Nine idlers

Chapter 344

Originally, with the power and supernatural power possessed by Xu Changqing's bronze armor corpse clone, even if )_ was restricted by the mirage bead, he could still get out. This was calculated by Xu Changqing long ago.However, when the Huangquan Heavenly Ghost was attacked, the connection between Xu Changqing and Huangquan Banner was forcibly cut off, the violent aura in Huangquan Heavenly Ghost could not be suppressed, and he spontaneously fought back.However, except for a few of these counterattacks that broke through the blockade of the mirage, most of them were transferred to Xu Changqing, who was also in the mirage power, by the mirage power using a method similar to Taiji soft strength, making him the first time For once, I felt the strength of Huangquan Tiangui after exerting all his power.

Although the Bronze Armored Corpse Clone has reached the extreme and started to transform into the god of the world, Hanba, but under the full attack of the Huangquan Heavenly Ghost, it is still unable to resist.The body of the Bronze Armored Corpse clone, which was comparable to King Kong, was easily broken through by the ghost power of Huangquan, and was penetrated into the yin veins of the Bronze Armored Corpse.Fortunately, the corpse aura of the copper-armored corpse avatar contained a hint of the power of the Yellow Spring Banner. After the ghost power of the Yellow Spring entered the Yin veins, before it could cause any damage, it was assimilated by the corpse Qi sealed in the Yin veins, and in the end it only caused Some skin trauma made Xu Changqing look a little embarrassed.

When the ghost power of Huangquan penetrated into the yin veins of the bronze armored corpse, the mirage power surrounding Xu Changqing also took the opportunity to infiltrate into the clone of the bronze armored corpse, and the psychedelic power contained in it seemed to want to control Xu Changqing's mind, Turn him into a puppet.

Xu Changqing also quickly sensed that something was wrong. While stabilizing his mind, he prepared to use the Asura Annihilation Method in the Heavenly Corpse Art to make his mind enter the state of extinction and force out the psychedelic power of mirage.But at this time, Jiutian Ruoshui, who had been kept by him around the corpse pill, suddenly and automatically began to absorb the mirage power that invaded his body, and quickly assimilated it, quite a feeling that one thing dropped one thing.

After feeling that all the mirage power that invaded his body was absorbed by Jiutian Ruoshui, Xu Changqing was surprised, and tried to control the absorption power of Jiutian Ruoshui to release the mirage power around his body.Soon the mirage power that was so powerful that it could imprison the bronze armored corpse quickly disappeared under the absorption of Nine Heavens Weak Water, and Xu Changqing's bronze armored corpse returned to normal and came out from the ground.

After coming out, Xu Changqing broke through the surrounding mirage illusion, destroyed the poison raised by those mirage beads with the ghost power of Huangquan, and reached out to grab the restored Huangquan flag in his hand.At this time, there was still an extremely thick and extremely poisonous air surrounding the Yellow Spring Banner. When he held the Yellow Spring Banner, it not only turned his clothes into powder, but also corroded the bronze armored corpse.Perhaps it was the power of mirage beads mixed in the poisonous gas, which made it extraordinary, even the corpse gas of the bronze armored corpse clone could be corroded little by little.

"What a powerful poisonous gas!" Xu Changqing immediately felt the power of the poisonous gas. Naturally, he would not let go of such a good material. He immediately summoned the Huangquan Heavenly Ghost, cast a spell to absorb the poisonous gas into the Huangquan Heavenly Ghost, and then manipulated the Huangquan Banner The war ghosts and ghost generals formed the Myriad Ghost Array to assist Huangquan Heavenly Ghost in refining poisonous gas.Although refining this poisonous gas may not be able to increase the power of Huangquan Tiangui too much, but in terms of its attacks, it can become more intimidating and destructive, making it hard to guard against.

Just as Xu Changqing manipulated the Huangquan Heavenly Ghost to absorb the poisonous gas, the entrance of the source hole of the mirage and white mist also changed.The white mist of the mirage gushing out from the entrance of the cave suddenly seemed to be blocked by some kind of force, and at the same time, the cave without the support of the mirage power began to collapse, and countless gravel and soil fell from the wall of the cave, but in a short while, the whole place was destroyed. The cave was buried.

"Hey! The underground is already fighting." Xu Changqing's bronze armored corpse clone easily felt what was happening underground at the moment through the change of the earth spirit energy under his feet.In addition, he also had a feeling that the severance of the mirage and the blocking of the entrance of the cave seemed to have nothing to do with Farrow, Wei An, the Druids, etc., but rather seemed to be the work of the mirage bead itself. The reason may be that he felt it. natural enemy.If this is the case, then the wisdom of the mirage bead is not just a human distraction, it may have turned into a demon and become a monster.

Since the beginning of Ming Dynasty, the aura of heaven and earth has become thinner day by day, and there have been fewer and fewer monsters in China, and the lineage of demon cultivators has also become extinct.Up to now, in the whole of China, except for some mountain-protecting beasts and monsters in the orthodox sects of Immortals and Buddhas and Demon Dao sects, there are no monsters in the secular world, and there are even few beasts with a little spirituality.However, although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is also thin overseas, it is better than long-term, without much fluctuation. It may not be possible to form one or two monsters for thousands of years.

For Xu Changqing, it doesn't matter whether the mirage bead has really become a monster, what is important is the land that may help the mirage bead to form a monster.There are records about demon cultivators in some classics. For demon cultivators, although the aura of heaven and earth is important, what is more important is the place of cultivation.Only when they find a blessed land full of aura and long-lasting luck, can they escape several demon calamities, achieve the body of the demon spirit, and ascend to the fairy world.From a certain point of view, the orthodox sect of Immortal Buddha occupies [-]% of the Paradise and Paradise in China, which may also be one of the reasons for the demise of the demon cultivators.

After guessing that the mirage bead may have become a demon queen.Xu Changqing immediately jumped into the sky.Have enough eyesight.look down.Take the entire mountain terrain into your heart.In the eyes of ordinary people, these mountains can only see a beauty and majesty at most.But in the eyes of Xu Changqing's numerologists, it is completely different.

The entire mountain range spreads cascadingly.Ups and downs.But several of the main peaks are grouped together.Plus the snow on the top of the mountain.Just formed a jade pillow shape.In addition, although the natural sea of ​​clouds on the top of the mountain is constantly rolling and changing.But it can always maintain a horse-shaped shape.And the small hills around the main peaks also look like a wolf head with its mouth wide open.The wolf's mouth is facing the mountain where Xu Changqing is now.

"What a jade pillow, dragon horse and wolf star!" A trace of surprise flashed across Xu Changqing's face.Although it is guessed that this may be a blessed place.But I didn't expect it to be so good.Although it cannot be compared with those caves and blessed places handed down from ancient times.But compared to Peach Blossom Mountain in Yizhuang.But much better.It is more than enough to be used as a place to close the dead.But with his figure falling down.There was also a hint of doubt on his face.He said to himself: "Although it is a blessed land, there is still a piece of beautiful sand and curved water missing. Otherwise, it is impossible to let the monster cross the calamity land just by molesting the head?"

Just at the same time in doubt.He also fell back to the cave that was filled.Then he looked around.His eyes were on the mouth of the cave.There was a hint of bewilderment on his face.Squat down.Put your palms on the ground as if casting a spell.Soon there was a horrified expression on his face.Seems to feel something surprising.His body shook.Execute the method of escape from the ground.Did not enter the ground.

To be continued. )

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