Nine idlers

Chapter 329

"Beth?" Roger narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression became serious, but soon he sneered again, and said arrogantly: "What about Beth? Now the bereaved family of the Egyptian gods has long been a lost dog, no With the support of God's Domain and faith, I'm afraid that the current strength will decline faster than you ancient demon gods, such a crippled god is just a tonic for us!"

Lamer said in a weird tone: "You can do that if you want, but if you let Hols know that you treat his survivors as food, I think even if Jack comes forward to protect you, you may not be able to escape." doom!"

Although what Lamer said was dissuasive, it sounded like a warning in disguise to Roger's ears, and it also made Roger feel that he had been living under the wings of his brother Jack, and everything about him was his own. From Jack Like.Hearing this, Luo Jie couldn't help feeling resentment and impulse in his heart. He wanted to go back to Chen Jingguo's villa to prove himself immediately, but he quickly suppressed this impulse and waited for Lamer slightly annoyed. Shen Sheng said: "How dare you use magic on me? Lamer, are you going to start a parliamentary war?"

"Don't make it so serious, you can't represent the council, and with your influence, it is impossible to shake the elders of your vampire clan. But your strength is obviously underestimated by others, and you can get rid of the influence of my spell so quickly." Lamer was talking, looking at Roger with a gloomy face with admiration, and then said with a serious expression: "Although you are very powerful, you underestimate these remnants of the Egyptian gods. The Beth I saw It seems that a lot of strength has been restored, and it is definitely not as easy to deal with as other assimilated ancient gods, and there is a dangerous person there. You should know. Asmodeus and Baphomet went to Southeast Asia some time ago task?"

"I know." Roger didn't understand why Lamer said this, but he nodded in response: "It is because they brought back that thing from Southeast Asia that Lord Baal and Lord Beelzebub decided to unite the Dark Council and the Shadow Council." Get up. Get that plan ahead of time. Isn't that what we're here for? Before that Eastern trader finds out and puts him..."

"Shut up, you talk too much!" Lamer interrupted Roger's words in a low voice, gave him a hard look, and then continued: "Since you know so many things, you should also know about Asmo De and Baphomet met the oriental practitioner who killed Samuel and took away the magic baby in Southeast Asia! In the villa of this oriental businessman, I saw an oriental practitioner beside Beth. His appearance It's very similar to what Lilith described, and I can't see through his strength."

"What?" Roger's face was startled, and he said in a deep voice, "Could this Easterner already know about our plan and come to Europe to stop us?"

"Probably not!" Lamer thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Our plan doesn't involve Eastern Huaxia. And that Eastern businessman doesn't know that he holds the key to our entire plan. He still thinks that we are I want to kill him for some business matters. I think the appearance of that practitioner is just a coincidence!"

Although Roger is arrogant, he is not a reckless person. Thinking of Lilith's fear when she talked about this oriental practitioner in the council hall, he couldn't help but retreat, but he still asked Lamer, saying: "What should we do now? Should we..."

"Do you think you are stronger than Lilith?" Lamer looked Roger up and down with a little disdain, and said: "Our action did not pass the parliament this time, and there will be no punishment if we fail! It's just like today Such an opportunity is really rare, if we let him return to Paris, under the protection of those Eastern cultivators, it will be even more difficult for us to get it. We should notify the parliament as soon as possible. See if we can ambush them halfway?"

After hearing this, Roger nodded.Said: "It has to be like this."

"Be careful!" Just when the few people were about to leave immediately, Lamer suddenly felt a strong danger shrouded in the surroundings. He immediately yelled to remind his companions, and at the same time jumped up and flew into the air.Although Roger was a little slower than Lamer, with their vampire's natural ability, they managed to come first and fly into the air with Lamer.As for those descendants of vampires, they were obviously a little dull, and they didn't understand what was going on, so they froze on the ground.

Just when these vampires were about to follow suit and fly into the air, several sharp cones pierced out from the ground, piercing through their bodies in an instant.Although the body was pierced, the vampire's ability prevented any injuries from being fatal before their heads were cut off, so they all struggled to get rid of these thorns.However, the ground thorns suddenly turned into luminous bodies, and those radiating lights seemed to turn into sharp swords and penetrated the vampire's body. With screams, the blood on the vampire's body quickly evaporated, and soon they were like withered ground. The trees were as dry and cracked, turned into a pile of dust, and scattered on the ground.

"Your ability is very special, you can predict my movements, or foresee danger!" At this moment, Xu Changqing's Yin God War Ghost slowly drilled out from the ground, soared in mid-air, watching La Moore and Roger.

While Xu Changqing was observing the two, Lamer and the others were also staring at the oriental man in golden armor in front of them.From this oriental man, they all felt several powerful forces, all of which were unimaginably powerful, any one of which was comparable to those lord-level demon gods.However, these terrifying powers are all concentrated in a small body, and there is no sign of repulsion at all, as if they have all turned into ferocious beasts and gentle kittens, moving quietly in the body with.Among all the powers, one of them made both of them feel an instinctive disgust. That kind of disgust was like facing the holy light of those angels in the Western Church.

"Are you from the Holy See?" Lamer looked at Xu Changqing vigilantly, and drove the black smoke to cover his whole body, turning him into an ancient armor and an ax spear, and Roger beside him was also bloodied Surrounding him, at the same time a pair of huge blood-colored fleshy wings stretched out, looking menacing.

"People from the Holy See? Is it because of this?" Xu Changqing took out the church holy cross from his body and placed it in front of the two of them.Ever since he mastered the method of Western gods using the power of faith to refine themselves, Xu Changqing placed the holy cross among the Yin God and War Ghost, and extracted the huge faith power contained in the cross little by little, together with the energy of the five elements, Gui Yuan refines the body of the Yin God all the way, making it closer to the real Yin God.

"The cross of the holy object!" After Lamer and the others saw the cross, their bodies trembled involuntarily, and they exclaimed at the same time, "Are you the oriental cultivator Lilith mentioned?"

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