Nine idlers

Chapter 351

A strange phenomenon has appeared on a hill near Kerr in the past few days, surrounded by a stream of t|

It's better during the day, it looks like a white mist, but at night, some light is scattered in the white mist, which looks like starlight.Fortunately, this area is remote, there are no villages nearby, and it is surrounded by mountains and dense forests, so it has not attracted the attention of the world.

On the sixth day after the white mist appeared, the white mist that had been slowly expanding suddenly stopped its expansion and began to retract towards the center, and the retraction became faster and faster, and finally turned into a whirlwind generally.In an instant, the white mist on the entire hillside disappeared, and it was all sucked in by a Dao word array exuding a faint light, and the person sitting under the Dao word array was Xu Changqing who had entered meditation a few days ago.

Although Xu Changqing's appearance has not changed much at the moment, his temperament is completely different from a few days ago. If his temperament was considered extraordinary a few days ago, now he looks extraordinarily out of dust, like a lotus in troubled times Generally out of silt but not stained.Just after the Daotu retracted all its strength, the Yin God War Ghost suddenly rushed out from Xu Changqing's Tianling and passed through the Daotu above his head.But the strange thing is that when the Yin God War Ghost passed through the road map, it seemed to be very difficult, as if something was dragging it behind, forcing it to use all its cultivation to struggle upward.

When the Yin God and War Ghost finally crossed over, he looked extremely tired as if he had gone through a tough battle, but there was a joyful smile on his face, and he looked at the western city that had been separated and cut off by the Daotu formation. Church Holy Relic Crucifixion.At this moment, the cross was completely wrapped by the Daotu's formation, completely isolated from the outside world, and fell on the grass next to Xu Changqing.

After taking back the Daotu and Yinshen Warghost, Xu Changqing slowly opened his eyes, looked down at the fallen cross, heaved a long sigh of relief, and said, "It's so dangerous, I was almost plotted into robbery! "

The reason why Xu Changqing was like this was mainly because when he was in Vienna, he accidentally discovered that he had fallen into the catastrophe of Europe, and his body was contaminated with the aura of catastrophe.When he met the robber named Adolf that day, he felt that something was wrong, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't feel it until he asked Lilith about their plans for the underground council.

Although Xu Changqing didn't ask many questions, what he heard was enough for him to guess a general picture.The plans of these devil angels may involve hundreds of millions of people, covering almost the entire western secular world. These are just some peripheral fringes. Specifically, there may be some blood sacrifices and soul-hunting magic that have been handed down from ancient times in the West.In Xu Changqing's view, such a wide-ranging evil plan is definitely a big cause and effect, and it is impossible for no one to bear the soaring resentment that will be generated afterwards, so after feeling it in his heart, he borrowed the power of the yin god to strengthen his eyesight Check out Lilith's luck.

However, things went as he expected, the aura of catastrophe had completely infiltrated Lilith's bone marrow and blood, and she couldn't get rid of it.When the catastrophe begins, all those involved will be reduced to ashes no matter how powerful they are.And when he wanted to further use Lilith as a guide to deduce the context of the entire European catastrophe, Tiandao gave him a warning, and at the same time made him, who was already suspicious, discover his own situation.

For this reason, Xu Changqing used Lilith's mouth to cut off the catastrophe caused by him just now, and then escaped from Vienna, which was already in doom.After escaping to the wilderness, he immediately transferred all his luck to the mahogany man by using the method of acting as a substitute, and temporarily cut off the secular fate with the way of magic, and then used the power of the Daotu to isolate him from the secular world. Contact, and finally use the Zhoutian star map to mobilize the power of the stars to cleanse the whole body.

It took Xu Changqing six full days to wash away the aura of robbery on his body, and at the same time, he also understood the source of his robbery.This source is nothing else, it is the sacred cross that he obtained a few years ago, which means that he has been involved in the catastrophe of Europe a few years ago.For this reason, he did not hesitate to waste the cultivation of Yin God and War Ghost, stripped off the cross that had been sacrificed with it, and then isolated it with the power of Daotu.

After calming down the agitated emotions in my heart.Xu Changqing picked up the cross on the ground.After looking at it with a serious expression.Put it in the universe in the sleeve at will.Immediately cast a body method.Jump to the top of the tree.Fly away towards the west.

Now Xu Changqing has cleared the calamity from his body.But this does not mean that he has escaped the doom.Although he didn't know what the cross represented in the catastrophe in Europe.But he could feel that the cross was one of the keys to the catastrophe in Europe.As long as the cross is still in his hands.He is still in doom.For this reason, he must find a person whose fate is not in the catastrophe of Europe.Deliver the cross to the man.Only in this way can we truly escape the catastrophe of Europe.As for this candidate, he has already thought of it.It is none other than the Abbey of the Western Church who believes in the Archangel Raphael.

After clearing the robbery.Xu Changqing's authentic heart became extraordinarily clear.There is also a layer of understanding of the past.He found himself since traveling west.Everyone they meet is in disaster.The only difference is stuff and size.For example, Gu Weijun, who happened to meet with him, was in the midst of the great catastrophe in the East.But the robbery is relatively shallow.There should be no fear of life.Others such as Chen Jingguo also fell into the catastrophe of the West because of their family property.But he is also very shallow.Others Catherine, Shen Qingwen, Andy and the others were more or less afflicted.

But among so many people in Xu Changqing's memory.The only person who made him feel that he might not be doomed was the shining angel Raphael of the Western Church.This is mainly because Raphael's performance is very weird.Obviously everyone wants to get the sacred cross.In his eyes, it seemed like a scourge.For fear of avoiding it in no hurry.It seemed that he knew exactly what the cross represented.As for the whereabouts of Raphael.It's not hard to find either.As long as you find the Priory, you will be able to find him.Because according to Xu Changqing's understanding.As long as Raphael still wants to be assimilated by the world at the same time.Have their own original strength.Then he must have a stable source of faith.Give him the power of faith.The Priory is his main source of faith.

After having a goal in mind.Xu Changqing's mood was not as panic and nervous as it was a few days ago.relax.According to his first expected plan to rush to Switzerland.Solve his old grievances that existed since birth.

At Xu Changqing's full speed.It took only three days to get from Vienna to Switzerland.entered Switzerland.Xu Changqing immediately had a strong feeling in his heart.This is a blood connection.He doesn't even need to ask about the road.Just walk forward with this feeling.Finally came to Jonah, a small city located on the shore of Lake Walen in Switzerland.

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