Nine idlers

Chapter 363


Changqing feels very comfortable now, his body has completely entered a kind of empty and underworld, and the aura around him is constantly pouring into his body, penetrating into every part of the Hunyuan golden body, Yin God, Yang God, Jin Zhenyuan The regiment also became more and more solid under the tempering of the true fire of Samadhi.More than a month ago, he used the way of separation in the way of birth and creation to separate all the avatars from his body, including his god eyes and his mind that had been integrated with various thunder powers. The world in his sleeve.When all the spirit treasures and avatars left behind the Hunyuanjin, he immediately entered an empty state. In this state, the shortcomings of the Hunyuanjin body and the Golden Core Dao immediately became clear at a glance.For this reason, he didn't even care about dealing with the separated spirit treasures, but spent the rest of his time repairing the loopholes in the cultivation base of the Dao, so that he could be in the perfect state as much as possible when officially practicing the Golden Core Dao. status.

Although Xu Changqing's avatar spirit treasures were separated from the Hunyuan golden body by the way of birth and creation, it does not mean that Xu Changqing has completely lost contact with these avatar spirit treasures.Xu Changqing can still control these avatars and spiritual treasures with his mind according to the previous method, without any influence at all.It's just that the Bronze Armored Corpse Clone and Zhu Yan Clone seem to have an extra incarnation change similar to the Yin God and War Ghost in addition to the original changes, and the Huangquan Banner, which can only be controlled by the Bronze Armored Corpse Clone, can also be affected by its own destiny. Driven by the mind.

With the arrival of November [-]rd, Xu Changqing's mind felt a surge, and he automatically broke away from the tempering of the Hunyuan Golden Body.At this time, Yan Feng and the others also woke up from the practice, and put their minds on Xu Changqing again, carefully feeling the changes in Xu Changqing's aura. After all, this is an extremely precious experience for them, which will help them in the future. practice.

Xu Changqing opened his eyes, and instead of cultivating immediately, he looked at the spiritual treasures floating above his head, thought for a while, and then controlled them to disperse with his mind.

Under the control of the mind, the bronze-armored corpse grasped the yellow spring banner, and escaped into the lava cave next to the spiritual cave in an instant. The thick and frenzied spirit of fire, the Yellow Spring flag spreads above its head and draws strands of earth fire, which is absorbed into the flag, and gradually brews to form one of the ten pictures of the Yellow Spring.In addition, the Yinshen War Ghost also flew to the top of the cave holding the Yinshen stick in his hand, absorbing the surrounding five-element aura and improving the five-element ghost body's cultivation.Only Zhu Yan is still holding the world of heaven and earth in his sleeves and the thunderball of God's Eye floating above Xu Changqing's head, and the Dao map is separated in the middle. In the middle, help him cultivate the golden elixir avenue.

After placing his avatar spirit treasures, Xu Changqing stood up and lit three sticks of incense, put them in the incense burner on the altar table in front of him, and recited the sacrificial oration to heaven and earth.When he felt a clear spirit of the Dao pouring into his body, he took out the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, hung them in his chest, and then cupped his fists at Yan Feng and the others, saying: "Today, I will enter into the spirit and cultivate the Dao of Golden Core , the mind will not know what is outside, and I hope you can protect me and keep me safe."

"You should serve yourself!" Yan Feng and the others did not say much, and clasped their fists in return.

Xu Changqing nodded, and put his mind into the spiritual things of heaven and earth, the Jiuliu Dao promoted the rapid circulation of the golden liquid and true essence, and the second fire of civil and martial arts in the lower dantian became stronger and stronger.

Under the tempering of the civil and military fire, the golden liquid true essence group has a slight condensed appearance, but a tenacious force prevents the formation of the golden core, so that the golden liquid true essence group always maintains this fake golden core state.

At this time, Xu Changqing's hands quickly formed a seal similar to the seal of Taiqing Chushen, condensed the power of true energy, and tapped on the heaven and earth spirit floating in front of him.Then I saw his hands quickly changing the seals, but his two index fingers were always pointing on the heaven and earth spirits, they did not separate, and different Dao forces were injected into the heavens and earth spirits.

When Xu Changqing completed the last seal.The index finger clamped the heaven and earth spirit that had become pitch black into the palm of the hand.Heshi chest.He shouted in a low voice: "Open!"

A stream of Hunyuan Qi far exceeding the content of spiritual energy in the cave surged out from the spirits of heaven and earth.It made everyone around feel as if they were drowning.Fortunately, this power did not last long.It immediately shrank back.Follow Xu Changqing's meridians into his lower dantian.At the same time, Xu Changqing's body also swallowed the surrounding five-element aura like a bottomless pit.The concentration of aura in the cave immediately weakened a bit.

"No wonder he would say that there might not be enough spiritual energy here. Now it seems that even if the spiritual energy of the entire mountain range is inhaled here, it may not be enough for him to consume!" The brothers of the Xing family immediately felt the change in the spiritual energy of the cave.Don't think about it any more.Part of my mind is on Xu Changqing.Most of the minds and spirits are pushing the four spirits array with all their strength.Absorb the aura of the surrounding mountains.Seeing this situation, Yan Feng and Fei Wu were observing Xu Changqing's situation at the same time.Each spell-casting gate guides the surrounding aura into the spiritual acupoint here.Although the effect cannot be compared with the four spirit array of the Xing family brothers.But it's better than nothing.Soon the spiritual energy of the five elements in the spiritual point reached a balance.

Although Xu Changqing was prepared in his heart.But still underestimated the Hunyuan Qi in the heaven and earth spirits.With its re-tempered Hunyuan Golden Body, it was almost unable to withstand the first influx of Hunyuan Qi.The meridians are swollen and painful.What makes him even more painful is that Hunyuan Qi needs to circulate in the body's eight meridians for a week.Only then will it be injected into the golden liquid true essence group.And this is just the beginning.After that, each influx of Hunyuan Qi will be only stronger than the first one.For this reason, Xu Changqing can only be at the same time as the Hunyuan Qi flows through the ground.Let go of the restrictions around you.Fully absorb the aura of the five elements around.Repair some damaged golden body meridians.In order to make the meridians bearable the next time Hunyuan Qi floods in.

Fortunately, Hunyuan Qi circulates very slowly in the meridians.It took Xu Changqing more than ten days to run for one week.Let him have enough time to solidify the meridians.Prepare for Hunyuanqi.After running for a week.The Qi of Hunyuan is mixed with a trace of the true essence of life.Pour into the lower dantian ground gold liquid true essence group.With the influx of mixed energy.There was no slight change on the surface of the gold liquid true essence ball.However, the force that hindered the formation of the pill was relatively weakened.A burst of fairy spirit energy that should not exist in the mortal world also gushed out from the golden liquid true essence group and merged into the golden body of Hunyuan.

After the first burst of Hunyuan Qi merged into the Golden Liquid True Yuan Group.The second more powerful Hunyuan Qi rushed into Xu Changqing's body again.Run through the golden body meridians at a slower speed.Repeatedly.Xu Changqing's mind has been fully devoted to cultivation.Completely forgot the time outside.Week after week.month after month.

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