Nine idlers

Chapter 338 Mirage Magic Orb

"Waiting for me for a long time?" Xu Changqing's face flashed a look of confusion, and he pushed the door open and entered.

At this time, what appeared in front of Xu Changqing was a white-haired old man who was not very prominent in appearance. The only thing that stood out was that his eyes emitted colorful brilliance from time to time, and it was strange that there was no one else in the room except him. other people.

"Hello! Eastern practitioners, you can call us Faro, or you can call us Suspicious!" The old man seemed unable to control the expression on his face, his muscles twitched and showed an ugly smile, and then raised his finger The chair next to him said in a completely different voice from before, "Please sit down, we may need to chat for a while."

"We?" Xu Changqing frowned slightly, sat on the chair, looked at the old man, and asked in doubt: "You are the only one here, why use the word us instead of me?"

Although Xu Changqing seemed innocent on the surface, he felt horrified in his heart.Because he can see the old man, and feel his heartbeat and breathing, but he can't perceive his existence with his mind, as if the old man in front of him is a mass of ordinary air, or a fantasy.But at this moment Xu Changqing also felt that the source of the power that constituted the real illusion just now was in the old man, but he couldn't determine its location, as if this power filled the old man's whole body, and also had a core that was constantly dissociated in his body.

"Don't try to find out our details. Although you are stronger than I imagined, you still can't threaten us." The old man seemed to sense Xu Changqing's spiritual thoughts, and his body immediately turned into an invisible vortex, which attracted all the approaching spiritual thoughts. Absorbing it in, Xu Changqing, who was caught off guard, felt dizzy for a while.

"How did you do it?" Xu Changqing quickly recovered with a serious expression on his face, although the old man did not follow up.But he still took out the Yellow Spring Banner carefully.Hold it in your hand and be alert.Spiritual will is a kind of power of mind and spirit. Some people call it spiritual power, and some call it willpower. It is not a big deal to be able to resist the power of other people's spiritual thought. Most practitioners can do it, but directly like this Absorbing the power of other people's spiritual thoughts is far from what ordinary people can do.Not to mention Xu Changqing, a practitioner who has not yet completed the Golden Core Dao, even an immortal who has achieved immortality cannot directly absorb other people's spiritual thoughts.

"Secrets! Everyone has secrets, right?" The old man didn't show much complacency, but the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he changed into a calm London accent.Said: "We don't want to ask how you escaped from the white mist outside the town? We also don't want to know the secret of the druid power in your body? You don't need to ask how we absorbed your spiritual power? We believe that the more we The less you know each other's secrets, the more enjoyable it will be to cooperate."

"Druid power?" Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that what the old man was talking about was the incarnation of Zhu Yan. From this, it seems that the old man must have some kind of connection with Bai Wu, maybe Bai Wu, saw or sensed Bai Wu everything that happened here.

"What can we cooperate with?" Xu Changqing put Huang Quanfan into his body and asked coldly.

"Of course there are people who can cooperate." The old man suddenly sat cross-legged, letting his whole body suspend in mid-air, and transformed into a shrill voice similar to a female voice.He said bluntly: "For example, we can cooperate with you to get that thing from the druids in this small town!"

"You can levitate your body with the power of your spiritual thoughts alone. It seems that your spiritual thoughts are far more powerful than ordinary people. If what I expected is correct, you should specialize in spiritual thoughts. Right?" Xu Changqing looked at the old man.Although with his mind and spirit cultivation base.It is also possible to rely on divine sense to do this.But it is far from being able to achieve such a natural gesture.From this it can be seen that the old man's spiritual cultivation is far superior to his.

"Hey!" The old man didn't answer.Instead, he said nervously, "You are the first person we have seen who can survive the psychedelic fog. It seems that you must have done a lot of research on psychedelic beads. You also know how to Breaking through the illusion. If we cooperate with you, those two magic beads will definitely be easily obtained. We can each get one at that time. Save tonight. Wait another 20 years."

"Psychedelic beads?" Xu Changqing frowned.There was a look of incomprehension on purpose on his face.

"Yes. Psychedelic Beads! Perhaps you guys were talking while exposing an arm with bruised veins and only skin and bones left. You were about to do something, but you stopped suddenly. Annoyed, embarrassed, begged, etc. The expression on his face changed again and again. Finally, his expression returned to normal. He continued the action just now. He raised his hand to make a tray. Then he murmured a spell in his mouth. Then he saw a cloud of white mist covering his hand In the middle of the white mist, there is a black bead the size of an eyeball looming.

See this bead.Xu Changqing immediately felt the familiar yet unfamiliar power of the white mist.At the same time, he also thought of what the bead was.Eyes wide open.Can't help but exclaim in surprise: "Mirage bead!"

According to legend, mirage is a gas created by mirage dragons when they breathe.Can illusion all things.The legendary mirages and ghost ships are caused by mirages.But for people in the practice world.There are no mirage dragons in the world.And the mirage is not the breath of a mirage.The same as the will of heaven and earth.Mirages also come from humans.Human beings' prayers and wishes accumulate together to form the power of heaven and earth.And human beings are full of all kinds of distracting thoughts gathered together to form a mirage.

Compared with the power of heaven and earth, the formation of mirage is more mysterious. No one knows how mirage is formed. The only thing that is clear is that most of the places where mirage is formed are deserts or seas without human habitation.It is very difficult to form a mirage, but it is tens of millions of times more difficult to condense the mirage into a solid body.There are only three inscriptions on Tibetan beads in various schools and sects in the practice world. One is that Wang Mang, the usurper of the Han Dynasty at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, held a mirage bead, and the other is that Zhang Jiao, a yellow scarf demon master at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, held a mirage bead. , the last one is the one held in the hand of the noble concubine Yang Yuhuan in the mid-Tang Dynasty.Because of the timing of the appearance of the mirage beads and its effect of confusing people's hearts, the practice circle also calls the mirage beads the magic beads of disaster.

At this moment, Xu Changqing also understood why the old man would say us to himself?Why is the tone of voice constantly changing?Why is it possible to directly absorb the divine thoughts of others?If he was practicing with mirage beads, all problems would no longer be a problem.From a certain point of view, he should be the person with the strongest divine sense in the world, even a person like Xu Changqing who has cultivated into a yin god is far inferior. On the other hand, he is already a lunatic, a person with

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