Nine idlers

Chapter 334 Unknown Power

"Go and tell the speaker that some bugs are coming in the hotel. Our ceremony may be in trouble, but don't worry too much." This sentence is what the hotel owner said to his servants in the hotel after everyone returned to the room. Said.

Although the hotel owner's voice was very low and the surrounding rain was thundering, Xu Changqing still heard it clearly, and he was sure that the people next door to him heard it too.The innkeeper's careless words seemed a bit deliberate. He felt that he was not afraid of the demon hunters hearing it. At the same time, it was like a disguised warning, warning some people not to move around.

Although Xu Changqing was curious about what might happen in this mountain town, he didn't want to intervene. He completely regarded himself as an ordinary passerby.But he didn't mind watching a good show as a bystander, especially one of the protagonists of this good show was a demon hunter.

The people in the next room seemed to understand what the hotel owner meant, snorted coldly, and immediately fell silent again. Then, a force surrounded the room, blocking out any sound.Afterwards, the entire hotel fell into silence, only the sound of rainwater beating on the eaves filled the ears like a lullaby, making people fall asleep.

The hotel owner knocked on the door of Xu Changqing's room during dinner and asked him if he wanted to eat. After hearing Xu Changqing's voice of refusal, he stopped bothering.After nightfall, Xu Changqing did not perform a repairing show on the Yin God as usual.However, what puzzled him was that the expected conflict did not happen, and the whole night was peaceful and boring.

"Are you really leaving?" Early morning.The hotel owner watched Xu Changqing come down the stairs, and looked at the drizzle that had not stopped outside, and asked with concern: "It's too dangerous to walk on the mountain road in such heavy rain, I suggest you wait for the rain Is it better to stop before walking? Anyway, it only takes two or three days for the rain to stop, so you can take a good rest during this time. It’s like a body repaired in the middle of the journey.”

"Thank you!" Xu Changqing shook his head, settled the bill, and then took off the cloak at the door.Looking up at the top, he said with a pun: "It's too boring here, and the atmosphere is too tense. I may not get the rest I deserve if I stay here. Maybe it's better to leave earlier."

The hotel owner was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "It seems that your Excellency is not an ordinary person. I hope this place has not given you a bad impression. You will see the most beautiful scenery here after the autumn harvest festival. I think You're going to really like this place when you get there."

"I hope I can come then." Xu Changqing nodded with a smile and put on his cloak.Put the hood up and take the cane.Walked out of the hotel.

"Mr. Wei'an, why didn't you do it last night? You should know that last night was the best time." When Xu Changqing left the hotel.The woman among the demon hunters looked down from the window of the guest room on the second floor, then glared at the old man beside her, and questioned: "Last night was the lowest ebb of their strength. If we do it, we can have a [-]% chance of winning. Starting today Their power continues to grow, and our chances of winning will become lower and lower. If it is time for them to hold a sacrifice, their power will reach its peak. Let alone the chances of winning, it is even a question of whether we can leave? Mr. Wei An, if you If I can’t make a reasonable explanation now, I will use the power given to me by the chief priest to stop this operation, and report the process of this operation directly to the court.”

When the court was mentioned, the faces of the other people around changed slightly, but the old man remained as usual, keeping his eyes on Xu Changqing who was walking out of the town, and said: "That oriental man is not an ordinary person. He's a big variable here."

"This is your reason? Do you think such a reason can be believed?" The woman took out glass bottles filled with liquid one by one from the backpack beside her, and put them into the small leather bag on her waist one by one, followed by a sneer Following the old man's gaze, he looked at Xu Changqing and said, "I don't see anything special about this oriental man?"

"It's very special for him to be able to enter this town! Don't forget, how hard it is for us to get in here. There is only one entrance that appears every year. Don't you find it strange that he can enter without an entrance? Don't say He is from a small town, what are you guys!" The old man calmly glanced at his companions around him, then landed on the middle-aged woman, and said seriously: "Ms. Cassandra, although your father is I died, but don't put too much personal emotion on work, and you have to understand that the moment we become Silver Laurel Hunters, our lives are no longer our own."

"I don't need you to teach me a lesson." Cassandra snorted coldly, stopped arguing with the old man, turned to a young woman wearing glasses and asked, "Jamie, do you have any information about that oriental man? "

"No!" Jamie seemed to have a database in her mind, she just closed her eyes, and immediately replied: "There are some oriental practitioners who have settled in Europe these years, but those people all look like him. It doesn't match, maybe he came from the East recently."

"He came to Europe recently?" Jamie's words made everyone fall into deep thought, and soon someone thought of a clue and said, "Do you still remember that the chief priest asked the first team to investigate the Joan of Arc incident a week ago?" Is it? I heard that angels and ancient gods are involved in it, and it is also related to an oriental practitioner. This oriental practitioner landed in nearby Marseille more than ten days ago. Later, there were a series of signs of non-human forces fighting around Marseille. There is the breath of demon gods and vampires in the battle place. Could this person be the oriental practitioner?"

"It's very possible. I've also read the survey report. That oriental cultivator is very similar to that oriental man." Cassandra also remembered something, frowning slightly, and said: "An oriental cultivator who can rival the gods Or it was too much for us..."

"He was probably just passing by, and he broke in unintentionally." The old man Wei'an closed his eyes, then opened them, his entire eyeballs turned purple, and at the same time turned his head to look in the direction Xu Changqing left, and slowly Said: "He has left the town and is leaving the valley. It seems that he doesn't know what is in the valley, otherwise he shouldn't have left so easily."

"Since the Orientals have left, let's focus here!" Cassandra collected her mood, and said, "Now you can split up and prepare! I have notified the organization that there will be a A group of people came to support, we must get this thing before the Dark Council gets it, everyone act!"

Following Cassandra's order, everyone took their backpacks and walked out of the room one after another. Only the old man was still standing by the window, looking at the direction Xu Changqing left, and muttered to himself: "Leave? He can still leave now." Is it?" (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in, more chapters,

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