Nine idlers

Chapter 340 Inner Lost Realm

As time passed, the surrounding illusions also began to change, and the pedestrians on the streets began to walk forward normally, and turned backwards.Not only pedestrians are like this, but even cars, carriages, and even birds in the sky are like this. It looks very weird, as if the illusion is going backwards in demonstration time.As these moving objects regress faster and faster, the surrounding static things also change rapidly, the surrounding high-rise buildings begin to decrease, and the Statue of Liberty, the symbol of New York, also quickly disappears. A humble hamlet in the seventeenth century colonial period.

When New York in the illusion turned into an unknown small village, the time regression in the illusion stopped suddenly, and everything seemed to return to calm. "Huh!" The old man Farrow, who had been closing his eyes slightly, seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly let out an exclamation, opened his eyes suddenly, and turned his head to look at the hillside on the side of the village.

Xu Changqing couldn't help but follow the old man's gaze towards the hillside, and soon he saw a large group of Indians riding horses and holding torches gathered on the hillside.The village next to them also noticed the Indians on the hillside at this moment, and immediately fell into a panic. Everyone screamed and hid in the house, and then stretched out a gun barrel from the window, aiming at the entrance of the village .

Seeing that a big battle was about to start in this village, those Indians were extremely abnormal and only surrounded the village, but did not seize the opportunity when the villagers panicked, and swooped down from the hillside to attack the village.As time passed, the villagers in the small village also felt that something was wrong. Some daring villagers came out of the house one after another holding shotguns to check the situation.

Suddenly, a gap opened in the Indian circle on the hillside, and a wrinkled old Indian wizard walked in from behind the crowd.When the figure of the old wizard was fully revealed, not only the old man Farrow's body trembled, but even Xu Changqing's eyes flashed a look of surprise for an instant.The reason why they are like this is mainly because of an object held by the old wizard, and Xu Changqing once owned one of that object.

"The Golden Statue of the Feathered Serpent God!" The old man Farrow said the answer in Xu Changqing's heart. Following him, he might feel that he was a little talkative. He turned his head and looked at Xu Changqing quietly, and saw that Xu Changqing didn't have any strange expression, and he was a little nervous Only then did he relax, and then he focused his sights on the old Indian wizard.

Although Xu Changqing quickly concealed his true feelings, he was really surprised that the golden statue of Feathered Serpent God would appear in the illusion.What surprised Xu Changqing even more was that the old man obviously not only knew the golden statue, but also knew the golden statue of Feathered Serpent very well, otherwise he would not have shown such greedy eyes after seeing the golden statue.

Just when the two were thinking about each other, the old Indian wizard on the hillside had already lifted the golden statue of the Feathered Serpent God over his head and neck, and chanted an unknown spell in a thick and long voice, like singing.As his chants fluctuated and changed, the golden statue of the Feathered Serpent God in his hand also turned into a luminous body, and a cyan phantom of the Feathered Serpent rushed out of the golden statue, gradually growing in size, and finally covering the entire sky

Seeing such a strange scene, the residents of the small village all uttered screams and knelt on the ground, holding the wooden cross tightly in their hands and praying.It's just that the god they believed in didn't bring them any hope, and the huge feathered serpent became more and more solid and closer to the living things.When the Feathered Serpent flapped its wings and hovered in the air, pieces of flake-like green fluff fell down like snowflakes, landed in the crowd, and then disappeared as if absorbed by someone.

Xu Changqing frowned, and said, "They don't seem to be attacking these white people, but they are performing some kind of god descending ritual?"

The old man Farrow turned his head to look at Xu Changqing slightly, then nodded slightly, and said, "Those people are about to change."

As soon as the old man's voice fell, there were screams from among the villagers in the small village, and then they saw a dozen people of different ages among the crowd, whose bodies suddenly swelled like fermented bread.The bodies of these people not only swelled, but also began to grow long hair or pointed horns, and their shapes gradually changed to the appearance of werewolves and tauren, and finally turned into those werewolves and tauren that Xu Changqing had outside the small village council. appearance.

After the transformation of those werewolves and tauren was completed, their last sliver of human sanity was completely lost, and they began to attack their relatives and friends around them as prey.The small village immediately turned into a hell on earth. Shouts, begging for mercy, and prayers filled the entire small village. Blood stained the newly built wooden houses red, and the stumps and flesh became materials for paving the streets.

Looking at all this on the hillside, the Indians on the hillside did not show any abnormality, the singing of the old wizard also stopped, the huge feathered snake in the sky gradually dissipated, and the golden statue of the feathered snake god returned to an ordinary golden statue appearance.The old wizard seemed very satisfied with the destructive effect he had caused, and squeezed out an ugly smile on his wrinkled face, then turned around and walked out among the Indians without saying a word, and the surrounding Indians were also silent Breathlessly retreating away as if they had never been there.

Not long after the Indians retreated, the killing in the small village came to an end. Except for werewolves and tauren, there were no other living people, and those werewolves and tauren seemed to have regained their sanity. There was a cry of mourning.

Amidst the mournful cries, the illusion appeared like water waves, and gradually faded, turning into a layer of light mist, and the illusion also returned to the forest that I had seen before.

"It looks like it's over, can we go?" Seeing that the surrounding illusion has calmed down, Xu Changqing asked.

The old man Farrow seemed to be thinking about something, and did not immediately answer Xu Changqing's inquiry.After a while, when Xu Changqing asked the second time, he realized that he looked around, closed his eyes and felt for a while, nodded, and said, "Yes, we can go..."

Before the old man could finish his words, the illusion around him changed again. Towering peaks rose up one after another, and the woods turned into a vast plain covered with lush grass, and a road passed through the plain. , also passed through the small town of Gumbu where they were located in the middle of the plain.

The old man was also very surprised by the changes in front of him. Obviously, this was beyond his expectation. Just when he was about to explain to Xu Changqing, he found Xu Changqing's expression was very strange, and he stared not far away. The crowd who just got off the carriages.

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