Nine idlers

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Beggars and Beggars

Xu Changqing chatted with Zhao Banqian for a while, and then saw that the house seemed to be packing up, so he asked, "Is the old man planning to move to another place?"

"I'm going back to Sichuan. My family has already gone there before me. I'll stay and arrange some chores. I'm going to leave in two days." Zhao Banqian nodded and said, "Speaking of which, my husband and I are really destined. Not too soon or too late, I arrived in Wuhan just before I was about to leave, so that the two of us from the Wen family could meet for a while."

"Maybe this is the fate in the dark!" Xu Changqing smiled, and continued to ask: "Wuhan is located in the belly of the dragon, and it is a place where pills gather to become gods. Both the air veins and the earth veins are impeccable. Compared with Shanghai is a place where the dragon's breath gathers wealth, and it is even better in terms of connections. Old man, why did you abandon all your family business here and go to Sichuan?"

"Sir, why bother to ask the truth! Who can give up the family property accumulated for more than 20 years?" Zhao Banqian sighed, and said, "But compared to life, this family property is nothing! Zhang Xun has arrived In Hubei, Zhang Renjun is coming soon, and the Beiyang new army is also preparing to station in Wuhan. This place has become a place of war. I have calculated that it will not be peaceful here in five or six years. I originally planned to move to Shanghai, but Shanghai is not It's where the dragon's breath is, and the people are mixed with dragons and snakes. I no longer have the heart to venture into the world, so I can only choose the next best thing and move back to Sichuan, which is relatively calm."

Xu Changqing said with concern: "Have you ever found a place to stay? I still have some contacts in Sichuan. Brother Pao and his uncles have all owed me favors. If there is a problem, maybe they can help a little."

"Mr. Lao is concerned." Zhao Banqian shook his head and said, "I have already bought a few houses in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. There are several of my regular customers there, and they also hope that I will be their staff in the past."

"Chengdu? Well, Chengdu is also very good. Although it is not as good as Wuhan and Shanghai, it is also a place where treasures are gathered." Xu Changqing nodded, picked up the teacup and drank the tea slowly, and stopped beating around the bush. Said bluntly: "Old man, there is something I want to ask!"

"Sir, please tell me." Zhao Banqian was stunned and said

Xu Changqing looked at Zhao Banqian's expression and asked, "Did Hu Yueniang from the prostitute send someone to ask you about divination these days?"

Zhao Banqian didn't have any expression on his face, he seemed to have guessed that Xu Changqing would ask this question, nodded slightly, and said: "I asked him yesterday, and I told him the truth, mixed success or failure." He paused, With a serious face, he said: "I never thought that there would be someone who would win the Nine Dragons aspirations. Right now, the demon energy in the north is on the rise. Is it too risky for you, sir?"

"It's up to man. If I don't work hard on this matter, I won't even be qualified to fight in the future." Xu Changqing's face was not very good-looking, and then he asked: "The old man has been in charge of knowing the destiny for so many years. As a fortune teller with a little bit of Taoism, you all know, old man, that the person who assisted the Xuangang Heavenly Demon in his act against the sky this time has some clues."

Zhao Banqian frowned, and said: "I don't know who it is, but he reminds me of someone from the two points of his ability to cover up secrets and the Nine Dragons Aspirations."

Xu Changqing asked anxiously, "Who is it?"

"Sun Baoyuan of Sushun, one of the eight ministers of Gu Ming." Zhao Banqian lightly twirled his beard, and said, "Sushun has a very good relationship with the old man Qingzhu in Tianzhu Mountain. Rescued Sushun's grandson and brought him back to the mountains to raise him. He also taught Baoyuan all his unique skills of guiding the qi meridians of heaven. Later, after the old man Qingzhu died, Baoyuan also disappeared, and the Qingzhu lineage has since disappeared. Lost. My master had an irreversible relationship with Old Man Qingzhu back then, so I know that Old Man Qingzhu had inadvertently obtained an ancient book about Liu Bowen’s tomb in his early years. According to this inference, people who are good at these two stunts should not think of anyone other than Bao Yuan."

"No wonder, no wonder!" After hearing this, Xu Changqing suddenly realized, and said thoughtfully: "No wonder he wants to use Cixi and Guangxu as living sacrifices. After all these years, he still hates the Xingjueluo royal family and Cixi so much." The old lady who caused the destruction of his family." He suddenly laughed loudly and said, "If this person is really that Baoyuan, the Profound Handle Demon will suffer a lot this time, and maybe even his life will be lost here. above."

"Maybe!" Zhao Banqian was obviously not as optimistic as Xu Changqing, and said, "Sir, don't forget that there is also a word of benefit before the word Qiu. Bao Yuan might not help him wholeheartedly."

"Hmm! The old man is right." Xu Changqing suppressed his smile, nodded, and said, "I'm really getting carried away. It seems that my mind-cultivation skills are not enough."

"Actually, when I heard the news that Guangxu and Cixi died one after another in the north, I felt that something was wrong, but I didn't expect it to be so big." Zhao Banqian sighed and said: "Now those immortals The authentic Buddhist sects have all closed the mountain gates, and almost all their outer disciples are not allowed to go out at will. I didn't expect that this matter of saving the fortune of China's Qimai would fall on us low-level heretics. It's a pity, it's ridiculous! "

Xu Changqing didn't feel annoyed at all, and said: "It's no wonder, if it wasn't for my lineage of idlers being too deeply involved in karma, I might choose to hide from the world, or find a blessed place to avoid the limelight like the old man."

"Ah! It's a pity that I know that most of the destiny sects are proficient in numerology, but the Taoism is superficial, otherwise..." Zhao Banqian sighed, then he seemed to remember something, took out a copper key from his pocket, and said: "If my husband arrives in Beiping, there is one person who may be able to help. He is Xu Shichang, the head of Xiaoguo affairs. When he was down and down, he sent it to me. I am also his half-teacher. This key was given by him earlier. I sent someone to give it to me in [-], and said that as long as I have something to send someone to bring this key to him, he will help."

Xu Changqing happened to need to find a governor in Beiping. Xu Shichang could not be better, but he had never dealt with him before, so it is not easy to visit him rashly, and Zhao Banqian's key happened to be a stepping stone.So he didn't shirk, thanked him, and put the key in his arms.

Xu Changqing stayed at Zhao Banqian's house for another day, tidied up his hair and body, and changed into the clothes and gown that Zhao Banshan had prepared for him. Although his face and body were still skinny, they were better dressed than the beggars before. Much better looking.In fact, it is very easy for him to make his face and body plump, but he didn't do that.Under the influence of Jiuliu Dao, his nearly exhausted Jindan Zhenyuan recovered in just two days. At the same time, when he was practicing Jiuliu Dao, he kept using the most primitive and pure power And the five elements of the world and the five elements refine the body and internal organs, so that it can reach the golden body of Hunyuan without any impurities, so these days he is deliberately vegetarian to reduce the accumulation of impurities in his body.

Although it was only an extra day, for Xu Changqing, the benefits were quite substantial. When discussing fortune-telling with Zhao Banqian, he learned a lot of fortune-telling skills, including the method of changing fate and reversing fate.It wasn't until this time that Xu Changqing knew why Zhi Tianming was mostly out of the rivers and lakes, without any influence, but he was always in the leadership position in Wenmen, because of their way of changing fate and rebelling against fate.Although he has only scratched the surface a little bit, he has already deeply felt the power in it.To deal with a person, you only need to change his luck, and that person's life will be in danger even if he just drinks a glass of water.Although the method of changing fate and reversing fate is not easy to use, absolutely no one is willing to provoke such a group of people who can take your life without a trace at any time.

On the second night, Xu Changqing got up and said goodbye to Zhao Banqian. At the same time, he made a mahogany figure to protect Zhao Banqian and sold it to Zhao Banqian in exchange for some change needed on the road.Although this approach is a bit pretentious, Zhao Banqian also understands that this is a habit of fortune tellers, and he doesn't want to be contaminated by cause and effect.

Although Xu Changqing had changed into a long coat in green clothes, he was still leaning on the dead bamboo he picked up in Yizhuang.During the past few days on the road, he used the five elements of wood spirits to nourish this dead bamboo, and used Taoist essence to engrave spells and magic circles on the surface of the dead bamboo, making it a piece of wood that could 'control' the power of Taoism. The magic weapon of the plants within the range is far more valuable than a dead bamboo.

Wuhan at night is very deserted. Except for some metropolises, Midnight City and other entertainment gathering places, there are almost no people in other streets and alleys. Only some gangsters hide in the dark and are ready to look for a fat sheep at any time.Xu Changqing sent three or four groups of people who coveted the golden bell casually, and finally let them snatch the golden bell away, but before snatching it away, he put a wave of real energy on the golden bell, which made the golden bell extremely powerful increase.All of a sudden, the local gangsters and gang hooligans in Wuchang City became extremely violent. In order to snatch the golden bell, they fought wantonly. In the end, they even took out their muskets. '.

At this moment, Xu Changqing, who was the initiator of the whole incident, traveled leisurely all the way through the entire Wuchang District and came to the slums of Wuhan City.It is close to the northern outer city wall of Wuhan. Most of the people living here are hawkers who go to the inner city to sell goods during the day, laborers at the docks, and beggars along the street.Most of them are outsiders, and a small number of them are farmers from nearby villages. They just found a few pieces of wood and shingles and built a shed, which is considered their home.At first glance, it is full of broken sheds and tiles. Except for the main official road paved with bluestone, the other houses and trails are all muddy. This bleak scene is completely opposite to the prosperity of the inner city. Feeling sad for a while.

At this time Xu Changqing suddenly felt a burst of agility in his heart, and saw a golden light flashing from the inner city of Wuchang, across the night sky, and landed in Xu Changqing's palm.Looking at the blood stains on the golden bell in his hand, Xu Changqing could imagine how fiercely those hooligans who were "confuse" their hearts would kill each other fiercely. Even if these people died, Xu Changqing would just retaliate. A sneer.He used the Five Elements Fire Spirit to burn all the blood on the golden bell, and then tied it back to the braid.

Just as Xu Changqing was about to leave Wuhan on his way, he suddenly stopped, turned his head once again, and looked at a soup kitchen not far away surrounded by a group of beggars.There are quite a few little beggars in the city of Wuhan, all of them were kidnapped and looted here by some human traffickers, who would break their legs and feet in advance, mutilate them, pretend to be pitiful, and then let them go out to beg, All the money returned from begging was handed over, and as for food and clothing, it was not even a matter of food and clothing. At most, some leftovers from begging were used to fill the stomach.

These human traffickers also belong to the offshoot of the evil beggars’ sect. The beggars’ sect is divided into two sects, righteous beggars and evil beggars. It is the evil way of driving away good and promoting evil.Usually, whether it is the orthodox sect of the immortal Buddha or the sect of the lower sect, it will regard evil beggars as evil and crooked ways that everyone can get and punish, and only think that righteous beggars are the authentic sect of beggars.This makes the whereabouts of the evil beggars extremely secretive. They will recruit some side disciples, teach some seductive little tricks, use them to collect boys, and then find suitable people from among the boys to refine the evil beggars. The nine sons of Tiansha Gong are born and evil.

The reason why Xu Changqing stopped was that besides the infatuated woman from yesterday among the kind-hearted people who gave the porridge, the main reason was that he accidentally found a descendant of his own line of idlers.The descendants of Jiuliu Xianren in the past dynasties must have innate Tao bones, everyone has Tao bones, but some people have many, some people have few, and innate Tao bones are extremely rare.The lineage of Jiuliu Idlers has always been very lucky. Every generation can find people with innate integrity. The most incredible thing is that for nine consecutive generations of Jiuliu Idlers, all of them found the oldest person in the last year when they were about to die. The successor who is four or five years younger, thus allowing the lineage of Jiuliu Xianren to continue.

The innate man in front of him is a little beggar, his body is extremely thin, and one arm has been chopped off by a human trafficker. When other beggars are fighting for the hot porridge, he can only stand on the outermost edge and watch eagerly. Others drink porridge.Apparently not only Xu Changqing was paying attention to him, but also the infatuated woman. She found a small pot and scooped up a pot of porridge for the little beggar to drink, but the little beggar didn't drink it, but gave it to the little beggar. Next to him was a thinner child who picked up another can that was left over from drinking by himself.

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