Nine idlers

Chapter 335 Flawless Lost Realm

Xu Changqing, who made a decision, used his body skills, and it didn't take long to return to the small town.However, the scene in front of him stunned him.The small town that was previously full of people was empty at the moment. The buildings in the town seemed to have become decayed and outdated after hundreds of years, rattling in the wind and rain, and felt like they would collapse at any moment.

The whole town seemed to have been abandoned for many years, and the dust covered the whole town with a layer of gray, making it look like a ghost town.Under the exploration of divine sense, Xu Changqing did not find any person, not even livestock.If he hadn't been able to actually touch the surrounding things, maybe he would still think that he was still trapped in the maze, and his surroundings were all hallucinations.

"What's going on here? Is it still an illusion?" Xu Changqing frowned slightly, calmed down, turned around and looked around, full of doubts in his heart, and then suddenly formed a magic seal with his hands, circulated his true energy, and said, "Suppress!" .A tyrannical force of the Five Elements rushed out of the seal, spreading out like a wave. All the rainwater and accumulated water covered by the force evaporated into mist instantly, and enveloped the entire town.

This spell is a kind of water spirit Taoism created by Xu Changqing. Although it has no attack power, it can make blindfolds and illusions invisible.So after casting the spell, Xu Changqing was sure that the town was real, and there was indeed no resident in the town.

"Scatter!" Xu Changqing untied the seal, and the dense fog bound by Dao power quickly dissipated under the impact of the rain.After being unable to find any abnormalities with Taoist methods, Xu Changqing could only inspect the houses one by one, looking for clues that could tell him what happened here with the naked eye.

After some inspection, Xu Changqing found that the residents of the small town left very calmly, because all the things in the house were packed neatly.In addition, judging from the degree of decay of the house and the thickness of the dust in the room, no one has lived in it for at least 50 years.When he returned to the hotel where he lived before.Carefully, he found that although the general appearance of the hotel had not changed, some small places seemed to have been renovated. The building materials were much newer than the surrounding materials, and there were traces of fire around them.

After checking the entire town, Xu Changqing was still at a loss as to what was going on. The only thing he knew was that the town was completely deserted.

Just when Xu Changqing felt a little dazed.Some voices suddenly came from the mountain road he was walking on when he was about to leave.It sounded like someone was arguing.Since the source of the sound was in the strange thick fog, with Xu Changqing's eyes and mind, he could only vaguely feel that a group of people were walking towards this side.After hesitating for a while, Xu Changqing pinched the Jue with his hands and cast the Dao method. Soon a layer of water mist enveloped him, followed by his figure gradually faded, and finally disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

Not long after.The source of the sound in the dense fog gradually revealed its figure.They are seven or eight ordinary people, dressed in weird clothes, with waist-length short shirts and a hood attached to their upper bodies.Her lower body looked like pajama pants, and she was wearing a pair of weird-looking and big shoes.Apart from their strange clothes, what Xu Changqing noticed the most was the two-wheeled rickshaw in their hands.These two-wheeled rickshaws are more exquisite than the ones he has seen before, and they look very light.Although the skeleton of the body is very small, it gives people the illusion that it will break at any time.But judging from the situation of the driving place, it seems that some worries are unfounded.also.Although the clothes of these people are different, no matter the clothes.The backpacks on the back rack of the rickshaw all had a unified hook badge, so Xu Changqing judged that they should belong to the same organization.

Although these people who suddenly appeared in front of them were just ordinary people from the perspective of their movements, Xu Changqing had no intention of showing up, and was still hiding in the small town to observe them.

These people quickly entered the town and hid in the largest hotel in the house one after another, while the rickshaws in their hands were parked on the porch in front of the hotel one by one.Then one of these people, who looked like the leader, ordered a few words to the others in an orderly manner. Although Xu Changqing, who was hidden by the side, could hear that the person spoke English, but the person's accent, words and grammar It is also somewhat different from English, especially some of the words used, which I have never heard before.

Under the command of the leader.These people are not looking for dry firewood.Just packing up.And the leader unbuttoned his clothes.He took out a strange thing the size of a palm from his arms.This thing is tiny.Like a mechanism, there are universes inside.After the man fiddled with it a few times.Just split it in half.One half is illuminated and has a patterned floor panel.The other half marked some English words and characters.I saw him pressing those words and characters quickly and precisely.At the same time, the pattern on the luminous panel also changes rapidly.Until a pattern that looked like a map appeared.That person stopped moving.Then lift up this weird thing.move around.It looked like he was trying to find something with this thing.

"Damn it! That bastard bitch. He also said that this is the latest GPS phone. You can find the signal even in the Sahara! You better not let me catch you when you go back. Otherwise..." The man walked around.While cursing repeatedly.All kinds of vicious words were uttered casually.As if the person he cursed was a heinous person who ruined his family.

Although Xu Changqing failed to understand what gps, what mobile phone, and what signal he was talking about.But from the man's words, he vaguely guessed that the man's hand should be a tool similar to a map.And they seem to have lost their way.

These people are full of all kinds of strange things.Although not necessarily related to Xu Changqing being trapped here.But it still made him feel the urge to find out.Just when he was about to remove the spell, show up, and communicate with these people face to face.The dense fog around the valley seemed to have turned into countless long snakes.swept over quickly.But in the blink of an eye, the entire town was enveloped.

However.Xu Changqing found that other than himself.None of the people around seemed to see the white mist.But he couldn't care about other things at the moment.Run the real yuan with all your strength.And display the five elements.I want to wash away these white mist.Unfortunately, all this is in vain.Although this white mist can be seen.But can't touch it.Although there are shadows.But invisible.

Although Xu Changqing couldn't deal with Bai Wu.But the white mist only surrounded the surroundings.It didn't do him any harm.Xu Changqing's incompetence in this situation is an example.You can only cast Earth Dungeon again.Want to get out of the fog like before.This time he didn't escape too far.Soon it floated up from the ground.However, the scene in front of him once again shocked him deeply.He returned to the hillside again.And the werewolf town still lay quietly in the valley. (To be continued. If you want to know what happens next. Please log in. There are more chapters.

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