Nine idlers

Chapter 336

Facing such a powerful forbidden legal world, Xu Changqing couldn't think of a solution for the time being, so he could only turn around and return to the town.Although he can't do anything about the white mist in front of him, he can be sure that the residents of the town who have lived here for such a long time must know something that he doesn't.In addition, those demon hunters must also know about this matter. Instead of thinking about it here alone, it is better to go back to the town and get his needs from those who know.

After entering the town again, Xu Changqing found that the residents of the town were not staying in their own rooms at the moment, but gathered in a large house that looked like a town council in the west of the village. Young men guard around the house.There were prayers in the house, which sounded like Western church hymns, but they spoke in an unknown language, some like French, some like Italian.

When the young people guarding the house saw Xu Changqing coming from outside the town, they all showed surprised expressions on their faces, and at the same time became extra vigilant.Some people turned into werewolves and tauren regardless of shocking the world, and stared at Xu Changqing with pairs of blood-red eyes, as if warning Xu Changqing to attack immediately as soon as he got close.

"It's such a tense atmosphere!" Xu Changqing looked at these young druids with swords drawn from the eaves of his hood, and didn't think about provoking them. Instead, he turned his head and walked towards the hotel. Quite a few demon hunters.

"Oriental, why are you still here?" When Xu Changqing was about to leave.The speaker of the small town who had met once before heard the news and immediately recognized him from his attire.And there was a surprised expression on his face, obviously very puzzled that he would still appear in the town.

"Don't you guys know why I'm here?" Xu Changqing stopped, took off his hood, looked into the eyes of the speaker of the town, and asked in a deep voice with no expression on his face.

Maybe it was the anger in Xu Changqing's tone.Those young people who hadn't yet transformed turned into werewolves one after another, and low, menacing hisses continued to come out of their throats, and the atmosphere immediately became tense.The town speaker was obviously much calmer than the others, he signaled to the people around him to calm down, then stepped forward and looked at Xu Changqing.Asked back: "Did you encounter a thick white mist when you came in?"

"There is a play!" Xu Changqing's heart moved, but he also heard something wrong in the words of the town's speaker, so he stepped forward and asked, "Why did you ask me if I encountered white mist when I came in, instead of encountering white mist when I left?" What about the white mist? Is there a time pattern for the appearance of those white mist?

"Could it be that when you left, you encountered a white mist?" The speaker of the town showed a look of surprise, and muttered to himself in a very small voice: "Impossible. Why is there no movement from the council?" Afterwards, he used Looking at Xu Changqing with distrust, he asked: "Oriental, you are lying! You have not left the town for the past three days. You have not encountered any white mist, otherwise, even if you are a god, it is absolutely impossible for you to leave the town. Get out of the white mist!"

"Three days? I actually stayed in the white mist for three days!" Hearing the words of the town's speaker.Xu Changqing was startled, but his face remained calm.He didn't refute the town speaker's guess, but asked bluntly. "You are very clear about the power of the white mist. What are those white mist?"

The mayor of the town narrowed his eyes, stared at Xu Changqing for a long time, ordered the others to guard, turned around and prepared to go back to the house, and warned in a deep voice: "Oriental, I know from Brown that you are not simple, and I also know that you are not with me. Those nasty demon hunters are in the same group. But the thing here is not that you can plug in the ground, you better find a place to hide tonight, and everything will be quiet tomorrow

See the town speaker leave.Xu Changqing didn't stop or ask questions.He has heard some useful things from the words of the town speaker.first.Residents of the small town know the existence of the White Mist.I also know that it is the source of the white mist.and its strength.Secondly, he also inferred from the words of the town speaker.There is obviously a time limit for the appearance of the white mist.Otherwise, the town speaker would not have said that it will be fine tonight.And this time it may appear earlier.And let him who would not have been involved in this matter be involved.The last is what he wants to know the most.Bai Wu's power can indeed control time.Or to control the passage of time.He stayed in the white mist for only one day.But it has been three days outside.

The moment the town speaker opened the door of the house and walked in.Xu Changqing easily saw the whole picture of the inside of the room from the gap between the doors.What made him feel strange was that all the people in the room were women, children and children.There is no one over the age of 30.There was no town resident who appeared in the hotel that day.Including those young people who still can't hide their werewolf aura.

A faint smile appeared on Xu Changqing's face.He turned his head and looked in the direction of the hotel.He looked at the young druids around the house who couldn't control their power.I couldn't help guessing in my heart: "A group of demon hunters with malicious intentions gathered in the small town. But the main force in the small town is not here. What is more important than the lives of the town's residents? It seems. As long as you find Those townspeople who are not here will be able to find the source of the white mist."

After having some clues.Xu Changqing was not in a hurry to find the source of the white mist.One more thing needs to be clarified now.That is what is the power that affects the entire town.But look at the hostility of these small town residents.They will not tell Xu Changqing.Fortunately, not only the residents of this small town know what this power is.Xu Changqing can be sure that those demon hunters must also come for this mysterious and powerful force in the town.

After Xu Changqing made up his mind.He turned and walked towards the hotel.walk aside.While turning the body into a bronze armored corpse clone.And summoned ten Huangquan war ghosts from the Huangquan banner.Let it search around the town.Look for places that may contain mysterious power.Came outside the hotel.There was a loud quarrel inside.It sounds like the people inside have two opinions.One is to first solve the small town residents gathered in the town council.The other is to first find the place they call the altar.

The demon hunter who asked to kill the townspeople was obviously a very traditional demon hunter.They have a natural hatred for people or monsters with inhuman strength.Even hate yourself.It is most correct to think that destroying everything.Other demon hunters were much calmer.They have become less fanatical in their pursuit of hunting non-humans.They are also proud of their strength.Thinking about things is more about interests.That's why it is considered wasteful to use power on people who are not threatening.

In addition, Xu Changqing also knew from the quarrels of these people that nearly [-]% of the power of the entire demon hunter organization has been gathered here, which shows that they are determined to win the power in the town.

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