Nine idlers

Chapter 341

The reason why Changqing focused on the black-haired werewolf in front of him was because the old wounds on the werewolf were the same as Xu Changqing's wounds in the second illusion created by the mirage and white mist outside the town. The black-haired werewolf was very similar.It's just that this werewolf has a pair of blood-colored eyes that are different from other werewolves, and there is a big gap between the werewolf who was injured in the illusion before in terms of appearance and power.In addition, the bloody aura on this werewolf cannot be faked. Only those who have experienced thousands of life-and-death fights can form such a strong bloody aura, and the fighting must be real. If it is just an illusion, it is absolutely impossible. Impossible.

In order to confirm his identity, Xu Changqing secretly formed a magic seal and cast water spirit Taoism on the werewolf.If the werewolf had been injured by him with the Five Elements Battle Jue or Taoism before, then no matter how long it had passed, there would be more or less a trace of the Five Elements aura with his own aura left in his body.Sure enough, while Xu Changqing was performing Taoism, the black-haired werewolf seemed a little uncomfortable. His hairs all over his body spread out, and he let out a murderous roar at Xu Changqing. At the same time, a very thin water mist emitted from his pores.

Seeing this mist that contained traces of watery spirit, Xu Changqing was sure that the werewolf in front of him was the one he injured in the illusion before, but the appearance of this werewolf made him feel some doubts.First of all, this werewolf was obviously injured by him in the illusion. At that time, it should be an illusion. Since it is an illusion, there should be no injury, but the injury on the werewolf in front of him is real.

Secondly, even if the werewolf is not an illusion, but a guard arranged by the wisdom in the mirage bead in the illusion, then it is absolutely impossible for the injury caused by Xu Changqing's water spirit battle to heal in such a short period of time.From Xu Changqing's point of view, without the intervention of an external force proficient in the five elements, it would take at least two Jiazi for the injury to recover to its current level, and the water spirit entrenched in the werewolf's body would also become thinner.Unless the mirage bead has the ability to turn stones into gold, make the werewolf stronger in a short period of time, and heal his injuries, but this magical power has not been recorded in relevant classics.

Finally, there is another possibility, that is, the werewolf is real, and the illusion is also real. The mirage beads have the ability to turn back time and reverse the universe, allowing Xu Changqing to go back to the past.It's just that this is the most unlikely kind of speculation, because even immortals cannot possess such great supernatural powers, and the myths and legends of immortals reversing time are nothing more than illusions similar to Nankeyimeng.

Xu Changqing was puzzled by this real and fake illusion, but he quickly recovered, looking at the werewolf and tauren in front of him, thinking about how to deal with them.Although these druids are strong, judging from the situation of the fight just now, they are obviously like a few upstarts who don't know how to use the bloody aura they possess, so it is not a big deal to deal with them. too difficult.It's just that killing them like this and letting the evil spirit of blood dissipate with them is obviously a violation of the principle of doing things.

Just when Xu Changqing was thinking about how to deal with these werewolves and tauren, these druids were not going to give Xu Changqing time to think about it.The black-haired werewolf roared as if giving an order, and then the seven druids disappeared in front of Xu Changqing's eyes without a sound, as if they had turned into air.

"I can't even feel their existence?" At the moment when the seven druids disappeared, Xu Changqing couldn't help but frowned, and was about to cast spells to find the enemy while using the Heavenly Corpse Art.Suddenly he felt a very slight movement coming from his side, and quickly raised his hand to block it.

I saw a giant black claw that was as sharp as a blade protruding out of thin air, thick bloody aura condensed on the fingertips, and with the movement of the claw, a strange trace was drawn in the air.At the same time as the black sharp claws appeared, six attacks appeared silently around Xu Changqing. These attacks targeted Xu Changqing's throat, chest, waist and abdomen and other vital parts respectively, forming an unavoidable siege momentum.

Although the siege composed of seven people was almost perfect, it was only against ordinary practitioners. For Xu Changqing, such a siege was full of loopholes.I saw him secretly using the method of Taiji Huajin, the movements in his hands changed from blocking to releasing, and the originally hard and rigid bronze armored corpse clone also changed from rigid to extremely soft, but with a flick of the momentum, he easily released the seven people's arms. attack, while directing their attacks on each other.

However, just after the seven people realized that the attack was fruitless, their attack momentum immediately disappeared out of thin air just like their bodies just now, as if they had never appeared before.

"The universe is invisible. Myriad dharmas have traces. Life and soul are immortal. Qi veins last forever. Break!" Although Xu Changqing's face flashed a look of surprise.But the hand is not slow at all.Instantly form a seal.Exercising the method of cultivating Taoism by earth ghosts in the Heavenly Corpse Jue.

With the mantra recited.A blue-black corpse aura erupted from Xu Changqing's body.In the blink of an eye, like ripples, it has advanced nearly a hundred feet in all directions.And all the grass touched by the corpse gas withered and died immediately.The ground was scorched black and cracked, turning into a dead place.

Xu Changqing's tunnel method was cast very quickly.It was so fast that the seven opponents hadn't had time to react.The corrosive power of corpse gas made them feel pain.Unanimously, they cast spells against each other.The seven forces that came to the same goal by different routes immediately emerged from this dead land.Their hidden figures are also faintly visible because of the power they radiate.

"Seal!" A slight smile flashed across Xu Changqing's face.The seal in the hand changes accordingly.He hummed softly.

I saw Xu Changqing changing Fayindi at the same time.Immediately, countless black mist like pythons rushed out from the scorched black ground under their feet.In an instant, it was wrapped around the bodies of the seven druids who were still resisting the corruption of corpse energy.Not only locked their ability to move.Also gradually tightened.Make them feel a little suffocated.At this moment of life and death.The seven displayed all their strength without hesitation.The evil spirit of blood erupted from his body immediately.Like a sharp blade, it pierced into the bodies of those black mist pythons.And rotate with the body.Cut it into pieces.Freed from bondage.

Pity when they just let loose.Then he saw that the sky and the earth were suddenly dark.Then I heard Xu Changqing's voice chanting some spell like a god.A huge suction force fell from the sky.The seven of them could not resist at all.Instantly sucked into the sky.When they were thrown dizzy by the suction.The suction suddenly disappeared.The seven of them immediately fell from the sky.The seven of them didn't have time to check the surroundings.Hastily cast their own methods.Want to stay in shape.But the moment it landed on the ground.They realized that the ground under their feet was no longer solid.But a sea of ​​blood red.

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