Nine idlers

Chapter 343

Don't worry about us, your ability is not enough to bring us all out of the confusion, we need to make the necessary sacrifices. Noting Pano on the side looked solemn, and said firmly: "When we became demon hunters, we should have already thought of the day when we would die. Now it's hard for this old guy Farrow to show his original shape. He must not be allowed to succeed.If we can't grab the psychedelic beads before the old guy, we have to stop the old guy from getting them, or even die together. "

At the same time as he said these words, a sense of determination surged from Notting Pano, and at the same time, the people around him also nodded in agreement with firm expressions.

A look of sadness appeared on Jamie's face, and she said anxiously: "If all the adults are..., what will the organization do?"

"The Great Speaker has already prepared for this point, you don't have to worry, it's not something you should worry about." Cassandra, a middle-aged woman who had been expressionless, showed a rare tenderness on her face, and reached out to touch it. Touching Jamie's hair, he said: "Jamie, you have to remember that even if there is only one person left in the demon hunter, the organization will continue to exist. We can exist for thousands of years, not because of people, but because of people." The spirit of the organization."

While speaking, the ground under their feet suddenly shook violently, and the mirage mist ball not far from them rolled violently, and a bloody light shot out from it continuously, and everything it passed was indestructible.It seemed that Xu Changqing, who was trapped in the fog ball, was trying to get out of the trap, and the power he displayed shocked the demon hunters deeply. Obviously, Xu Changqing's strength was somewhat beyond their expectations.

Facing the strong resistance of the prey, the mirage ball also made countermeasures. The white mist of the mirage gushed out of the cave gradually changed from light to thick, and the defense of the mirage ball was strengthened layer by layer, and soon received support. The mirage fog ball returned to calm again.

"Now is not the time to talk. If we are still alive, let's go back to the Vienna headquarters and talk slowly!" Seeing this situation, Wei An, the old demon hunter, changed his face slightly. He patted Jamie on the shoulder, and immediately turned around and jumped. down the cave.Other people around also jumped down one after another. When the last Cassandra was about to jump down, she stopped, took out a beautiful knife from her pocket, handed it to Jamie, and said, "If I don't come back If you don't want to, you give this knife to Bernahue and tell him that I still love him."

After finishing, she jumped down the cave.The hair girl, Jamie, seemed to realize what the outcome would be. She held the knife tightly in her hand, her face was full of sadness, and tears rolled in her eye sockets, but she forced herself not to fall.Soon she recovered from the sadness, put the knife away, and then closed her eyes slightly, as if she was practicing martial arts.When her eyes opened again, they had turned into two deep black holes, and at the same time a crack in space appeared under her feet, slowly swallowing her in, until everything disappeared and calm was restored.

If Xu Changqing saw the power of this young demon hunter named Jamie, he would be very surprised, because this is exactly the perfect teleportation method he wanted, the kind of space teleportation that can break any seal .

After a scheming person appeared in the tiankeng, the momentum seemed to have no intention of stopping. A whirlwind blew in from outside the tiankeng, and the weeds in the whirlwind reconstituted what Xu Changqing felt before. Those few Druids with advanced cultivation.They stood at the entrance of the cave, seemingly hesitating whether they should also jump in.

The hotel owner at the head stared at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "We have waited for this opportunity for hundreds of years. If we don't succeed this time, you must know the consequences! There have been no newborn babies in the town for ten years, and we My lifespan is also getting shorter and shorter. I am only 30 years old, but I already feel that my life is rapidly draining. Whether I can survive this year is a problem? Do you really want everyone to die before you can make up your mind? ?”

"Victor, you're talking too much! If we don't make up our minds, we won't agree with your plan. Leak the news. Open a gap on purpose. Bring these demon hunters over." A gray-haired old man He glared at his companion angrily.Said: "For your damn plan. Our family has already caught up with two people. You still say that we have no resolution? Do we have to..."

"Freck, stop talking!" An old woman standing beside him interrupted the old man's words.He turned to look at the hotel owner.Said: "We are running out of time. Do you want to continue this meaningless quarrel? Now that we are here, we have no intention of leaving alive. Everyone hesitates because it has been this mystery for so many years." The Magic Orb endows us with great power. Protect everyone. Let our family survive under the attack of various forces. If we lose the Magic Orb now, we can’t imagine how to resist those gods. Maybe waiting for our family to be destroyed .


"Even destruction is better than waiting for death slowly. At least we have fought." The hotel owner said coldly: "The reason why this devil gives us strength is to protect us. It just treats us like cattle and sheep. It is always there It absorbs our life. Now it is alert. The people who started to control us become its fighting puppet. The Novus who was killed by the oriental just now is the best proof. If it is not destroyed now, then it will be destroyed The land is us. As for power. Did our ancient ancestors need to rely on other demons to gain power? The power of our druids comes from nature. It comes from this world. When did the doctrine say that our power came from two demons? Ordinary beads?"

Facing a series of questions from the hotel owner.The faces of the others became extremely ugly.Although they all understand that what the hotel owner said is true.But deep down in his heart, there was still some inexplicable hesitation.

See people like this.The hotel owner also knew in his heart that they were deluded by the power obtained from the psychedelic beads.So he showed a look of determination.Said: "You continue to think about it! I will use my life to defend the dignity of our druids."

After finishing, he ignored his clansmen and jumped down the cave.The hotel owner's approach seemed to have worked. The others quickly woke up from their confusion. Seeing each other's relieved expressions, they looked at each other and smiled, and jumped down the cave one after another.

Everything around has returned to calm, only the mirage mist balls rushing out of blood light from time to time, it seems that it is difficult for Xu Changqing to get out of it.However, after about one stick of incense, a wave-like ripple suddenly appeared at the bottom of the tiankeng, and as the ripple spread, all the stalagmites were shattered by the force attached to it, and should be trapped in the mirage. Xu Changqing in the aerosol ball emerged from the ground in the center of the ripples.

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