Nine idlers

Chapter 342 Who is the bait

After casting spells from the fragments of the druid's consciousness that had been collected in the underworld flag, Xu Changqing's heart was agitated, and new doubts arose at the same time.

The reason why his heart was agitated was because the power displayed by the mirage bead was far more miraculous than what was recorded in the book.If he can get the mirage beads and create a method that matches the realm of Dao Xin, then he may save the long time from Jindan Dao to Feisheng Dao.

As for the doubts of the new students, it was mainly aimed at the old man Farrow.Based on Xu Changqing's estimation, the old man not only knows the town very well, but also is very familiar with the mirage beads in the town. It must be someone from the town, and it may even be Drew who stole the mirage beads and caused the disaster in the town. Convert to traitor.However, Xu Changqing couldn't see the extreme hatred these druids had for the old man from the fragments of consciousness extracted by secret methods, that is to say, they just regarded the old man as an ordinary intruder.

In this way, the identity of the old man Farrow is worth scrutinizing. After all, the traitor dedicated this object to the Western Church, and the item was also placed in the Vatican, the headquarters of the Western Church.In Xu Changqing's view, based on the strength shown by the old man, he would never be able to go to the Vatican to steal the mirage beads before he obtained the mirage beads and improved his strength.In this way, the identity of the old man is likely to be a very important pawn arranged by the Western Holy See in the Demon Hunter Organization.

After sorting out some clues, Xu Changqing had a hint of excitement in his eyes. He held the Huangquan banner on his head again, stood up, and quickly chased after the old man in the direction he left.Not long after Xu Changqing left, several whirlwinds suddenly blew up beside the scorched land, and the green grass on the ground was also rolled up and hovered in the air, forming shapes that resembled people.After the straw man was fully formed, the wind stopped suddenly, and the grass circling in the wind also fell down one after another, and real people appeared in the position of the straw man.

These people are all wearing a very simple-looking robe. On the back of the robe, a natural dye is used to outline a garland of intertwined branches. They also seem to be Druids in the town.One of the druids holding a wooden staff took off the hood on his head and looked at the direction Xu Changqing was leaving with a very strange look in his eyes. Not only did he not have a trace of hatred, but instead there was a kind of expectation and worry.If Xu Changqing was here, he would definitely be able to recognize this druid as the owner of the small town inn, but at this moment the aura of the innkeeper is no longer that of a businessman, but more sacred and solemn.

When these druids appeared, Xu Changqing, who was rushing towards the Tiankeng, felt it immediately, stopped and looked behind.He felt that in the place where he fought just now, there were seven or eight more powerful forces, each of which was no worse than the druids he had collected into Huangquan Banner.What surprised him was that the druids behind him didn't seem hostile, and the power aura on them was completely different from the seven druids just now.The strength of the seven druids just now was very violent and frantic, which ran counter to the natural way of the druids, but now the aura of these druids appeared to be more peaceful and peaceful, and there was a trace of wood spirit in them. Qi, and more agree with the fundamental teachings and practice of druids.

Xu Changqing saw that the druids had no intention of blocking them, and they quickly retreated into the surrounding white mist, so there was no problem, and they continued to use their body skills to rush forward.With the ghostly speed, it didn't take long for him to come to the side of the tiankeng, but what puzzled him was that the old man Farrow was not here.

"Where is the person? Could it be that he broke through the barrier and entered inside at that very moment?" Xu Changqing used his spiritual sense to check around, and summoned the war ghost to look around for life, but he still couldn't find the old man's way. Luo, the only clue is that there are signs of spell damage near the mirage barrier near the tiankeng. It seems that the old man has found a way to easily break through the barrier.

Xu Changqing carefully inspected the traces on the ground, and then shot a few corpse air towards the barrier to test the strength of the mirage barrier, and the expression on his face became a little serious.After probing, he found that the mirage barrier of the tiankeng was like ordinary fog without any obstruction, and a few corpses could easily penetrate through it, without the strong repelling force of the mirage outside the town at all. .If the power of this barrier was the same as the mirage white mist outside the town, it would be easy for him to deal with, after all, there are precedents to refer to.But now the power of the mirage has become completely different, and it is impossible to test, as if it is nothing, which is the worst in his opinion.

After the trial failed, Xu Changqing didn't rush into the barrier. Instead, he stood outside the barrier and summoned a ghost of Huangquan. Knot, casting spells into the body of the war ghost.

".Look at Qingming from above, look at Jiuyou from below, reach the heaven and earth, protect the body solidly, and the majestic ghost is as anxious as a law!" Xu Changqing held the end of the red dust rope with sword fingers in his hand. Promote corpse energy, and perform the method of ghost cultivation.After the spell was cast, a gust of evil spirit gushed out from the sword finger, followed the red dust rope, and submerged into the war ghost's body.Then a blue-black light flashed on Zhan Ghost's body, and his shape changed immediately, until the evil spirit completely merged into Huangquan Zhan Ghost's body, and Zhan Ghost's appearance and temperament became exactly the same as Xu Changqing's, becoming his temporary dharma form Doppelgänger.

After the ghost's body solidified, Xu Changqing used the red dust rope as a guide to cast a spell to control the ghost into the mirage barrier in front of him.At this moment, part of his mind is also protected by the magic power of the red dust rope, submerged in the war ghost, and feels the changes in the surrounding mirage power with the body of the war ghost.

After the war ghost clone entered the mirage barrier, it was like entering an ordinary white mist. There was no power to suppress it, and no illusion appeared. Soon he stood on the edge of the tiankeng.Although it was pitch black under the tiankeng, through Zhan Gui's eyes, it was still clear at a glance.

Under the tiankeng, there are no plants, only a stalagmite lined with spears, and some things that look like spiders or ants are surging in the middle of the stone forest, covering almost the entire sky except for a small open space in the middle of the stone forest. pit bottom.In the open space in the middle of the stone forest, there is a round hole that can accommodate one person in and out. Thick white mist of mirage drifts out of the hole and submerges into the mirage barrier.Although Zhan Gui couldn't feel how strong the mirage white mist was, it was certain that this mirage white mist was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

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