Nine idlers

Chapter 346 White Jade Toad

Just as Xu Changqing was completely attracted by the jade toad when he came, the other people in Shengsheng t3t] also fought with each other because of the jade toad, and did not notice the change in the power of the jade toad at all.Although these people seemed to be sane, they were all more or less affected by the invisible mirage surrounding the pool. The distracting thoughts in their hearts were magnified several times, and they were full of fighting spirit, attacking each other, appearing chaotic.

Nordic lord Notting Pano is the most powerful, holding a double-edged ax entwined with lightning light in his hand, fighting alone. Several druids who have transformed into werewolves and tauren have gained the upper hand, look You can go up at any time. It seems to end the battle.It's just that it's just an appearance. Whether it's Nottingpano or the Druids, although they are full of might, they don't realize that the energy on their bodies is being sucked away by the nearby Creation Pond. It didn't take long for them to die of exhaustion.

In addition, the few people on one side are relatively sober. The hotel owner and the druids who look like an old couple are not like their companions. pull grips.Instead, the four of them joined forces and besieged the old man Farrow whose mind had been completely controlled by Yuchan.At this moment, the old man Farrow, who should not be affected by the mirage, was the first to become a puppet of the jade toad because of the mirage beads in his body. His mind seemed to have completely disappeared, his eyes were blank, and his body's reactions were a little sluggish like a puppet. , appearing somewhat passive under the siege.

Even so, Farrow has one against four, and on the surface, he is not at a disadvantage.With the help of the mirage beads that have been integrated with him, the spells he casts are like ancient transformation techniques with only their own shapes, constantly transforming into monsters in various myths and legends to resist attacks from all around.Although in the battle, he had the upper hand from time to time and caused his opponents to be injured repeatedly, but his own injuries were not light at all, especially the poison of Cassandra's nine-headed python penetrated into his muscles and bones.It's just that his body seems to have snake venom antibodies, which can temporarily resist the corrosion of snake venom, but judging from his swollen appearance, this resistance doesn't seem to last long.

The snake venom around Cassandra's body didn't just target Farrow alone, the other three druids also more or less inhaled the poisonous mist.It's just that they were fascinated by their minds, and the druid power strengthened by the jade toad in their bodies also contained a trace of the power of creation, so they didn't feel anything wrong with their bodies.In this regard, Cassandra, who seemed to be somewhat sane, did not tell her temporary comrades in arms that she had the idea of ​​killing everyone.

These people in front of them were all affected by the mirage bead, and their bodies reacted according to various impulses in their hearts, but the only person who was not affected by the mirage bead was the weakest-looking old demon hunter Wei An.The old demon hunter seemed to have a power similar to that of Jiutian Ruoshui, which made him get rid of the confusion of the mirage on his mind, and he was able to clearly see the situation in front of him.Even so, there was no way he could save his companion from the plight, and he could only end it in the way he had long wanted.

I saw the old demon hunter Wei An repeatedly chanting a spell, and the vitality in his body burned under the magic power of the spell, and formed a huge magic circle under his feet.At this time, several wonderful forces rushed out from the magic array, tearing a crack in mid-air like an arm, and with the continuous infusion of power, the crack became bigger and bigger, and the suction force from the crack also became stronger. getting bigger.If it is allowed to develop, it is likely to swallow the entire cave.

Xu Changqing on the side naturally wouldn't let him complete the spellcasting, let alone how important the entire blessed land spiritual acupoint is, the pool of life and transformation in front of him alone was enough to make his heart flutter.As long as he guides the spiritual points of the entire Alps to this place, together with the power of the Five Elements of Shengsheng Pond and the spiritual cave itself, then the spiritual energy of this place will definitely not be weaker than that of the 72 caves.Practicing the Golden Core Dao here can not only get twice the result with half the effort, but also use the aura of this place to improve the Golden Core realm and shorten the time to achieve the Great Dao of Ascension.

Seeing that the old demon hunter Wei'an cast a spell to destroy everything here, Xu Changqing didn't care about hiding his body, unfolded the Yellow Spring banner, cast Nine Heavens Weak Water, and opened up an open space in the surrounding invisible mirage, and turned towards Wei who was concentrating on casting spells. Ann swept away.

Old Vian focused all his attention on his spells, and he didn't expect someone to sneak up behind him. He only saw a flash of red light in front of his eyes, and he came into a dark and lightless void.He thought that all of this was just an illusion caused by the mirage beads, and the casting of spells showed no sign of stopping, so he didn't care, and continued casting spells according to the original plan.

However, the Huangquan Heavenly Ghost that suddenly appeared before him and the pain after the Heavenly Ghost tore open his chest made Old Wei'an understand that this was not a hallucination.Before he felt that his life was about to be completely lost, his state of mind seemed extremely calm, and everything around him seemed to become extremely slow, allowing him enough time to finish the last incantation and activate the spell he had prepared.Looking at the crack formed on the top of his head, old Vian's expression gradually solidified with a smile, as if his eyes that had lost their luster had seen the result of the spell in advance.

Xu Changqing also felt that he had underestimated Old Wei'an's persistence and the power of Western magic.After he took Old Wei'an into the Yellow Spring Banner and killed him through the Yellow Spring Heavenly Ghost, he thought that the spell would end because of the interruption of power, but he didn't expect that the key to stopping the spell was not the power but the spell.Only when a suction force strong enough to tear the Yellow Spring banner came out from the banner, did he feel trouble, and quickly sat down cross-legged, sacrificed the Yellow Spring banner on his head, and performed the Heavenly Corpse Art to quickly circulate the corpse energy. Dozens of palm formation formulas entered the banner.Under the control of the palm formation formula, the Huangquan sky ghost, ghost generals, and war ghosts in the Huangquan banner formed the ghost array, and moved the crack to the Jiuyou blood sea map, relying on the power of the Jiuyou blood sea to form a ghost formation. Lock the power of the rift in the Yellow Spring Banner.

While Xu Changqing was busy dealing with the force of cracks in the Yellow Spring Banner, Cassandra, who was besieging the old man Faro with the druids, had already noticed that her companion was in danger.

The intense anger bursting out of her heart was like a volcano, and it washed away the power protecting her mind, allowing the mirage power around her to take advantage of it and control her mind.Then, a ray of light flashed in the eyes of the jade toad on the platform, hitting Cassandra, controlling her to rush towards Xu Changqing, who was busy suppressing the power of the crack.

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