Nine idlers

Chapter 366 2 Realm Passage

After feeling something abnormal on the ground, although Xu Changqing had decided not to intervene, he couldn't help being curious, cast a spell to hide his figure, landed from the air to the ground, and carefully checked the situation of the mysterious force.Provide the latest chapter to read"">

The fighting on the ground seemed to have just subsided. The troops under the flags of Britain and France and the flag of Germany retreated to their respective trenches, repaired their equipment, and planned the next attack. scattered across the battlefield.Compared with the small town before, the aura of conquest and killing and resentment here are a hundred times stronger, and all kinds of thick and messy auras are filling the battlefield.If it wasn't for Xu Changqing's mind and soul to be stabilized and the Dao to be cultivated, perhaps like others, he would be washed away by these auras, lost his mind, and greatly reduced his cultivation base.

Although the surrounding messy atmosphere affected Xu Changqing's spiritual perception, he finally found a trace of power.When he searched along this trace of power, the expression on his face became more and more solemn, and finally he couldn't help exclaiming: "What a big picture!"

It turns out that in the ground below the battlefield, there is a big cloud containing mysterious power. This mysterious power is very weak, so weak that it is completely covered by the earth spirit energy of the earth. This is why it is difficult for Xu Changqing to discover this power. reason.Although the mysterious power feels very weak as a whole, it also contains the devouring power similar to the golden crown crystal skull, which can easily capture those battle spirits full of blood.It is also precisely because it requires little power that its extended area has also increased, covering almost hundreds of kilometers in a radius, half of France, Germany, the entire Belgium, Switzerland, and parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy. In this army, that is to say, this army controls all the dead souls in the main battlefield of the entire European catastrophe.Provide the latest chapters to read

"Strange? Such fragile power can never be used to store those battle spirits!" When Xu Changqing was looking at the Soul Eater, he could cut off part of it with a little force. Although it recovered quickly, it was still It exposed its inability to withstand too much force.However, judging from the overwhelming aura of conquest and killing and soaring resentment, the number of war spirits who died in the entire European catastrophe was at least a million, and ordinary civilians were added, and there were even millions of people.With so many souls, even Xu Changqing's Six Paths of Reincarnation and Yellow Spring Banner will take some time to absorb and refine them, not to mention that this one will shatter when touched.Xu Changqing couldn't help feeling suspicious, and thought to himself: "There must be a very large container in this big middle, which is used to store these battle spirits and souls!"

After thinking about this, Xu Changqing's previous decision not to intervene in European affairs began to waver, and he was also considering the gains and losses in his mind.After all, millions of battle souls and the same million ordinary souls are enough to make any cultivator feel tempted. If his Six Paths of Reincarnation Map absorbs these souls, not to mention other things, the Shura Map can at least achieve great success.

In addition, there was the abnormality of the golden crown and crystal skull just now, which made him feel that this was a reminder from heaven, and it seemed that he wanted him to stop the god-prison plan of the forces of hell and heaven.

"What's the benefit of me helping you stop the God Prison plan?" Xu Changqing thought about it, then suddenly looked up at the sky, and said something to himself.As soon as his words fell, a flash of lightning flashed in the clouds in the sky, and a huge thunderstorm covered the entire battlefield, and the mysterious force of heaven and earth reappeared, covering Xu Changqing's surroundings, followed by another instant disappear.

"So that's it!" At this time, Xu Changqing seemed to understand the meaning of this power of heaven and earth, with a wry smile on his face, and murmured: "No wonder I achieved Jindan Dao so smoothly, even as recorded in the book of Patriarch Xuan Qingsu. The thunder calamity and demon calamity have not yet happened, so you have already plotted against me and formed this karma with me." He said, thinking for a moment in silence, and said in a deep voice: "Forget it! If this is the case, I will Pay back your karma, intervene in this matter, and stop the plan of the Western foreign demon god's prison, after the matter is completed, we will owe nothing to each other!"

After muttering to himself, Xu Changqing did not immediately search for the location of the soul-devouring container, but stood there, looking up at the sky, as if waiting for an answer.A dark cloud quickly gathered above his head, followed by a thunderbolt, but he didn't cast a spell to block it. Instead, he opened his eyes and used the Chaos Orb to catch the thunder easily, with a smile on his face.

"The universe returns to the Yuan!" Xu Changqing yelled softly, his eyes were fully opened, and a stream of magic power in his sleeves radiated from the Chaos Orb, and with the powerful divine sense, it instantly covered the land with a radius of a hundred miles.The heaven and earth mana in the sleeve formed an invincible suction force, instantly devouring the aura of conquest and killing and soaring resentment in the whole place.Such a huge massacre of killing energy and soaring resentment was completely absorbed and digested in a moment under his full transformation.It's just that nearly half of the killing air and soaring resentment were divided into the universe world and Zhoutian Xingchen by the Dao map, and the remaining half were transformed by the crystal skull and integrated into the six reincarnation map.Even if it is only half of it, its amount can be seen in a small way. Not only the blood thunder in the purgatory map and the black thunder in the hungry ghost map are fully formed, but also the rudiments of thunder clouds appear in the Shura map and the heaven map, and these thunder clouds are all related to each other. The Gods, Eyes, Gods and Thunders of the Zhoutian and Stars Map have a layer of connection, forming a universe of small thunder courts.

"Huh!" After clearing the messy atmosphere on the battlefield, Xu Changqing let out a long sigh of relief, took back the mana in his sleeves, and checked his own situation at the same time, after showing a satisfied smile on his face , and frowned again.It doesn't take much mana to forcibly absorb such a huge amount of killing aura and soaring resentment with his cultivation base, but he has only just become familiar with his own fairy aura, and it is far from being able to operate freely, so the power consumed Much more than he expected.

While running the Jiuliu Avenue to recover the consumed fairy energy, Xu Changqing unfolded his divine sense and submerged into the ground, looking for the gathering point of the Soul Devourer.Although he could easily find out the details of the entire Soul Eater after the surrounding miscellaneous air was cleared, but he didn't have any clues about the magic weapon he was looking for.For this reason, he had to think of another way, and with a thought, he sacrificed the Yellow Spring Banner from his body and held it in his hand. Then the banner shook, and a Yellow Spring War Ghost flew out of the banner.

What happened next was as Xu Changqing expected, at the moment the Huangquan War Ghost appeared, a devouring force immediately spread from the Soul Devourer, grabbing the War Ghost and dragging him into the cave.Because Xu Changqing didn't let Zhan Gui resist, everything went very smoothly. Zhan Gui was pulled tens of miles away by this force in an instant, and then disappeared suddenly, completely losing contact with Huang Quanfan.

At the moment when the war ghost disappeared, Xu Changqing also cast a spell to instantly move to the place where the war ghost disappeared. However, when he saw the things in front of him, he couldn't help showing surprise, and thought in his heart: "How could it be him?"

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