Nine idlers

Chapter 365

Yan Daxia. ^You are going back to Huaxia.Or stay in Europe? "At the \'-mouth of the spiritual cave. Xu Changqing looked at Yan Feng in Jianyuan and asked slightly.

Nearly half a year has passed since Xu Changqing passed down his enlightenment.Due to the difference in realm.In addition to the experience of cultivating the Tao and the sense of the Dao, the content is very complicated and huge.As a result, it took so much time for Yan Feng and others to draw to absorb and assimilate.Among these people.Yan Feng, who has the highest cultivation base, has the most benefits.In these years, he has realized a lot of principles from Xu Changqing.And Xu Changqing's perception of the Dao played a role in deepening and filling.Make its own avenue more complete. _Although Yu Feiwu and the Xing family brothers also came to the same great insight.But Bidu belongs to the sect that pays more attention to the law than to the way.I have only grasped a little superficial understanding of the Dao.And from the way of some heavenly aura changes in the perception, I realized a way that suits me.

Due to the continuous improvement of Dao Xin cultivation in recent years.Yan Feng has been able to completely control the domineering sword essence in his body.The beard and hair that flaunted like needles also became soft.This is him less weird.A little more Wei\'i.Hear Xu Changqing's question.He thought about it carefully.Said: "After all, I am different from casual cultivators. The orthodoxy is still in China. I have gained a lot in the past few years. I should go back and compile the Taoism and Dao that I have realized in these years. For future generations to understand." Then read it again Look at the sword of righteousness in his hand.Said: "Besides, this treasure of the Guan family is in my hands. It is always a concern. It is better to solve it as soon as possible."

"That's fine!" Xu Changqing had already guessed Yan Feng's plan.So he took out a piece of fire spar the size of a palm without half aura from his sleeve and handed it to Yan Feng, saying: "After the hero Yan returns to Huaxia, please find my apprentice. Teach them this thing._"

This fire spar looks ordinary, but there is a mystery inside.It is a missionary letter made by Xu Changqing with the immortal formula he realized and the ancient method.Inside the spar is sealed the Jiuliu Dao Jindan chapter edited by Xu Changqing.The golden elixir chapter records all the magic circles and magic gates of the western demon gods in the golden elixir avenue.In addition, there is also a copy of Xu Changqing's experience in Taoism and his perception of the Dao from the beginning of Taoism to the formation of Jindan. _This letter of Ecclesiastes can be said to be a complete set of Jindan Dao practice book.Its effect is no less than a potion of reborn elixir.It is of great benefit to any practitioner. _However, this spar letter contains a special fairy art technique_Only the two brothers and sisters of the Huang family circulate their true energy at the same time.Only then can you see the content of the spar.And only one chance.After use, the content will be printed in the minds of the two.Hedrons also become waste rocks.

_The wind comes from a famous sect.Naturally, I am no stranger to this kind of Ecclesiastes, which was widely circulated in ancient times but is now lost.He looked a little taken aback.Nodded_Take the fire spar over.Earn in the arms.With a serious look, he said: "I will definitely deliver this to them myself._"

Xu Changqing nodded.Then he asked the others: _What about you guys? "

_We Brothers Four Ben :: Rootless People.Huaxia has nowhere to go, it is better to stay in Europe.Continue to make offerings to Brother Yasukuni. "The brothers looked at each other and expressed their thoughts through Xing Bing's mouth.

"My Dao foundation is not stable. Go back to China with Yanfeng. Go to the Donghua School to see those famous Taoist scriptures to stabilize the foundation." Fei Wu's appearance is no different now: he is no different from ordinary people.It's just that his voice is still hoarse when he speaks.

"Since this is the case, let's part ways in II!" Xu Changqing clasped his fists at everyone.And to the puzzled Xing family brothers.Said: "After the four go to Yasukuni, tell him that I will look for him in a few days."

Although Xu Changqing didn't say it clearly.But people can also see that he seems to have something to be done immediately - without asking too much - each of them returned the salute with fists.Then he turned around and left, and flew away in two directions, east and west.

After - everyone else left.Xu Changqing did not leave immediately.Instead, he stood in the original place and looked at the barren hills and cracked soil around him. _It is the innate supernatural power of Hanba.The green grass and woods that originally covered the i mountain were all withered and dried up.All the snow on the top of the mountain has also melted.Only bare rocks remained.It was extremely desolate. _But now the Hanba has been integrated with the Yuanjin body.Innate magical powers are also controlled.There is no impact on the outside world.But the damage to this has been done after all.Let it go to waste.It will inevitably affect the veins of the entire Alps.For Xu Changqing forged bad karma.

Xu Changqing has achieved the fruit of humanity.Beyond the Three Realms is not in the Five Elements.As long as it doesn't disturb the destiny of the Dao of Heaven.It is impossible for other worldly karma to affect him.But this does not mean that he can act recklessly before ascension.This_cannot be done to him.But a small part of it will be endured by those around him.Like his descendants, apprentices and children.This is naturally not what he wants to see.

I saw Xu Changqing's palm seemingly casually scratching downwards.There was a shock immediately.When the shaking subsides.The surrounding veins seem to have a little more aura. _i saw him looking up at the sky later.He said "gather" softly.The cloudless sky immediately became stormy.After a while, a thick layer of dark clouds accumulated in the sky.There is a tendency to pour down.At this time.He opened his forehead.A drop of life-changing spiritual liquid flew out of the chaotic bead.hanging in the air.Following him, another burst of fairy air shot out towards the spiritual liquid.Beat it into a mist.Rush into the clouds in the sky.Merge with the dark clouds.

After doing all this.A satisfied smile appeared on Xu Changqing's face.The figure disappeared in a flash.When it reappeared, it was already twenty miles away.After Xu Changqing left.The dark clouds in the sky can no longer bear their own pressure.The heavy rain and heavy snow that contained infinite vitality slanted down.It landed on this desolate mountain.As the rain falls.Those withered trees and grass immediately became alive.And grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.The originally bare mountaintops were also gradually covered by falling snow.

When the rain and snow stop.When the sky clears up.The mountain that was still desolate just now has become lush and lush. _The rainwater contains the liquid of life and the spirit of the spirit.It makes these mundane green grass and trees have a little more aura.The entire mountain is even more graceful than before it was destroyed by Hanba's supernatural power. _Xu Changqing also used the fairy formula to destroy the spirit of retreat.And gather the spiritual energy here.It won't take long for the damaged aura to be fully restored to normal.Finally, the karma of this day is over.

After leaving the retreat.Xu Changqing hurried to the north.I don't know when there was an extra crystal skull wearing a golden crown in his hand.

Maybe he used Zhu Yan's supernatural powers.A large number of conquests and killings around the sky -\'- into the bloody vortex at the core of the crystal skull.And with the conquest of the sky, the killing spirit is sucked in more and more.Xu Changshang's expression also became more and more serious.

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