Nine idlers

Chapter 367 Hell Heaven

In the memory of the leopard-shaped Duke who is familiar with the passages of God's Domain, Xu Changqing learned that the realm of practice such as the land boundary is different. {et}>Because the fairy realm is perfect and belongs to the upper realm, the barrier between it and the human world has a special power. Only those who have this special power and are strong enough can break through the barrier and ascend to the upper realm.As for hell, heaven, the various god realms in the west, and even the buddhist realm in the east, they are not perfect god realms. As long as the power is strong enough, they can break through the barrier between the two realms and enter the other world.What's more, no power is needed, as long as a mortal's mind can feel those gods, that mortal can easily enter other gods. This is the origin of the saint's achievement in the west and the epiphany achievement in the east.

It's just that compared to other God's Domains, Underworld belongs to a very special place.According to the memories of the Leopard-shaped Duke and the Egyptian gods, the underworld is the product of reincarnation, and all residents of the gods must enter the reincarnation from the underworld after death, but only the people of the gods on earth can directly enter the underworld, so each god's domain is passed by strong believers among their believers. Established its own power in the underworld.It's just that as the human gods began to reject other gods, in the human world, the power of believers in the gods began to weaken, and the barrier between the underworld and the human world began to increase. It became extremely difficult to enter the underworld with a physical body. Only ghosts can pass through reincarnation power into hell.

Back then, Qianyuan Emperor Qianyuan spent countless elixir and magic weapons to have the ability to cross the Yin and Yang worlds with his body, but now for Xu Changqing, this ability is not too difficult to achieve.Leaving aside the powerful and mysterious boundary-breaking divine power in the Yellow Spring Banner, the Yin God and Hanba that have been integrated with the Hunyuan Golden Body all have the ability to travel through Yin and Yang. **et## But this time the world he wants to enter has some differences from the underworld. What he is thinking about now is not whether he can enter the world in the Holy Cross, but how to do it after entering. Come back safely.

In the Tao of Huangquan, Emperor Qianyuan recorded the situation when he entered the underworld for the first time and the dangers he encountered. The greatest danger was being trapped by the power of another world.At that time, Emperor Qianyuan used the longevity incense made from the hair and painstaking efforts of [-] centenarians as a guiding light to escape.But Xu Changqing can't use this method at all now, not to mention where to find [-] centenarians, even if he finds them, he would not dare to use the lives of these people to make longevity incense.In the case of ordinary people who have no practice, they can be called Renrui just by living to a hundred years old. These are all great blessings. If they hurt them, they will be punished by heaven and earth. With the profound cultivation of Emperor Qianyuan, he has now ended up living alone. It would be better to die, perhaps because he had hurt nine hundred people.

Although Xu Changqing couldn't copy Emperor Qianyuan's method, this method gave Xu Changqing a hint and made him think of another suitable method for him.I saw his body trembling slightly, a red light flashed across his body, converging on the top of his head, and then saw Zhu Yan's avatar rushing out of his body, hiding his figure, flying into the air, absorbing the surrounding surroundings wantonly The aura of conquest of heaven and earth formed a mysterious connection with Xu Changqing's Hunyuan golden body.

After getting ready, Xu Changqing reached out and tapped the forehead of the German youth in front of him, making him fall asleep, and then hit his heart hard, breaking all the connection between the holy cross and the Soul Eater.Afterwards, the mysterious power that made up the Soul Eater came out from the cross of the holy relic, ready to reconnect with the outer one.Xu Changqing took advantage of the mysterious power leaving Adolf's body, rolled it up with the Yellow Spring flag, grabbed a part of it abruptly, and punched it into the boundary-breaking divine power in the flag, seemingly casually pulling Huang Quan The banner flicked in the air.

At this time, I saw a black ray of light shining on the top of the Yellow Spring Banner. This ray of light cut a person-high crack in the air like a knife.The moment the crack appeared, a stream of heat with a violent aura rushed out of the crack, and tentacles made of white light grabbed around the crack like arms, trying to close the crack little by little.

Seeing the rift between the two worlds in front of him, Xu Changqing couldn't help feeling a little nervous. He took a deep breath, stopped thinking, filled his body with fairy spirit, and rushed in before the rift closed.The fissure, which seemed very calm at first, became extremely frantic after the addition of Xu Changqing's power. It shrank inward suddenly, gathered strength, and seemed to explode instantly.At this time, a force of heaven and earth suddenly appeared, densely wrapping the crack that had shrunk to a point, annihilating all the power into nothingness, and then disappeared together with the crack.

After Xu Changqing entered the crack, his eyes were pitch black, and then he felt as if he had fallen into a mass of mud. A huge force was squeezing him, and at the same time, this force formed a diametrically opposite suction force. , There is a great momentum to tear him apart.In this absolute darkness, all five senses on his body were useless, and even his divine sense could not be developed due to the surrounding forces.He didn't know how long he stayed in the dark, and he didn't know whether he was on the way to another world or was trapped in the gap between the two worlds. It is also imprisoned in the body and cannot be displayed.

In such an absolutely still and absolutely dark environment, it is difficult to achieve absolute tranquility in ordinary practice, and the various hazes hidden in their hearts will gradually expand, eventually swallowing them and making them crazy.Fortunately, Xu Changqing had the experience of cultivating secretly in the realm of Dao Xin, and the situation here is similar to that in the realm of Dao Xin, the only difference is that he cannot rely on Dao Xin to deduce Dao.

There is no concept of time here, Xu Changqing doesn't know how long he has been in this state.Suddenly a fire-like light flashed in the darkness, and at the same time as this light appeared, it rushed towards Xu Changqing, its speed was so fast that Xu Changqing couldn't dodge at all.When the light collided with Xu Changqing, Xu Changqing's senseless five senses instantly recovered, and the surrounding darkness also disappeared, and a blood-red barren desert appeared in front of him.

"This is another world?" After Xu Changqing fully recovered, he looked around casually, then concentrated his attention, and contacted the incarnation of Zhu Yan who was still in the human world.Soon a smile appeared on his face, as he expected, the heaven and earth conquest and killing spirit mixed with the power of Dao Xin penetrated the barrier between the two realms, connecting his Hunyuan golden body and Zhu Yan's incarnation. Together.Here, he can still clearly feel the existence of Zhu Yan's avatar and control the actions of Zhu Yan's avatar.

While feeling the incarnation of Zhu Yan, Xu Changqing also figured out that he only stayed in the gap between the two worlds for a while, and he also found that the time in this world was about twice as slow as the time in the human world.Looking at the people on the ground from the eyes of Zhu Yan's incarnation, it is like watching people walking in the water very slowly. This phenomenon is a bit like a day in the world, but a thousand years here.

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