Nine idlers

Chapter 327

"Serving for 100 years?" Hearing Xu Changqing's request, Beth hesitated for a moment, and then said with a dazed look: "Is it a guard? For Mr. Chen Jingguo?"

"It is indeed a guard, but not for Chen Jingguo." Xu Changqing shook his head and said, "The person I want you to serve is not in Europe now, but he will come to settle in Europe in the future. I don't want her to suffer any harm or harm in Europe." I am wronged. Originally, my best choice was Sean and Andy, but Sean has too much worldly thoughts, and Andy is not good at fighting in the Pure Land method, so neither of them is suitable, so I can only take a step back and choose you. "

"Her? You want me to be a guard for a woman for 100 years?" Beth couldn't help but wondered about the relationship between this woman and Xu Changqing, guessing: "Is it your wife? Or your relatives and friends?"

"You don't need to know about this." Xu Changqing said expressionlessly: "And you don't have to spend 100 years, you just need to protect her until the day she dies."

Xu Changqing's conditions can't help but make Beth's heart move. 100 years is nothing to her who has lived for thousands of years.As long as she can master the method Xu Changqing said, even if she can't establish her own origin of belief, she can survive as the survivor of the Egyptian gods by absorbing the will of heaven and earth without being assimilated by the world.

Xu Changqing naturally saw Beth's point, so he proposed this deal with her.In fact, the method that Xu Changqing wants to trade is not a good method, and the creator of the method is not him, but the Egyptian sun god Amon who is being gradually refined by the real fire of samadhi.The function of this method is to allow the Egyptian gods to keep their power stable by absorbing the power of the heaven and the earth, and will not weaken or disappear due to the assimilation power of the world.Compared with Xu Changqing's Hunyuan Golden Body method, this method is much worse. The so-called absorbing the power of heaven and earth is only absorbing the superficial miscellaneous forces, and it is even more impossible to forge a golden body with the power of heaven and earth.

After pondering for a moment, Beth suddenly asked again: "If I don't agree, what will you do to me?"

Xu Changqing replied: "What will happen to you? Just pretend that I never mentioned this matter."

Although Xu Changqing said so.But Beth didn't believe it at all. In her opinion, this woman might be Xu Changqing's big secret. According to her previous experience, if she didn't agree.The possible result is to be silenced.After some guessing, Beth was embarrassed on the surface, but she was secretly happy inside. She nodded and agreed: "I agree, I am willing to make this deal with you."

This result was already expected by Xu Changqing. He asked Beth to lean over, stretched out his hand to touch Beth's forehead, and performed the empowerment method to drive the method that absorbs the will power of heaven and earth into Beth's divine fire.A pained look appeared on Beth's face.Then the pain turned into contemplation, and then turned into happiness, and Beth began to practice regardless of the occasion.With her eyes closed, her fingers quickly drew some ancient Egyptian cuneiform characters in the air around her body.Then the words became bigger and bigger, blending with each other, and gradually turned into a shady curtain that enveloped her.

Just when Beth was shrouded in darkness.Xu Changqing felt a surge of wish power from heaven and earth pouring down from the sky.Although this wish of heaven and earth is much thinner and messier than the wish of heaven and earth absorbed by Xu Changqing when he was cultivating the Hunyuan Golden Body, it is no different from a peerless panacea to Beth.Xu Changqing's spiritual thoughts can clearly feel that Beth's originally scattered power and divine fire are gradually becoming solidified and stable. The most obvious thing is that the originally separated black mist power and divine fire in his body have formed a cycle, just like a Taoist It's like a little Sunday.

Xu Changqing didn't disturb Beth's practice, he found Andy who was meditating in his room with his spiritual sense, and commanded with the technique of sound transmission: "Andy, come to my room."

After attending the banquet, Andy talked to Shen Qingwen for a while, then went back to the room to practice the little white lotus method that Xu Changqing had just passed on to him by himself.Suddenly I heard Xu Changqing's voice ringing in my ears.After being stunned for a moment, he immediately walked towards Xu Changqing's residence.

"Come in! Andy." When Andy walked to the door.Xu Changqing opened the door and let Andy walk in.Then Andy saw the black sphere opposite Xu Changqing.He couldn't help showing doubts, and then his spiritual sense felt a force of heaven and earth pouring into the black ball, so he couldn't help asking: "Teacher, this is..."

Xu Changqing is not surprised that Andy can feel the power of heaven and earth. Various Buddhist methods more or less contain the method of using the power of vows to cultivate the golden body of Buddhist images, and his perception of the power of heaven and earth is far better than Other practices are superior.

"This is Miss Beth's cultivation, we don't need to worry about her." Xu Changqing replied casually, then motioned him to sit on the chair beside him, and asked, "Now that you have returned to Europe, what are your future plans? "

"This..." Andy was stunned for a moment, and said without hesitation: "The disciple is willing to follow the master forever and listen to the teachings."

"Follow forever? Hehe, I accept your heart, but I don't need to do it." Xu Changqing smiled and said: "The Pure Land method you practice should be quiet and not move, and the things I should teach are basically gone. I have passed it on to you, all you have to do in the future is self-enlightenment, and it is useless to follow me. If you have no other purpose, I would like to ask you for something."

"Master, please tell me." Andy responded quickly.

Xu Changqing thought for a while, and said: "Now the Chen family is employing people, you can stay in the Chen family as an offering to the Chen family, and help the Chen family solve some things within your ability. Perhaps in the near future, a family will come from Huaxia Come to live in Europe, there is an eldest daughter named Dong Guanqing in this family," said, he reached out and tapped Andy's forehead, and sent the image of Dong Guanqing and the white lotus relic ornament given to her to Andy's In my mind, I continued: "Your mind is Dong Guanqing's appearance two years ago, and she should grow up in a few years. You should be able to feel the relic white lotus made by me on her body. Then you will act as A guard stays by her side, together with Miss Beth, to protect her until she dies, can you do this?"

"The disciple can do it." Andy nodded without hesitation, and did not ask the reason, but after that, he showed doubts and asked: "Master, why didn't you find Senior Brother Xiao En, his Taoism Much stronger than me, let him..."

Xu Changqing shook his head, and said: "He is not finished in the world, it is impossible to do this with all his heart, and even though you are not as good as him now, it does not mean that you will not be as good as him in the future."

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