Nine idlers

Chapter 353

Nine Idlers Chapter 350 Three Bad Intentions

After solving the backlog of hatred in my heart.Xu Changqing rushed over without stopping.along the way.Past events kept reappearing in his mind.His Dao state of mind is also in this case.towards perfection.And when he arrived in Paris.The gap in mood caused by that period of blood hatred.It has been completely filled at the moment and his state can be said to be perfect.Just wait until the time comes.The official retreat can then begin.

After arriving in Paris.Xu Changqing hadn't come in time to find Chen Jingguo's residence.I was attracted by the battle between the eastern power and the demonic power in the suburbs.After arriving at the source of the power struggle.Just in time to see the Cerberus pounce on Yan Fengfei Wu and the others who have not seen each other for a long time.So he immediately put his sleeves to work.In an instant, the Cerberus was included in the world of Qiankun in his sleeve.after.After chatting with the surprised Yan Feng and others.So he cast a spell to erase this memory from the mind of a peeping Westerner.At the same time, the traces left by the fighting skills were removed.Only then did they return to Chen Jingguo's mansion with Yan Feng and others.

Chen Jingguo's residence is located next to the Chaillot Palace on the banks of the Seine.It belongs to one of the areas where the nobles and wealthy merchants of Paris lived.Many political and business celebrities in Li have their residences here. - Every night here is also a constant gathering of guests at the reception.Its liveliness is no less than that of the famous Paris Moulin Rouge in Europe.

Compared with the noisy living in the surrounding mansions.During this period of time, Chen Jingguo's mansion, which had attracted the attention of the European high society, was exceptionally quiet.Some un|well-intentioned people have already started to shuttle between various receptions.Rumors that Chen Jingguo is about to go bankrupt are intended to damage the prestige Chen Jingguo has built up in Europe over the years.Some people believe this rumor to be true, but more discerning people scoff at it.

From their point of view, in the past half month, the property ownership under Chen Jingguo's name has changed.It's just a power change for the entire Chen family.It will not have much impact on their cooperative businessmen.

As for Chen Jingguo himself.In the eyes of many people, it is even more valuable than before, even though Chen Jingguo holds a lot of power in the real estate industry.But those belong to the entire Chen family.Even though Chen Jingguo's property has shrunk a lot now.Those are all industries with far-reaching value and have lost the shackles of the Chen family.Chen Jingguo was able to flex his muscles.Even before things have completely subsided.Some businessmen headed by the Jewish consortium have already contacted Chen Jingguo.And it was reported that the decision was made after the adjustment of the internal rights of the Chen family.Launched a series of business cooperation with Chen Jingguo.To a certain extent, this made Chen Jingguo's reputation rise instead of drop.

now.Although it is already night.But the Chen Jingguo family did not fall asleep.They were all nervously waiting for the news from Yan Feng and others.Chen Jingguo immediately smiled when he saw Yan Feng and the others came back unharmed.And saw Xu Changqing who was following behind.Even more delighted.He hastened to greet her.After asking Yan Feng and others about the situation first.Only then did they welcome everyone to the meeting hall of the mansion.At the same time, he asked Xu Changqing: "Have you finished your business?"

Xu Changqing nodded calmly.Simply said: "It's done!" Then.Turn around and look behind.Shen Qingwen looked sad.Said: "You don't have to stay here and go back to Switzerland! Also inform Catherine. Her mother seems to be in Switzerland too. It should be a mess by now."

"Can I go back?" Shen Qingwen was obviously a little surprised.I asked again.See Xu Changqing nodded slightly.Then he immediately turned around and quickly ran towards the Western car parked on the ground of the mansion.

follow.Xu Changqing seemed to think of something again.Turning her head to Andy who was looking at Shen Qingwen's back, she said: "Andy, you can go to Switzerland with her too! Also, to Qingwen's father's original wife, Mrs. You should take care of her so that a foreigner like her doesn't suffer. Use small tricks when necessary."

Andy froze when he heard Xu Changqing's words.Immediately nodded vigorously in response.Turn around and chase after Shen Qingwen.

"Miss Qingwen's father?" Chen Jingguo knew Xu Changqing's past very well.Quickly guessed something.Asked tentatively: "Could that person be yours..."

"It's nothing!" Xu Changqing looked at Chen Jingguo indifferently.After the servant opened the door of the chamber.walked in.And said without emotion: "Maybe it was a little bit in the past. But now it is nothing."

Chen Jingguo was stunned for a moment.He reached out and patted Xu Changqing's shoulder.Sighing: "Congratulations. You have been liberated."

Xu Changqing didn't care about Chen Jingguo's kind behavior.Turned to look at him.He also said meaningfully: "Why are you envious. Don't you want to be free?"

The two looked at each other.They all laughed.And their charade talk.Let the people around you be confused.The frank Yanfeng shouted dissatisfiedly: "Why are you two talking so nonchalantly? It's confusing. I don't know why you are laughing!" Following him, he looked at Xu Changqing with envy.Asked: "Little friend Changqing. You seem to have returned to the basics now. You are about to realize the Tao. Congratulations! It seems that in the past 200 years, you are about to produce a Taoist immortal. It is really enviable!"

Xu Changqing smiled.Use Yinshen to promote divine thoughts.Swept over everyone.He carefully checked the cultivation bases of Yan Feng and others.He also said: "Hero Yan, why should you envy me. The current cultivation base of you and Fei Longtou is only one step away from the Jindan Dao. The opportunity will come. If you don't succeed, you can't achieve the Dao. You are beyond life and death. The best blessed place spiritual acupoint. It must be helpful to the two of you in your cultivation. When the time comes, you will retreat with me. How about it?"

Yan Feng immediately agreed.Said: "It's just right. The old man also has a look at the process of forming a golden core."

"I'm bothering you!" Fei Wu was not hypocritical.nodded.

Xu Changqing looked enviously at the four Xing family brothers.Said: "Although the four cultivation bases are not comparable to Hero Yan and Abandoned Dragon Head, they are not much different. This time, the four of you helped me use formations to attract spiritual energy. They happened to be in that spiritual cave together with Hero Yan Abandoned Dragon Head Cultivation. Even if it can't help you to become a golden core, it's not difficult to improve your cultivation."

"Thank you!" Xing Bing immediately expressed gratitude on behalf of the four brothers.

At this time.Chen Jingguo waved to the servants to go down.He asked his wife to order her daughter to go back to her room to rest.Then close the door.Smiling and cursing at Xu Changqing: "Changqing, you are really dishonest. You took away all these seniors when you came here. What if those demons are going to deal with me secretly like today? You can't just watch Something happened to my family!"

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