Nine idlers

Chapter 330 The Reason for the Assassination

Lamer was able to survive from the time of the ancient gods to the present.In addition to his own outstanding strength.There is also his special ability to sense crises and his character of being good at adapting to the wind.His sloppy character has allowed him to survive for such a long time.Constantly changing allegiance to the gods.Also because of his character.Even if he ranks in the middle of the 72 Demon Gods.Possesses many outstanding abilities.It was never reused either.Even in this dark council that is far from being able to compare with the 72 demon gods back then.His position is also in an embarrassing position.Some who were weaker than him and who had been enslaved by them.Such as Roger the Vampire Duke and so on.They are already at the same level or even higher than his status.

For this reason, several of Lamer's former companions tried every means to improve his status in the parliament.It is in line with his identity as a demon god.This action that has not been decided by the parliament is also secretly planned by them.If there is no appearance of Xu Changqing and others.Perhaps the operation will be successfully completed.It's a pity that Lamer obviously didn't have that kind of luck.Now he's doing a fool's errand again.

"Surrender?" Xu Changqing opened his eyes.The body instantly moved to the front of Lamer who spread the strength from his body.stared at him for a long time.Said: "You still have a lot of power in your body. You should also have a lot of abilities that have not been displayed. Why surrender now? I really want to see how much you can do after you Western 72 Demon Gods exert all their power. "

"It doesn't make sense!" Lamer tried to relax himself.Said: "Your power is far stronger than mine. Even if I use all my strength, I can't beat you. I can't even escape. Now that I know the result, there is no point in fighting any longer. Surrender as soon as possible. Don't move It hurts in vain."

"You can figure it out!" Xu Changqing suddenly touched Lamer's forehead.A beam of true energy poured into it.Quickly found the source of his strength.Bind it up.The source of Lamer's power is different from the divine fire of the Egyptian gods.All his strength is concentrated in the spine.And the spinal fluid flowing in the spine is all golden.It's like Xu Changqing's golden blood.The golden spinal fluid travels down the spine and into the brain.Root-like blood forms in the brain.Cover the whole brain.Some are even more deeply implanted in the brain.

For Xu Changqing's actions.Lamer did not make any resistance.Although he is nervous.But from his eyes, he seemed to have confidence in the situation he might face.Or he still has a backhand.

"Now you should be relieved." Lamer felt that his strength seemed to have an extra layer of film.Although it does not affect his strength now.But there is a possibility of being cut off by others at any time.

"Relax? I don't have your real name in my hands. I can't be reassured." Xu Changqing didn't think of relaxing at all.Nor did he release the force that imprisoned his whole body.watching him.Said: "Presumably your real name is also in the hands of Baldi now!"

Lamer already felt that his life was not in danger.The slightly tense expression also relaxed.Said: "The real name is only useful to demons and a small group of people. I am a demon god. I will not be bound by the law of real names!"

"That's why you surrendered so easily. Because you don't need to pay any price for it!" Xu Changqing said as he spoke.While drawing spells around Lamer.Then it entered Lamer's body.Formed a series of seals.

"No one can betray Barr. There is no price. It's just that compared to life, the price paid seems a little insignificant." Lamer let Xu Changqing set a seal on himself with a blank face.It was as if he wasn't afraid of any seals at all.

At this time, Xu Changqing had already driven the last lock talisman into Lamer's body.It feels enough to restrain Lamer.Then no other lock-up methods will be used.Said: "Although I have imposed forbidden laws on you. But I will not restrict your actions. I will not enslave you. As long as you are not against me, these forbidden laws will not be drawn out. Now I ask A few questions for you. You can go after you are done."

Lamer demanded: "If you want to ask questions, you should at least remove the restrictions around my body! My master."

Xu Changqing didn't say much.Withdrew the surrounding forces casually.The surrounding stone pillars that served as the foundation of the formation also retracted.Except for a small part of the hill, there are signs of destruction.No other changes.After removing the eye-catching light around the body.Xu Changqing asked bluntly: "Why did you spare no effort to assassinate Chen Jingguo. That is, the Eastern businessman you mentioned?"

"Because he robbed a business that is very important to the parliament." Lamer did not have the self-consciousness to confess honestly.Concealed.

Xu Changqing smiled coldly.Not at all polite.Inspire the power of the spell in Lamer's body.Lamer immediately felt as if his body and soul were being torn apart.A burst of uncontrollable pain enveloped him.His whole body trembled like a cramp.A strip of blue veins emerged.As if it was about to explode at any moment.The expression on his face could no longer express his pain.It can only be vented through screams.

"I don't want to hear lies!" Xu Changqing said before Lamer lost his mind.Remove the power of the spell.Said coldly.

"Huh! This pain is comparable to the pain of punishment in purgatory." After the pain disappeared.Lamer gasped for breath.The body sat softly on the ground.It wasn't until he regained his strength that he said, "It's for God's Prison! The purpose of assassinating the Eastern Merchant is to prevent the news of God's Prison from being known to those fellows in the Church."

"God Prison?" Xu Changqing showed a little doubt.Soon some related content was found from memory.Asked: "What are you talking about, the God Prison in Nordic mythology?"

Lamer recovered and stood up.Said: "It is not only in Northern Europe that there are divine prisons. All god races have a divine prison. And this divine prison is common. I don't know the specifics. I just know that Asmodeus and Baphomet A thing was brought back from Southeast Asia. This thing contributed to the merger of the shadow and dark councils. And it made a huge plan that was shelved in the mythical period be proposed again. It's just that a traitor appeared among the elders of the council. This traitor seems to know everything and hid all the news on a silver bracelet. The parliament was killed. Although the parliament found out in time afterwards and killed the traitor. But the bracelet leaked out. Later, the bracelet fell into the hands of the eastern businessman .But he just put the bracelet on the palm of his hand as an ordinary ornament. That's why we want to get the bracelet back before the oriental merchant notices."

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