Nine idlers

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Daowu Chuwei

"What do you mean?" Xu Changqing suddenly looked up to the sky, with a wry smile on his face.Before he was about to go to Beiping to stop the Xuangang demon against the sky, a disciple who was suitable for the inheritance of Jiuliu idlers appeared in front of him out of nowhere. Could it be a hint from God, Xu Changqing couldn't help muttering to himself.

Xu Changqing took a deep breath, calmed down his slightly excited mood, and walked towards the little beggar.It wasn't until he came up to him that the little beggar, who was watching others devour porridge, realized that there was another person in front of him. He quickly guarded the child next to him vigilantly, and looked up.When he saw Xu Changqing, who was also skinny, hesitation appeared on his face, and he looked down at the bottom half can of porridge in his arms, as if making a difficult decision, and finally made up his mind to take the half can of porridge Pushing it to Xu Changqing's feet, he said tenderly, "You are hungrier than me, here is the porridge for you!"

Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment, looked down at the porridge under his feet, seemed to feel some kind of opportunity, but couldn't grasp it, after thinking for a while, a look of sudden realization appeared on his face, he laughed, bent down and took the jar When I got up, I didn't think it was too dirty, and drank the porridge inside in one gulp.Some people in the surrounding slums saw that an adult like Xu Changqing was grabbing porridge with a child, and they all accused him loudly. Some dock workers in the slums seemed to be preparing to behave in front of the woman, eager to step forward and teach Xu Changqing a lesson.

The infatuated woman also looked over at Wensheng, her expression was a little hesitant at first, but when she saw the golden bell tied behind Xu Changqing's braid and the dead bamboo in her hand, her expression changed. Immediately handed over the work in hand to the person who came with her, walked quickly to Xu Changqing, and respectfully saluted him: "Little girl Bai Lingqing has seen Mr., thank you sir for waking up the little girl yesterday."

Xu Changqing turned his head to look at Bai Lingqing, nodded slightly, then ignored her, returned the pot to the little beggar, knelt down, and said to him: "Since I drank your teacher's porridge, you will be I am the 38th generation heir of the nine-year-old idler. What's your name?"

The child stared blankly at Xu Changqing, with his mouth wide open, not knowing how to face the man who was thinner than him, but Bai Lingqing, who was standing by the side, immediately understood, and quickly answered on his behalf: " Mr. Hui, his name is Huang Shan." Then he turned to the little beggar and said, "Xiao Shan, hurry up and kowtow, call him Master."

"Huangshan? It's a good name, and it's a bit of a fairy tale." Xu Changqing smiled and nodded.

"I, I don't want to be a teacher, the elder will beat me!" Huang Shan, who had just realized it, suddenly turned pale, shook his head vigorously, turned towards Xu Changqing with a face full of fear, and said: " You go too! If the elder knows, he will beat you, his stick hurts!"

"What a kind child, completely opposite to the character of the Jiuliu idlers in the past. Maybe the number 36 of Tiangang has been exhausted. God wants to change the taste of the Jiuliu idlers!" The little beggar who was still worried about others couldn't help smiling, ignored his fear, took off the golden bell on his hair, tied the little beggar's braid, and said to himself: "There is nothing good about being a master. Here is a gift for you, this golden bell is a symbol of the Jiuliu idlers of all ages, since you are already the 38th generation of Jiuliu idlers, this golden bell will naturally be passed on to you."

The little beggar had never seen gold before, and he was stunned for a while. It was not until Xu Changqing tied the bell that he realized it. He straightened his braids in front of him and stared at this exquisite and exquisite golden bell in amazement.The other beggars also forgot to drink the porridge, and they all gathered around and looked at the golden bell in the little beggar's hand with wonder and envy.The faces of the dock workers who were still upright and awe-inspiring all changed, they looked greedily at the golden bell under the light, and wished they could snatch it immediately.

At this moment, Xu Changqing felt as if a big rock had been put down in his heart, and his whole body became more relaxed than ever. At this time, the golden core essence in his body was automatically operating crazily according to the method of the Great Circle, and soon all the golden core essence was transformed into Jin'ye'zhenyuan filled the upper, middle and lower dantians half full before stopping.Afterwards, Jiuliu Dao began to absorb the thin aura of heaven and earth around him, transforming it into Jindan Zhenyuan, and gradually recovered [-]% of his cultivation.

At this moment, Xu Changqing felt a burst of inexplicable joy, knowing that when the upper, middle and lower dantians are all filled with golden liquid and true essence, then the cultivation base will enter the golden pill that can form the Dao Dao. 'The practice.Ever since he saw this little beggar who was born with integrity, he had already found one of the opportunities to understand the bondage of happiness and common things.Accepting this little beggar as a disciple and passing on the token of the Jiuliu idler to him, this means that Xu Changqing's responsibility for the Jiuliu idler's lineage has been transferred to the little beggar. The cause and effect of the Chen family, and the same Qimai fortune of the two.That is to say, at this moment, Xu Changqing's energy veins have gradually untied the current situation of being entangled with the Chen family, and slowly became independent, forming a line of its own.As long as the little beggar completes the cultivation of the natal Shangqing Jiuzhuan Jindan ** of the lineage of the Jiuliu idler, he will continue to serve as the guide of the Chen family instead of himself, and Xu Changqing himself will get out and become a real idler. .

The mood became very good Xu Changqing stood up with a smile, turned to Bai Lingqing and asked, "Miss Bai, how is that mahogany man?"

"The mahogany man is still there, I..." Bai Lingqing's face darkened suddenly, remembering the sad things, he took out the mahogany man inlaid with the jade pendant from his bosom, put it in the palm of his hand and stroked it, it seemed that it was still difficult Determined.

"When it's broken, it's broken," Xu Changqing sighed, shook his head, and said, "Even if you don't want to break it, someone will 'force' you to break it."

Bai Lingqing looked at Xu Changqing puzzled, then followed his gaze and looked behind him, only to see five or six hooligans with scorpion braids in a black silk suit with a pile of triangles The middle-aged man with wide-eyed eyes walked over here.At this time, the group of little beggars who were still clamoring for the golden bell that little beggar Huangshan got all quieted down, and retreated to the side shed, looking at the middle-aged man in black in horror, while Huangshan was stunned. , involuntarily hid behind Xu Changqing, holding the hem of Xu Changqing's gown tightly with a small hand.Those around who were peeping at the golden bell all backed away one after another, keeping a distance from Bai Lingqing.

"It's Zhang Sanqian." Bai Lingqing's face became extremely ugly, and he said to Xu Changqing, "These little beggars were all brought by him, and they are the tyrants of the slums."

Xu Changqing looked indifferent, looked at the man coldly, turned around, touched Huang Shan's head, and secretly cast a calming spell to stabilize his mind.

"Miss Bai is such a kind person! She came to this poor corner of ours to do good deeds again," Zhang Sanqian walked up with a smile on his face, and said, "I admire Zhang, I admire!"

"Grandpa Zhang has won the prize! I'm just doing something human," Bai Lingqing looked at Zhang Sanqian contemptuously, and said, "I don't think I've broken Master Zhang's rules by doing good deeds here!"

"That's right! You really didn't break my rules, and you helped me raise these brats," Zhang Sanqian kept aiming at Bai Lingqing's body with a pair of triangular eyes. When the mahogany figurine was in his hands, his eyes lit up, and then he said with a cheap smile: "But I have something to ask Miss Bai, I heard that Miss Bai got a mahogany figurine yesterday, and it happens that a friend I know wants this thing, please trouble Bai Miss, take it out!" He took out two broken silver ingots from his pocket and threw them on the table, saying, "Don't say that Zhang Sanqian even snatches women's things, just treat these broken silver ingots as the ones I bought. !"

"If he wants the mahogany figure to be bought by himself," Bai Lingqing immediately understood what was going on, his face turned livid, he put the mahogany figure into his arms, and said coldly, "I won't sell it to you." your."

Zhang Sanqian put away his smiling face and said coldly: "Huh! Miss Bai has noble people backing me, so naturally I dare not do anything to you? But what?" He pointed the civilized stick in his hand and pointed at the frightened people around him. The little beggars of "color" said: "If I don't get what I want, I will be very angry. When I am angry, I will beat people, and the beatings will not be serious. With Miss Bai's kindness, I should not Let these little bastards suffer!"

"You're shameless!" Bai Lingqing's face turned red, and she glared at Zhang Sanqian angrily, but Zhang Sanqian seemed to be used to this kind of gaze for a long time, without any discomfort, and still looked like a ruffian.In the end, Bai Lingqing looked at those poor little beggars, gritted his teeth, took out the mahogany figurine from his bosom and threw it to Zhang Sanqian, saying, "If you take it, get out, and take your stinky money with you."

Zhang Sanqian took the mahogany figurine carefully, and when he saw the techniques used on the mahogany figurine, his expression changed slightly, and he said: "Gezaoshan puppet technique?" Then he said to himself: "Give it back That guy is a pity, if you give it to the old man, you might be able to find out what secrets are inside, and then pass it on to me when you feel happy..."

Just when Zhang Sanqian was dreaming, one of his subordinates seemed to have discovered the golden bell tied to Huangshan's braid, and greedily moved to Zhang Sanqian's ear, and whispered a few words.After Zhang Sanqian heard the words, he also walked around Bai Lingqing and looked at Huangshan who was hiding behind Xu Changqing. When he saw the golden bell, his eyes protruded, and his saliva was about to drop.

"Xiao Shan, come here! Come to the elder, and let the elder see the golden bell behind your braid!" Zhang Sanqian said with a hypocritical smile on his face, not paying attention to Xu Changqing who was standing in front of Huangshan. Here, from what he saw, this person must be a refugee who fled.

When Xu Changqing was in Chenjiachong, how long ago was he so despised by others, who would call him Mr. Xu respectfully and respectfully, Zhang Sanqian's ignorance and his way of doing things directly angered Xu Changqing, he said with an extremely angry smile: " Apprentice, stand still! See Master help you clean up this bunch of rubbish!"

After finishing speaking, he handed Huang Shan's hand tightly grasping the hem of his clothes to Bai Lingqing, and then walked slowly towards Zhang Sanqian.

As soon as Xu Changqing took two steps, the thugs around Zhang Sanqian protected him behind him, and then rushed towards Xu Changqing in a disorderly manner.Xu Changjiu suddenly disappeared from the crowd, but reappeared behind them in the blink of an eye, and the thugs just felt someone pat their chests.Then the thugs' expressions became extremely painful, their faces turned red, and they knelt down on the ground one after another. The muddy ground they knelt on seemed to be baked by high temperature, the moisture evaporated instantly, and the ground also appeared abnormal Crack marks.The next few people had not had time to scream a few more times, all the internal organs in the body seemed to have turned into ignited gasoline, a raging fire burst out from the seven orifices, and the fire in the body burned through the body in a short while, making them It turned into a few huge fireballs, and quickly turned to ashes under the horrified sight of everyone.

The scene in front of them happened too fast, before everyone understood what was going on, the few people who were still alive just now turned into a pile of coke.Although the people around don't know why these people turned into fireballs, they can be sure that it must have something to do with the scrawny man in front of them. Everyone looked at Xu Changqing in horror, as if they saw some monster. Some old people even He knelt down and called out the god of fire to come down to earth.Compared with the adults around them, those little beggars are much calmer. Perhaps it is the resentment that has been accumulated for too long. When they saw the painful wailing of those thugs, all the little beggars showed happy smiles, only Huangshan Unbearable, she buried her head in Bai Lingqing's arms.

This move is based on Xu Changqing's unique five-element Taoism, and he uses it in the way of the Yin-Yang Five-Element Hand of the Taihe Gate, and gradually forms a non-traditional and non-vulgar martial art called Wuxing Zhanjue.This kind of Dao Wu does not need seals or incantations, and it can be cast at will. What I did just now is just to use a little five-element spiritual fire as a guide to instantly amplify the power of their own three-yang real fire by nearly a hundred times, causing them to spontaneously ignite .Since this was the first time Xu Changqing used this kind of martial arts, its power was obviously far beyond his imagination, so he couldn't help being stunned when he saw this scene.

The most shocked person should be Zhang Sanqian. He didn't expect that the person in front of him, who looked like a disaster victim, turned out to be a master of Taoism.Judging from this casual 'exposed' hand, a half-hearted Taoist practitioner like him is absolutely unable to match him.So he took a few steps back, and while looking for a way out, he lifted up his name and said, "I don't know which mountain sect you belong to. I'm a disciple of the beggar's sect who covers the sky with hands and often yin. Maybe we have a little misunderstanding."

"Chang Yin? It turns out that this guy has not been beaten to death by Ren Sanjiao, but he has even accepted his disciples." Xu Changqing sneered, and said, "It's just for Ren Sanjiao to clean up the house, and we will settle new and old debts with him in the future."

"Kill!" Perhaps seeing the killing intent in Xu Changqing's eyes, Zhang Sanqian never retreated, and suddenly threw the civilized stick in his hand towards Xu Changqing.I saw that civilized stick immediately turned into a cloud of black smoke, and then condensed into a ghost doll, biting towards Xu Changqing.

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