Nine idlers

Chapter 328 Chaos Realm

The atmosphere in the small room became a little strange at this moment.No one spoke again.Shen Qingwen sat with a dull expression.Obviously hasn't recovered from the news yet.But Xu Changqing closed his eyes slightly.It seems to be waiting for the other party to speak first.out the window.A crow flew over and landed on the top of a tree.The position of the treetop is just right to see all the situation inside the house through the window.After the crow fell.He stared at Beth's shady sphere with those strange blood-red eyes.There is a human emotion of astonishment in the eyes.It was extremely weird.

"There are leaking fish!" Xu Changqing had already set up a security formation around the hut.The appearance of the crow did not escape his formation perception.It's just that he doesn't have time to deal with this leaky fish with his own hands.So the mind moved.Secretly summoned the Yin God and War Ghost.Move outside from under to keep an eye on the strangely behaving crow.

After saying what was in my heart just now.Xu Changqing felt light all over his body.It's like taking off a heavy layer of armor.Dao character consciousness and Tai Chi consciousness also instantly strengthened by more than ten times.The shape has also become dozens of times larger in their respective seas of consciousness.The enhancement of mind and spirit consciousness also affected the refinement of the two divine fires.The consciousness of the gods in the two Egyptian fires of the middle dantian and the upper dantian were instantly dissipated under the impact of the power of the mind.

However, although Amon's consciousness spread out.But it didn't just disappear.Still stubbornly wandering in the divine fire.Resist Xu Changqing's refinement.On the upper dantian.Atum's consciousness was spreading out.The power formed by Tai Chi's spiritual consciousness drew out the divine fire.Without any resistance, he was refined into pure consciousness power by the Nine Nether Fires that filled the entire sea of ​​consciousness.It has become a tonic for spiritual consciousness.When Atum's consciousness disappeared.The divine fire of Egypt was also absorbed by the Tai Chi consciousness.Quickly integrated into it.At this moment, the Taiji-like consciousness also changed.The shape shrinks rapidly.And a black and white mist gushed out from the consciousness.A vague human form formed.And the shrunken Tai Chi consciousness is just located in the brain of the human form.

After the human form is formed.Immediately formed an illusory clone.Attached to divine thoughts.Straight into the sky.Passed through the barrier of the sky in an instant.Rush to above nine days.At this moment, Xu Changqing seemed to be able to see the surrounding situation with his own eyes.rather than simply feeling.As if he was there.He saw all kinds of miscellaneous auras covering the whole world.I saw a wonderful scene of darkness and stars dotted outside the sky.And he also saw the Qi of countless days concentrated in the sky in China's position.And produced a weird change.Just when he was about to take a closer look.A tiny meteorite passed through his illusory body.The power attached to the meteorite instantly dissipated the power that condensed the body.And his divine sense also retracted into the divine consciousness.

"Yin God? How did you become a Yin God?" After the changes in the body subsided.Xu Changqing opened his eyes.There was a weeping expression on his face.

The Yin God and the Yang God are formed after forming the golden core.When the cultivation base reaches the stage of refining the gods and returning the emptiness.It is a kind of mysterious thing that will be condensed.People in the world usually call them Yuanshen.Among them, Yang God is in charge.It can make practitioners transcend life and death.Not into reincarnation.Into the stream of scattered immortals.And the Yin God is outside.It can make practitioners go up to heaven to listen, and down to Jiuyou.Its ability is somewhat similar to that of a trained Yin God and War Ghost.Among the Taoist classics.Usually, becoming a yin god and a yang god through cultivation is the proof of becoming an immortal.

At this moment, Xu Changqing felt more and more that his cultivation process was chaotic.It is no longer possible to use the experience of predecessors to determine one's own realm.With him like this, he did not achieve the golden elixir avenue.Then he became a practitioner of Yin God.Not without precedent.For example, Fei Changfang in the Eastern Han Dynasty and Yuan Tiangang in the early Tang Dynasty were all practitioners with innate yin gods.Before their cultivation was insufficient.All kinds of supernatural powers can be displayed.It can even communicate Yin and Yang.Meddle in the ghosts.But Xu Changqing is fundamentally different from these famous practitioners in history.His yin spirit was acquired through self-cultivation.And those practitioners are born with it.Counting their yin gods should be a kind of innate supernatural powers.

The appearance of the Yin God has both advantages and disadvantages.The advantage is that it gradually takes shape with the Yin God.He will have more and stronger supernatural powers.His own Taoism will also become stronger and stronger.The strength is gradually approaching the ancient practitioners.As for the disadvantages are also very obvious.That is, his practice realm will temporarily stop.All the true essence after cultivation and the various heavenly qi absorbed will be used to refresh the mind.Until the Yin God is fully formed.It's just that this disadvantage is for Xu Changqing.Nothing.His cultivation had already reached his limit.More of the daily practice is flowing into various magic weapons and spiritual treasures.Now it's just another object.It will not affect his Golden Core Avenue.

"What you said is true? Are you really my brother?" Shen Qingwen recovered from the shock at this time.asked in disbelief.

Shen Qingwen's question pulled Xu Changqing's consciousness out of himself.Although there have been many changes in his body just now.It feels like it took a lot of time.But in the eyes of ordinary people, this is just a few moments of breathing.

"It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not!" Xu Changqing looked at Shen Qingwen calmly.Said: "The reason why I tell you. Tell you these things. It's just because I want to say it. As for the result, it doesn't matter to me at all."

At this moment, Shen Qingwen suddenly felt that Xu Changqing's whole person had become a little mysterious.There was a strange force all over his body.Although he is right in front of you.But it feels like it's far away.Out of tune with the surrounding environment.Xu Changqing's change not only puzzled Shen Qingwen.It also alarmed the weird crow outside the window.It seemed to be hurt in some way.Bounce off the branches.Spread your wings.Want to fly northeast.When it flew away, the Yin God and War Ghost hiding under it also followed.With his spiritual consciousness, he became a yin god.As a clone, Yinshen Warghost has also improved.Especially the mastery has reached perfection.Basically, it can be regarded as a real clone**.It can be controlled freely even hundreds of miles away.Perform supernatural powers.

Shen Qingwen stood up.Walk up to Xu Changqing.He looked at Xu Changqing intently and carefully.Said: "Really. You are really my brother! You really look like big brother Robben. It's just taller and thinner than him. Why didn't I see it before?" Then.He continued to persuade: "Things have passed for so many years. Your mother's death must have never occurred to your father. You..."

"Enough! You are not qualified to mention my mother. Get out!" Xu Changqing's eyes were full of anger.I have no intention of listening to it.Cast the spell to open the door.Then he stretched out his hand and swipe at Shen Qingwen.Yun Jin threw her out.It fell into the grass outside the yard.At the same time, he said coldly: "Shen Qingwen, forget it this time. Don't try to provoke me again! Otherwise..."

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