Nine idlers

Chapter 345 The Poison of the Desolate Beast

When Xu Changqing was overjoyed by this excellent spiritual cave.There was another violent noise not far away.Several strands of energy colliding with each other shot out.It caused many small trees around to break and fall.However, those thick trees that absorb spiritual energy all the year round still cannot stand upright.Only the bark is slightly damaged.

"Hey! It's weird!" Xu Changqing felt these forces attacking each other.It all seems to be from The Slayer.So he moved.Go through the dense forest in front of you.came to the land of war.

I saw it in the empty space in front of me.Except for the old demon hunter Vian Nordic Han Nordic Pano and the female demon hunter Cassandra.The rest of the demon hunters all fell on him.Judging from their injuries.It should be caused by cannibalism.What caused this result was a mirage force.The power of this mirage is slightly different from that of the mirage bead.It should be from the old man Farrow who already has a mirage bead.In addition, the body of a druid lay nearby.The body was charred black.And the surrounding trees also have scorched marks.The strong lightning power has not completely dissipated.It seems that he died at the hands of a big Nordic man with the power of Odin.

Xu Changqing was hidden in the dense branches and leaves.No body shape was revealed.After scanning a few corpses.It landed next to a bush under a big tree not far away.The Bronze Armored Corpse clone is sensitive to the aura of strangers.It made him feel that something was wrong there.A few streams of anger belonging to the Nordic magnate Nordic Pano and others suddenly disappeared there.It's like suddenly entering another space.

Just when Xu Changqing showed doubts.The air around that bush suddenly trembled.A void black hole half a person's height suddenly appeared in midair out of thin air.With Xu Changqing's divine sense, he was easily pushed away by the void black hole.And Xu Changqing also felt a chilly death at the moment when the divine sense was blocked.Then he saw that the old demon hunter Viannot Dimpano and the middle-aged female demon hunter got out of it respectively.And the black hole was also after Wei An uttered a spell.will soon disappear.

At this moment, the eyes of the old demon hunter had completely turned black.And this blackness is still spreading outside the eyes.It made his face dark as well.And the flesh on his face seemed to be corroded by black.The face was completely sunken.After Shi.He looked haggard and tired.Lean against a tree.While panting.While asking: "They should have been fooled. Now they are rushing to the place where the magic beads are hidden. We just need to follow up now. When they fight and lose, then..."

"You're sure those druids are not with the old guys." Notting Pano interrupted Wei'an.Shen Sheng questioned: "They seem to have the same strength. If they are in the same group, then we are all finished."

"It can't be a group!" Cassandra said decisively: "Otherwise, Farrow would have already achieved what he wanted. We wouldn't let us lure those druids away." .A look of displeasure appeared on her face again.Staring at Notting Pano.Said: "What's the matter with you? Don't forget. The exit is now completely blocked. It is impossible to leave here. We can only move forward. Finish the last of those companions who are bait for us." Last wishes. That's it. And timid. That's not how you do things!"

"Timid? Leave? Cassandra, what nonsense are you talking about. Am I, Notting Pano, that kind of person? From the moment I came here, I never thought of leaving alive." Notting Pano stared angrily. .Keep your voice down as much as possible.Even so.But there was still a trace of irritation in his voice.Then he retorted in a deep voice: "I'm so careful. I just don't want to let things fall short in the end! Now things are a bit out of our expectation. There is an extra force of druids. And the old guy's power seems to be here. It has grown several times. If it wasn't for Viancha just now, he used his spells to bring us into God Prison. Maybe we would have died in his hands."

"God Prison?" Although Xu Changqing was far away.The sound is also very small.But still heard very clearly.It reminds me of the cold and dead air I felt from the void and black hole just now.I couldn't help being very surprised by Wei'an's power to bring people into the God's Prison freely.

Just when Xu Changqing was surprised.Wei An has recovered a lot of physical strength.No more being out of breath.But his face was still ugly.And the hair turned gray.Wrinkles also increased a lot.Seems a lot older.I saw that he used his tree-like hand to block the two companions who were arguing.Shen Sheng said: "Now is not the time to quarrel. No matter whether we advance or retreat, we are just a dead end. Instead of spending energy here arguing, it is better to save energy. We will deal with that monster Farrow later. I have already thought about it. There is a power to cast the prison spell. If you fail, I will use my life to expand the range of the spell. Pull the entire hole into the prison. Let that old monster die there completely."

After Ann uttered these words of a deadly battle.The black lines on his body spread rapidly.Cover him all up.Completely turned into a shadow-like monster.

Only a human figure can be vaguely discerned from the clothes.The two companions beside him couldn't help becoming serious when they saw the expressions on their faces.And they looked at each other in unison.It was found that the other party's eyes showed the same determination as Wei An.There was a relieved smile on his face.

"Since even you have started to fight with your life. There is no way I will lose to you!" Noting Pano, who had been competing with Wei An, was talking.At the same time, he suddenly reached out to touch his right eye.The eyeball of the right eye was dug out.hold in hand.Crush hard.When the right eye shattered.A white light gushed out from the eyeball.Into the body of Notting Pano.And his bleeding eyes healed instantly.There was a white light in the eye sockets.Replaces the original eyeball.At this moment, the Nordic man seems to have completely changed.If we talk about that moment just now.The power of the Nordic giants is still a castle in the air.False words.Now his strength has been perfectly integrated with his body.It has become a tall building behind the foundation.

Cassandra, who seemed the weakest among the three, had already seen her companions.It seems that there is no intention of showing weakness.Said: "Since we are going to die, let's go together!"

over.Then I saw her take off a palm-sized white pottery bottle from her waist.hesitated for a moment.He drank the golden liquid in the bottle in one gulp.Then a little pain appeared on her face.The two people next to them took a few steps back timidly.It seems to know what terrible changes will happen to her after drinking this liquid.

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