Nine idlers

Chapter 364

In an underground cave on the west side of the Alps, while Yan Feng and the others were listening to the sound of the avenue echoing in the cave, they also looked enviously at Xu Changqing, who was surrounded by immortal energy, who was able to witness it with his own eyes. For them, it is not only an encouragement for a fellow practitioner to achieve the Golden Core Dao, but more importantly, it gives them a hope and realizes their own way from it. (

Although several people listened to the same sound of the Great Dao, their performances were completely different.Xu Changqing's yin and yang gods asked Dao, and what he was explaining was obviously the most fundamental Tao Te Ching and Taishang Qing Xin Sutra, but the faces of the Xing family brothers showed a dazed look, as if they couldn't understand, Fei Wu also frowned sometimes, sometimes Smiling, only Yan Feng seemed to have some insight, nodding from time to time.

Xu Changqing knew nothing about the situation of Yan Feng and others. He didn't even know that his yin and yang gods were sitting and talking about the Tao, and what he didn't know was that the Tao of the yin and yang gods was right and wrong. It is the way of heaven and earth that he is now comprehending.

Xu Changqing's cultivation bases of Zhenyuan, Daoxin, etc. have already far surpassed his own Golden Core Dao. Reached the realm of practicing virtual harmony.At the same time, he has inexplicably practiced the yin and yang gods that can only be condensed in the highest realm of harmony.Therefore, under the nourishment of Dao Qingqi Pill, which has the effect of elixir, Xu Changqing's cultivation of Dao has increased layer by layer, and the realm barrier that is difficult for ordinary people to cross is just a breeze for him.

When Xu Changqing's golden liquid and true essence were completely transformed into immortal energy, his Dao Xin realm had almost reached the peak of the common world, and his Dao cultivation base had also entered the state of soaring to the realm of practicing emptiness and harmony. He only needed to wait until the golden core condensed, He can immediately achieve the realm of human immortality, beyond the three realms and not in the five elements, and as long as the immortal energy in his body accumulates to a certain level, he can ascend to the heavens and finally achieve the golden immortality.

Because of the improvement of Dao cultivation base, his spiritual sense has also expanded wantonly, reaching up to the nine heavens, connecting to the underworld, looking at the four seas, and capturing the universe. It can be said that the entire earth is wrapped in his divine sense.It wasn't until then that he felt that the aura of the entire earth was extremely lacking. Except for a few places that were still full of aura, the rest of the places were shrouded in various messy and filthy auras.These filthy auras are densely covered on the ground like sickly spots, and slowly expand around like ink dripping on rice paper, bit by bit devouring the already thin aura around it, and the earth will have nothing to do without it. A blessed place of aura.

These auras are very important to Xu Changqing. If he wants to improve his immortal energy, he needs to absorb a lot of auras. At present, there are only four places where he can absorb huge auras, the North and South Poles, Kunlun in the Western Regions, and the South American jungle.Although the auras at the north and south poles are so thick that they are almost solidified, those auras are mixed with extremely mysterious heaven and earth poles.If a practitioner absorbs these auras, it is like putting a bomb that will explode at any time in his body. It is only a matter of time before his body dies and his soul dies. Even the current Xu Changqing cannot be spared.As for Kunlun in the Western Regions, it had already formed its own realm in ancient times. Although his spiritual sense felt that the aura in that location was strong, it was like an invisible barrier, making it impossible for people to detect the mystery. Several cultivation bases are by no means lower than his powerful existence.

In addition to the powerful existences in Kunlun Wonderland, Xu Changqing's spiritual sense also discovered several mysterious forces in other places.Among them, the forces closest to him come from the Vatican and St. Petersburg. These two forces should belong to the underground council and the two leaders of the Western Church. They are much higher than the power of Raphael of the same kind. It is estimated that they can be compared with Jindan. practitioners compared.

Most of the rest of the power comes from those fairy mountains and blessed places in China. The power is about the same as that of Xu Changqing before the retreat. It should be the authentic old monsters of the immortals and Buddhas.As for the strongest power comes from Beijing, it is only slightly weaker than Xu Changqing at the moment.From Xu Changqing's point of view, the only person who can possess such power is the Nine Transformations Demon Lord who has transformed into a flying Yaksha.Among these powers, the power that Xu Changqing pays the most attention to is the one in South America, because it happens to be the concentration of the entire South American spiritual vein, and it is also the place where Xu Changqing plans to go after leaving the customs.

When Xu Changqing felt those powerful forces, those beings with powerful forces also felt Xu Changqing.For Xu Changqing's spiritual prying, they each had different reactions, resisting, dodging, and hiding, most of them were surprised and fearful.Only one of the powerful beings in the Kunlun Wonderland actually connected with his spiritual thoughts, and directly cast a spell in Xu Changqing's mind, and passed it to a wonderful array, and then severed the connection with Xu Changqing, and the Kunlun Wonderland was also destroyed at the same time. Surrounded by a force, it finally disappeared.

The formation diagram suddenly appeared in his mind, and Xu Changqing couldn't help being startled. While those powerful beings withdrew their spiritual thoughts, he also hurriedly gathered their spiritual thoughts back and checked his own situation.He didn't study the sudden formation carefully until he realized that he was fine.However, what he didn't expect was that this formation diagram was no stranger to him, and it was clear that the central part of the formation diagram was clearly his avenue diagram.

"Could this be the most primitive Dao map?" Xu Changqing was puzzled, and concentrated his mind, sank into the Dao Mind realm, and analyzed every detail of the entire map.Just when he was attracted by the Dao Tu, the last trace of true energy in the golden elixir was also condensed by the two fires of civil and martial arts, and the qi of the dragon and tiger pills also absorbed the civil and martial fires respectively, making the qi of the alchemy completely condensed. It was done silently.

At the moment when he achieved the golden elixir, Xu Changqing didn't feel much, and he didn't feel any joy in his heart. Everything seemed so natural and simple like breathing. Only Dao Xin felt unprecedented ethereal and calm, and the analysis of the battle map also accelerated. Not a lot.

At this time, all the immortal energy wrapped around Xu Changqing's body was withdrawn into the body, flowing through the meridians, the Yin God and Yang God also stopped preaching, and returned to their respective Qingyun lotus platforms, and withdrew together with the Five Qi Chaoyuan Golden Wheel Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the strong aura on his body also disappeared.Now Xu Changqing feels ordinary to Yan Feng and others, as ordinary as an ordinary person, people can't help but wonder if he failed to form the alchemy.

Just when Yan Feng and the others were concerned about Xu Changqing's current situation, the avatars of Yin God War Ghost and Bronze Armored Corpse, who had been suppressed by Xu Changqing before, broke through their own limits without any warning, and incarnated into Jiuyou The yin god and the fierce god Hanba floated above Xu Changqing's head together with Zhu be continued,

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