Nine idlers

Chapter 347

Facing the attack of the female demon hunter Cassandra, Xu Changqing's heart was like a mountain, and there was a trace of panic on his face. He was already manipulating Huangquan Banner with all his strength, and there was no sign of making a move at all.Just when the highly poisonous mist from the ancient Xiangliu was about to touch his body, and his sharp claws and fangs were clearly visible, he suddenly turned his head, aimed at Cassandra's head, opened his mouth, and prepared it a long time ago. Driven by the pure corpse aura, the fangs flew out of his mouth, and hit Cassandra firmly on the forehead.

The power attached to the fangs, like a spiral drill, easily broke through the scales and skull on Cassandra's forehead, and penetrated into her brain. The bone marrow blood instantly spread to her whole body.At the same time, the corpse aura from the outermost layer of the fangs hit Cassandra's head like a giant hammer, smashing her whole body back, and the place that was hit was also dented, There is absolutely no possibility of survival.

Xu Changqing's attack was both stealthy and deadly, without giving the opponent any chance to react.After Cassandra fell, Jade Toad also tried to manipulate the dying female demon hunter like a puppet.But no matter how it stimulated the female demon hunter's body with mirage power, it could only make her twitch a few limbs meaninglessly.

In the body of the female demon hunter who had lost all signs of life, Xiangliu's poison invaded every inch of her flesh and blood, and the poison in her body only played the role of assisting the evil.It didn't take long before I saw her body swell rapidly, and when it reached the peak, her body also became transparent and colorless, and then burst like a blister, instantly turning into a puddle of smoky puddles. poisonous water.The poisonous water sprayed out a stream of highly poisonous blue smoke, and it spread like life, and the poisonous water on the ground also quickly penetrated into the ground, turning this place into a poisonous place.

Although Jade Toad lacks intelligence, he also instinctively knows the threat of the poison to it. If the poison seeps into the pond, it will be the first to be poisoned, which is closely related to the Pond of Creation.After a few chirps, a cloud of extremely thick mirage white mist spit out from its mouth, which blocked the poisonous gas and prevented its spread, but it was powerless against the poison that penetrated into the ground.It was so anxious that it did not hesitate to stop absorbing the essence of the living people gathered around the pond, fully controlled all the mirage power, and rushed into the surrounding living people like a meat grinder.

Those demon hunters and druids who were delusional were unable to cast effective spells to stop this force from invading their bodies, and their bodies were instantly disintegrated into a pile of fuzzy flesh and blood.

Among these people, even Nordic man Nordic, who seems to have the strongest body, only resisted a few more breaths. Only the old man Farrow still maintained a complete head. As for Xu Changqing, who has nine days of weak water protection in his body, there is no little affected.

Just after these people turned into fuzzy flesh and blood, Jade Toad kneaded them together again with the power of mirage.Afterwards, it spit out streams of life-changing energy from its mouth, penetrated into the flesh and blood, made them fuse together, and finally turned into a living flesh mass with a human head and countless fleshy tentacles.After doing all this, it looked very tired, and its jade-like body became turbid. Obviously, the bursts of life and transformation just now consumed too much of its energy, so after sending a command to the meat ball , so he concentrated on absorbing the essence of the living people on the pond and recovering his vitality.

After receiving the order, the meat ball immediately moved to the polluted land, and inserted its tentacles into the ground, sucking the poison of Xiangliu that had penetrated into the ground with all its strength.After Xiangliu's poison was sucked into the body, it was wrapped in layers of life force, preventing it from spreading and causing damage.

When the poisonous water was splashing everywhere, Xu Changqing originally planned to control the poisonous fangs, absorb the poison of Xiangliu, and refine it again with corpse fire to prevent it from spreading. After all, this will be his training ground in the future.However, when he saw that Yu didn't hesitate to expend Yuan Qi, tensely deploying defenses to prevent Xiangliu's poison from spreading, he stopped, using the poison to delay Yu Toad's attack, freeing up his hands to concentrate on dealing with the toad that appeared in Huangquan Banner. crack.

The cave, which was noisy just now, fell into a strange calm at this moment, as if everything just now was an illusion.Compared with Yu who did not hesitate to disrupt his own cultivation progress, arbitrarily absorbed the essence of living people, and tried his best to restore the vitality, Xu Changqing seemed much more relaxed.

After going through the initial hectic.The cracks in the Yellow Spring Banner have been completely controlled by the Myriad Ghosts Array and the Nine Nether Blood Sea.There is no sign of expansion.It's just that this crack was locked by the ghost power of Huangquan and the power of the sea of ​​blood.There seems to be a mutation.The strength that maintained the crack gradually solidified and took shape.Cracks cannot be removed.Moreover, the power in the crack is also absorbed by wantonness.It has become a degree of breathing and breathing.In the huge and long-lasting suction, there is also a force of regurgitation.Like an asthmatic breathing.

The absorption power of the crack is nothing.Because of the formation and formation diagram imprisonment.Can't absorb anything at all.But when the force of rift regurgitation appeared.But spit out some unseen power.This power is not great.It can even be said to be extremely weak.But it contained a very strong fighting and killing intent.This fighting and killing intent dissipated and at the same time affected the war ghosts and ghost generals in Huangquan Banner.Make them a little restless.Its power can even ignore the banning power of Huangquan Banner.Spread out.Affected Xu Changqing's mind.

Xu Changqing couldn't immediately find out a reason for this.He can only temporarily attribute it to the power possessed by this rift that may lead to the Earth God Hell.And also trying to control this rift.

Soon Xu Changqing thought of a countermeasure.He played a few spells with all his strength.And forced out a drop of refined copper armor corpse essence from the body.Together with the power of the Jue, it penetrated into the Yellow Spring Banner.Controlled by spells.Among the ghosts in Huangquan, the strongest 72 Huangquan war ghosts and 36 Huangquan ghosts will immediately leave the ghost array.Form the Heavenly Gang and Disha Sealing Dragon Formation.and seal the cracks.Following that, the Nine Nether Blood Sea Chart also started to work.Nine Zhenhai ghost beasts control the water of the blood sea and the cloud of the blood sea to sweep and move.Flooded into the Dragon Sealing Formation.Merge with these war ghosts and ghost generals.Formed a cage-like ground sealer.At this time, that drop blended the essence of Xu Changqing's Bronze Armor Corpse.into the sealer.Let it be consecrated and treasured.Integrate with the forces around the crack.Making it an illegal and non-treasure land weird existence.

This method is not what Xu Changqing thought.It is a secret practice of ghost cultivation that is recorded in the Tao of Huangquan from ancient times.And the magic weapon refined is called Suotian.Back then, Emperor Qianyuan used this method to lock a reincarnation passage leading to the Nether Hell.So that he can freely travel between the world of humans and ghosts.That's why some ghost treasures that don't belong to the world can often appear in his hands.

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