Nine idlers

Chapter 352

Li is known as the art capital of the world in Europe, and its painting art is as famous as Vienna's in the world. Western painters gather here, absorbing and exchanging painting techniques of various schools.In the streets and alleys of Paris, you can meet down-and-out painters who want to become famous overnight. They hang their paintings on the side of the road for people to watch and buy. Column, Treville is one of these down-and-out painters.

Dereville came from an obscure fishing village in Mers-les-Bains, and his painting teacher was a monk of the church in the town.Originally, according to normal circumstances, he might be able to replace his father's position as a small town policeman when he became an adult, but he was exaggerated by praise since he was a child, but he was full of confidence in his painting skills and thought that he could also become a world-famous policeman. great painter.So, he didn't listen to the advice, and came to Paris without hesitation, looking for opportunities to become famous.However, the reality shattered his confidence. He found that there were thousands of painters who were not weaker than him, and he couldn't stand out from the crowd.In the end, he put down his paintbrush and became an ordinary policeman on the streets of Paris under the introduction of his father's friend. This is quite ironic, as if he thought he had circled the world, but finally found that he was always standing still.

Being a policeman in Paris is completely different from being a policeman in Mers-les-Bains, and the most direct manifestation is power.In the small town of Mers-les-Bains, the patrol police can be said to be highly respected, with almost the same rights as the town councilors, but in Paris, the police patrol is a job that everyone hates, and they are often looked down upon.Ordinary street patrol police at night are even worse. They often encounter some thugs who claim to be free revolutionaries. In just one year after taking office, Dereville has been attacked seven times, and almost half of the time he stays in the hospital bed.However, he is also somewhat grateful to those thugs. It is precisely because of those thugs that he has been admitted to the hospital repeatedly that he can meet the beautiful nurse Emily and experience the taste of love for the first time.

Today it was Dreyville's turn to patrol at night. He put on his police uniform early, pinned his baton to his waist, and hung an iron whistle on his chest, ready to be used at any time.After tidying up the equipment, he took out an exquisite red box from the desk drawer, opened it to look at the diamond ring inside, then put it in his pocket carefully, and patted the pocket lightly to feel relieved out of the room.He has already made a decision to propose to Emily after tonight to avoid any accidents, especially recently he has been seeing that German doctor pestering Emily, and he is a little uneasy.

Although Paris in the daytime makes people feel like flowers and flowers, Paris at night is completely different. The dark alleys, dim lights, and unknown pedestrians equate danger with Paris at night.Compared with a year ago, Dreyville is much smarter. When he patrols the streets, he will only walk on those avenues with lights. As for those streets and alleys, he will never go near them unless it is a last resort, especially In these tense days.

There have been many strange things happening in Paris at night recently. First, there were strange things like people being sucked dry of blood and dying, and then some people used human blood and some dead bones to place more than a dozen patterns of magic circles around the city at night.In the last few days, some people even claimed to have seen people flying and fighting in the sky, and some even claimed to have seen such absurd things as angels and demons.The above has classified these incidents as political incidents, and believes that this is someone who wants to overthrow the existing French regime and intentionally create terror, which makes the citizens of Paris panic.Due to the pressure from above, the police chief also ordered a thorough investigation of these matters, asking the various patrol officers to look carefully for anyone suspicious.

For these weird things, the first-line patrol officers like Dereville have a completely different view from the above. They think that these things must be related to some unknown forces, so they are very careful in doing things, and they don't take the order to solve the case seriously at all. .

The area that Dereville will inspect today is the streets around Bishop Vyshinsky Square, which is located on the edge of Paris and belongs to the suburban area. Most of the residents are foreigners who come to Paris to seek life, and most of them are artists. A few years ago He also lived here.

Today, there are three other policemen patrolling the streets with him. They have agreed in advance to gather in the square and act together. Although this will take a lot of time and be inefficient, it is much safer than one person.

Since the square is far away from the place of residence, Dreville walked very fast, and finally dared to come to the square within the stipulated time.But when he arrived at the square, he found that there was no one there, and his colleagues seemed to have not arrived yet, but as far as he knew, two of his colleagues lived nearby, and there was no way they would be late.This strange situation made him feel puzzled for a while, and he couldn't help frowning. At the same time, the vigilance that had been nurtured by his father since he was a child twitched, and led his body to make anti-counterfeiting actions, pulled out the baton, and put the police whistle in his mouth , looking around vigilantly.

At this time, there was a sudden noise from behind a pile of messy wooden boxes on the edge of the square, as if some beast was chewing food, and it sounded particularly ominous in the silent night.

"Who is behind? Come out immediately!" Dreyville clenched the baton in his hand.Be brave.He yelled loudly in the direction of the wooden box.At the same time the whistle was sounded.Want to call nearby colleagues or citizens.

With Dereville's shout, it fell.The abnormal noise behind the wooden box stopped immediately.Then a huge black shadow sprang out from behind the box.Jump several feet high.Finally landed on the square.

"Ah!" When Dreyville saw the huge figure falling in front of him clearly.Immediately issued a horrified scream.The body becomes extremely soft.Limp on the ground.stunned.My mind went blank.I don't know what to do.

I saw a big dog more than two meters high standing in front of him.The skin and muscles of this big dog cracked like a rock.Dim light like lava emanated from the cracks.A puff of black mist spewed out from the gap.Wrapped around it.In addition, this dog has three ugly and huge heads.Bloody eyes the size of a fist.And there is a human head biting in the mouth of each head.These heads belonged to Dreyville's three colleagues.At the same time as this hell dog appeared.On the roofs around the square.Four or five demons with long horns on their heads and a pair of bat wings behind them also fell.As if watching a play, he looked at Dreyville who had completely lost his resistance.

At this time.A demon suddenly said seriously, "Cerberus stop playing!We still have work to do! "

The Cerberus growled at the demon dissatisfied.Swallow the head in the mouth in one gulp.Then he bit Dreville.Just when Dereville looked desperately at the three bloodshot dog mouths biting off.Suddenly, a strange-sounding cry came from the east side of the square.Then I saw a light hitting the Cerberus.It flew out.It slammed into the abandoned wooden house next to the square.

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