able to escape safely from the enemy's schemes.The family business can gain a foothold among various forces in Europe.These four people can be said to have contributed a lot, and they, together with some foreign martial arts masters directly under Chen Jingguo, formed a powerful underground force.This is the mysterious power that is said in the outside world.

Although Xu Changqing's cultivation was beyond imagination, the four of them quickly calmed down.Among the four, the only one who could speak, the third criminal soldier, stood up and asked tentatively: "Mr. Xu, I haven't seen my skills getting more and more advanced in so many years. I'm afraid Mr. Guan's cultivation today is about to cultivate into the Golden Core Dao?"

Xu Changqing didn't hide anything, nodded and said: "I still need to refine a pot of elixir, and then I can close the gate of death and form a golden elixir."

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Apart from being envious, Xing Bing and the others hurried forward to congratulate him. Forming a golden core in the practice world can be regarded as entering the immortal way, and as long as the foundation of the dao is stable, they can become the two gods of yin and yang. At that time, it will be truly beyond the Three Realms and no longer in the Five Elements.After that, it only takes time to accumulate skills, and you can easily complete the final path of ascension and achieve the immortal body of a fairy.

The Golden Core Dao is a threshold for all those who practice the Dao. Countless masters in the practice world have been blocked from the threshold throughout the ages, and it is even more so now.Although there are all kinds of methods in the orthodox Buddhism of Huaxia, teaching disciples how to cross this threshold, the aura of heaven and earth is extremely thin now, which is far from the ancient times, and it is not enough to help practitioners form Golden Elixir.The elders of various sects who have reached the cultivation base can only choose the same method to overcome this difficulty in the end, that is, enter the inner mountain gate, sit on the death pass, and rely on the accumulated spiritual energy of heaven and earth to break through this immortal barrier.It's a pity that this method is not perfect. Many of them have experienced some enlightenment and demon calamities before the accumulation of spiritual energy in the world has reached perfection, and finally their cultivation base has been reduced to ashes.

Back then, the first generation of Yizhuang masters achieved the Golden Core Dao and then ascended to the fairy world, which caused a sensation in the entire practice world.Now, 200 years later, someone from the same line of Jiuliu wants to cultivate the Golden Core Dao. If this news spreads to the Chinese practice circle, it will inevitably cause another commotion, and some people will inevitably have different ideas.Xu Changqing was worried that some enemies would come to make trouble when he retreated, so he decided to stay in Europe to practice the Golden Core Way to avoid unnecessary trouble.As for telling the four people in front of me about my situation, I want these four people to protect me when I am closed to death, and at the same time use the formation of the four to change the aura of the earth veins in my closed room so that it suits my cultivation. needed.

So, after the four people congratulated, Xu Changqing also expressed his thoughts.After hearing this, the four of them glanced at each other, hesitant. After all, it takes a lot of real energy to change the aura of the earth veins with the formation method, but if they can protect the law next to Xu Changqing, they can feel the process of forming the golden elixir again, which will be very important for them to cultivate the golden elixir road in the future. There are great benefits.

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