Nine idlers

Chapter 337 Demon Elimination Power

Xu Changqing just stayed outside the hotel for a while, then opened the door and walked in. The voices in the hotel stopped instantly, and everyone's eyes were focused on Xu Changqing.There were more than 30 demon hunters of various ages standing in the hotel bar, all of whom were equipped with various instruments and weapons.Among these people were the few demon hunters he had seen before, but he was now a clone of the Bronze Armored Corpse, and those people did not recognize him.

Xu Changqing's gaze just scanned the room, and then landed on some damaged wooden walls, and his heart was inexplicably excited.If he remembers correctly, these newly damaged walls are exactly the same as what he saw in the real illusion, no matter the location of the damage, or the surrounding fire marks. This proves from another aspect that the illusion should be a scene from the future .

"Who are you? Are you one of those bastards who live here?" At this moment, a Russian man who was as strong as a bear rushed forward with two double-edged axes engraved with magic patterns in his hand, Shouted at Xu Changqing in English with a thick accent.

The old demon hunter named Wei An stepped forward, took the Russian by the arm, and said, "Chenov, don't mess around, don't you see that he is an oriental?" Then he took a step forward , stood in front of Xu Changqing, looked up and down carefully, and asked: "Oriental, how did you get in?"

"Just walked in like this." Xu Changqing answered casually, sat down on a table at the door, and asked with a smile: "The weapons in your hands look very old. Is there an ancient weapon masquerade here?"

Xu Changqing's ignorance of the surrounding people made these demon hunters extremely annoyed, and their murderous aura could not be suppressed.The old demon hunter Wei'an seemed to see something wrong with Xu Changqing, and his face became serious.He signaled everyone to be quiet.Then he walked in front of Xu Changqing and said in a deep voice: "Sorry, this place is closed today. If necessary, you can find a house to live in the town tonight. I think the residents here will not object. "

Hearing Wei'an's eviction order, Xu Changqing just sneered, then looked at the old man, and said, "Mr. Wei'an is neither the owner of this hotel nor a citizen of this town, can you make the decision?"

Although Wei An and other demon hunters used their own abilities to isolate the sound that night.But it was easy for Xu Changqing to break their spells, so he also knew the general identity of that team of demon hunters.However, the reason why he said Wei An's name was to give these demon hunters the illusion that he knew everything about them.

As he expected, everyone's expressions changed slightly. The Russian standing behind Wei An seemed not to give Xu Changqing another chance to speak, and swung the ax in his hand towards Xu Changqing without warning.Under the influence of his force, the magic pattern on the ax burst out a burst of light and instantly enveloped the axe, forming a special force.Such an attack may be somewhat lethal to ordinary demons and ghosts.But in Xu Changqing's eyes, he didn't even need to dodge with this power.Let the ax blade chop on the neck.

"Dang!" There was a sound of gold and iron colliding in the room, and the Russian felt that he was chopping on an iron plate. The shock force transmitted from the ax made his palms numb and his arms so soft that he almost couldn't hold it. own weapon.Then he felt another chill in the handle of the axe.Moreover, the cold feeling spread to his body along his arms, making him shiver involuntarily.Following the whole person completely lost consciousness.

In the eyes of others, Xu Changqing was fine after being hacked.But their companions turned into corpses in the blink of an eye, and their skin color turned blue-black after being poisoned.The body is also extremely hard as if frozen.What shocked everyone even more was that the ax dropped by the Russians seemed to be soaked in some kind of strong solution. In their eyes, it quickly decayed and damaged, turning into a piece of broken copper and rotten iron.

When Xu Changqing was about to build the Golden Core Avenue.The bronze armored corpse also began to change.The most obvious is that the corpse fire in the corpse pill has gradually transformed into the red sun fire of the drought.And the corpse aura is getting colder and colder.It's like the evil spirit of the earth.The strength of the Russians can't stop the corpse of the bronze armor at all.The flesh and blood of the body instantly solidified into solid ice.Moreover, corpse gas also has a strong corrosive effect on that magic weapon.

"Who the hell are you?" Wei An's face changed slightly.He didn't feel much sadness about his companion's death.At this moment, his attention is all focused on the strength displayed by Xu Changqing.Take a few steps back.The other demon hunters also took out their weapons.stood together.

Xu Changqing looked very calm.smiled.Said: "I'm just a passerby!"

"A passer-by?" At this time.The tall man who had been sitting at the bar just now, drinking cider, turned around.He narrowed his eyes slightly.Staring at Xu Changqing.Said: "Then passer-by, please tell me. Why did you come to such a remote town?"

Xu Changqing looked at the bearded Nordic man in front of him.He could tell that this person was the demon hunter who insisted on purifying the town just now.Although he looks very rude.The voice that came out just now also seemed impulsive and irritable.But it can be seen from his eyes that he is actually very calm.It can even be said to be cold.Without any emotion.People around looked at him with great respect.From this, Xu Changqing judged that he had a high status in the Demon Hunter Organization.And under the temptation of divine sense.It can be felt that the power on his body is very strong.It's like a god.Definitely not much weaker than the Anubis I met before.

"An ordinary person can possess the power of a god. It's really weird." Xu Changqing looked at the ground in front of him because he knew from the characteristics of this person's breathing and heartbeat that this big man's body was only several times stronger than ordinary people.The power that can be felt is completely opposite.It's really puzzling.

Although he was thinking about things, Xu Changqing still replied unhurriedly: "What are you for, and what am I for? After all, such things are very coveted."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room was tense and almost frozen, and a force surged from the Nordic man in front of him, and wrapped it up, forming a muscular Nordic giant.This giant is like the golden body of the dharma elephant. The naked eyes of ordinary people can only see a burst of light at most, but Xu Changqing's dharma eyes can see it completely.The giant's clothes are simple, and his weapons look very old. He looks like a warrior from ancient times, and the most impressive thing about him is that he has only one eye.

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