Nine idlers

Chapter 339 Entering the Illusion

Just as the old man showed surprise on his face, Xu Changqing's face also turned livid, because he felt that the war ghost of Huangquan outside the forest had disappeared.Although the Huangquan war ghost is the weakest of the many puppet ghosts in the Huangquan banner, it is not much stronger than ordinary war ghosts, and practitioners with a little cultivation can deal with it.It is one thing to be able to deal with it, but it is another thing to destroy it. The Huangquan war ghost has the mana of the Huangquan banner in it. Ordinary war ghosts will be dissipated after being destroyed, but the Huangquan war ghost will still retain a trace of true spirit. restore in .But at this moment, all the Huangquan war ghosts disappeared in an instant, just like ordinary war ghosts, with no real spirit left.

Xu Changqing was about to sacrifice the Yellow Spring Banner, and tried to recall the war ghost by casting a spell, when suddenly a force appeared out of thin air around the hotel.This power is very similar to the white mist mirage encountered outside the town before. It has a suppressive power against the bronze armored corpse clone, but this power is much weaker, and it cannot stop the bronze armored corpse clone from sacrificing the yellow spring banner at all.Although the power is much weaker, compared to the white mist mirage, this power seems to have traces of man-made manipulation.As long as there are human traces, it is impossible to achieve the impeccable and natural nature, so Xu Changqing quickly settled down and did not react too much.

At this time, the power from the outside began to seep into the interior of the hotel, wisps of white mist squeezed in through the gaps in some wooden boards, and the mist also changed from light to thick.The wall covered by white mist disappeared in an instant and turned into ginseng trees. The old man Faro was in a dense forest, and the sky changed from night to day.

"Hey! It seems that they haven't got the psychedelic beads yet, they just mastered a little way to use the psychedelic energy!" The old man also relaxed at this time, and his body floated in front of Xu Changqing, saying: "We'd better go Let's talk while walking. Although those druids have not mastered the Magic Orb, they may be very close to the hiding place of the Magic Orb now, and we don't want any accidents to happen."

Without asking Xu Changqing's opinion, he turned around and drifted into the depths of the jungle.As if he was very familiar with everything around him.Xu Changqing didn't say much, and followed quickly. At the same time, he cast a spell and shook the Yellow Spring flag, and shot out a stream of mana, rushing away from the real illusion created by the surrounding mirage power, and carefully looked for the location of those Yellow Spring war ghosts.

The two walked for a long time in the jungle, and it felt like they had walked for more than an hour.The old man Farrow has been leading the way. He seems to be able to see through all the traps in the illusion, walk and listen, and has not encountered any danger.And he didn't actually make a move, which made Xu Changqing, who was following behind, a little elusive about his method.

Compared with the old man in front of him who knows everything about the mirage and illusion, Xu Changqing is obviously far behind.Although he can use powerful external force to cut off the mirage power that maintains the real illusion like in the hotel, but he can't completely disperse the mirage. As long as someone controls these mirages, the illusion can be restored. But he has already thought of a solution, While walking in the illusion, he also continuously spread the mana of Huangquan Banner, gradually forming a circle around his body.As long as there is a slight change in the external illusion.He will be able to enter the Yellow Spring Banner and use the magic power of the spirit treasure to block the influence of the mirage on the mind and spirit.

After Xu Changqing made these secret arrangements, he didn't plan to tell the old man in front.The so-called intention of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of preventing others is indispensable. Even relatives and friends will do amazing things under the absolute benefit, not to mention that he and the old man are just temporary partners with different intentions.

After the old man walked around a seemingly safe open space, he suddenly stopped, turned to Xu Changqing and said, "It's up to you, there is a barrier here. You need to open a barrier."

"A barrier?" Xu Changqing frowned, knowing that the old man wanted to drain his strength on purpose.I couldn't help but sneered in my heart, and didn't expose him. I stepped forward a few steps and came to the invisible barrier.Then he seemingly casually swiped the Yellow Spring Banner in front of him, and the thousands of soul threads that formed the red tassels on the top of the Yellow Spring Banner unfolded accordingly.Turned into countless steel needle-like silk threads and drilled into the invisible barrier in front of it, the magic power of the underworld concentrated at the tips of the threads burst out instantly.Disturb the mirage that constitutes the entire invisible barrier.

At this time, the primeval forest in front of the two of them disappeared immediately.It was restored to a thin layer of mist, through which the current position was seen.They are now outside the town.Not far ahead was a dense forest, and outside the forest a group of demon hunters fell into the illusion created by the power of mirage, and were crazily killing each other. Only a few people were able to maintain their sanity and calmly escaped to the periphery.

At the same time, Xu Changqing also felt at this moment that the Huangquan war ghost who he thought had disappeared just now was also staying outside the woods.Except that the actions and power of the war ghost are tightly suppressed by the mirage.They didn't suffer any damage.For this reason, he secretly manipulated Huangquan Banner.Played several mana in a row.Break open the mirage power.Bring back the war ghost.

Xu Changqing's secret actions did not disturb the old people around him.At this moment, the old man's attention is all on the subordinates in the mirage and white mist in front of him.Especially seeing the corpses of several demon hunters lying on the ground.His face became even more ugly.Then I saw words muttering in his mouth.At the same time open your hands.Two white mist balls were formed in his palms.When the fog ball becomes the size of a palm.He slapped the two fog balls together hard.The power of the mirage gathered in the fog ball burst out instantly.Completely neutralize other surrounding mirage forces.The surrounding white mist disappeared instantly.

"What's going on? Just now I clearly saw..." The moment the white mist disappeared.Everyone woke up immediately.When they saw that the person they attacked turned out to be their companion.All showed a look of surprise.Only a small number of people did not show surprise.Instead, the trainer stepped forward to check the injuries of the demon hunter lying on the ground.

After the old demon hunter Wei An checked the last demon hunter who fell to the ground.stand up.A look of sadness appeared on his face.Because there was one of his subordinates among the dead.But soon he recovered.The old man Farrow floated towards Zhengzheng.Introduced the situation and said: "My lord, three of us died in total. Five people were seriously injured. Thirteen were slightly injured. They are all ordinary Pozet."

"Poset? The possessed." Xu Changqing heard Wei'an's words.He looked at the dead and wounded in front of him again.It was found that these people were all the kind of demon hunters who had been cast with a magic spell.I immediately understood the source of their strength in my heart.A mocking sneer formed at the corner of his mouth.

These demon hunters are all dedicated to hunting down those non-human races.But they are in order to enhance their own strength.But they had to rely on the power of their hunting targets.They use some method to transfer non-human powers such as devils and vampires to themselves.Then use this force to continue hunting.In the end, he was gradually assimilated by this force beyond his own capacity.This feels like a great irony.It is worthless to satirize the establishment of the Demon Hunters.

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