Nine idlers

Chapter 333 A Small Town in the Mountains

In the Alps on the French-Italian border, the mountain road twists and turns, like a long snake entrenched among the undulating hills, a tall and thin man is walking forward in the heavy rain at this moment.This man was wearing a knee-length woolen windbreaker, a pair of long mountain leather boots, a leather cloak, and a wooden stick in his hand. He looked like an ordinary traveler. .

It rained heavily in summer, and the rainwater gathered on the road from the hillside soon formed a stream, rushing down the slope.Travelers who try a little bit will not choose this kind of weather to travel. It is very dangerous to walk in the mountains in heavy rain. The temperature in the mountains is very low. Coupled with the effect of rain, travelers are prone to sudden death due to hypothermia.In addition, the outer mountains of the Alps are undulating. Most of the mountain roads are lined with overgrown hillsides. There are not many trees to hold the soil. As long as there is enough rain, it is easy to turn from flash floods into mudslides.If such a danger is encountered, the chances of ordinary people surviving are very small.

However, none of this seemed to cause any trouble to the traveler in front of him. His footsteps were steady and fast, and he was not affected by the rapidly descending rain at all.If someone follows him and observes carefully, he will find that whenever a stone rolls down the hillside, he can easily dodge it without looking up, as if he is facing the stone. The whereabouts of the whereabouts seem to be clear.

Soon this person walked through the most dangerous part of the mountain path in the torrent and heavy rain.He stood on the top of the hill and looked down along the gentle mountain road. A small mountain town shrouded in rain and fog lay peacefully in the valley.A small river with signs of artificial excavation flows by the side of the town, draining all the rainwater collected in the valley to the outside.

"It's really a good place! The strange instruments are conjoined, and the star charms are recited. The gate is closed, and the lunar flying stars enter the palace. It coincides with the position of wealth, and it is a blessed place to enjoy fortune and wealth. It's a pity that they live in strangers. He also dug rivers and canals without authorization, cut off the ground veins, and turned wealth into water. What a pity!" While talking to himself, the man took off the hood on his head, revealing an oriental face.He looks very ordinary, but his eyes are extraordinarily special, like the quiet and peaceful Mediterranean Sea, people can't help but want to immerse themselves in it, other than that.The most eye-catching thing is the slightly bulging gap on his forehead, which looks like a knife mark.

This person was Xu Changqing, an idler who left Marseille a few days ago. He did not go directly to Switzerland, but turned to the end of the Alps north of Monaco.Head north along the direction of the Alps.

The reason why Xu Changqing did this was because in his opinion it was very important to end the karma of that period of fate, but it was more important to find a suitable place to retreat before November [-]rd.If he didn't find a suitable place to retreat that day.You will have to wait another five years until another day when your destiny is compatible before you can practice the Golden Core Dao.

also.He had felt a very strong spiritual point in the Alps through Yinshen a few days ago, but it was a pity that when he wanted to confirm the location.The atmosphere of the entire Alps hides it.All he has to do now is to find a place in the Alps that matches the aura of the spiritual point, and before the aura of the spiritual point dissipates, cast a spell to attract it, and then lock it there to form a closed place.

The so-called spiritual point is actually the place where the spiritual energy of mountains and rivers gathers. Dragon veins are a kind of spiritual point, and Dongtian Fudi is also a kind of spiritual point.The difference between them is the size of the spirit energy and the length of time the spirit energy stays, the spirit point can only be regarded as a temporary paradise.Although the whole of Europe is covered by mountains of all sizes, perhaps because of the frequent battles of the gods in the west, the aura of all the mountains has been scattered and unable to form a unique dragon vein or cave.This is the main reason why there has never been a unified dynasty in Europe, and the native religions in Europe have never been able to grow.However, it is precisely for this reason that the aura of the European leylines can remain intact while the aura of the eastern leylines dissipates and declines, and can form spiritual points from time to time.

Xu Changqing looked at this small valley with a little disappointment. If this small valley is not inhabited and there is no small canal, then this is a good place.However, he didn't show any signs of frustration. This was just the beginning, and there was still a long way to go. He had plenty of time to find a suitable place.

Xu Changqing put on the hood again, and walked towards the town with a cane.He didn't use any body skills, just walked like an ordinary person, and he didn't use any real energy spells around his body. He let the rain fall on his body, and even soaked his clothes. A preparation before retreat.

The mountain road is not easy to walk.And it's muddy.But Xu Changqing still walked into this mountain town before dark.This small town is not much different from the several Alpine towns that Xu Changqing passed through before.There is only one main road.There are two-story buildings on both sides of the road.The materials used for the small building are wood, plaster and gravel.The first floors of these small buildings are all shops.The second floor is housing.The sign placed at the door was crackled by the rain.It feels like it's about to fall down at any moment.

It was raining heavily outside.There is no one on the street.The surface of the road is paved with cobblestones.It's slippery though.But finally down to earth.However, Xu Changqing could clearly see through the rain curtain that many people were sticking their heads out of the windows one after another when he entered the town.Their eyes were nothing but surprise.Also showed a not so friendly look.

Xu Changqing pushed open the door of a hotel.walked in.There seemed to be a party going on in the hotel.Many people gathered here.I saw someone walk in.All stopped talking.looked over.When Xu Changqing untied the cloak and hung it at the door of the hotel.Everyone in the hotel couldn't help but take a deep breath.In their view.It is a rare thing for a foreign traveler to come to such a rainy day.Now this outsider is an extremely rare oriental person, which surprised them even more.

In Xu Changqing's eyes.The residents here are obviously a little out of touch with the outside world.The clothes on their bodies looked so old-fashioned.The man was wearing a lace shirt.Black vest.Plus an old tuxedo.As for women, it is the kind of folded skirt with shaping breasts, tight waist and low neckline.It feels like the style of clothing 50 years ago.

"Excuse me, is it still open?" Xu Changqing was in the spotlight.With a calm expression, he looked at the bald middle-aged man who looked like the boss.asked.

"It's still open." The boss was obviously surprised that Xu Changqing could speak French so fluently.There was no reaction for a while.He answered casually.But soon he thought of something.He glanced at another old man with a wig.Said: "But maybe I need to trouble you to go out now. We..." (To be continued. If you want to know what happened next. Please log in. More chapters.

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