Nine idlers

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Although the God Prison everyone sees is different, but there are two descriptions. The lost gods become monsters without sanity in the God Prison. Any divine power is useless in the God Prison, and the giant is now confirming these two A description of the power of God Prison.

After entering the God Prison, it didn't take long for the giant to feel that the strength of his body was dissipating rapidly, and he couldn't stop it at all.At the same time, those monsters that had been hiding in the clouds swarmed towards this side like cats smelling fish, and soon came within the sight of the giant. To his horror, many of them were The ancient god who died at the hands of giants and his former comrades-in-arms.

"What's going on here? Why doesn't the Heart of God's Prison work?" Seeing these completely lifeless monsters coming to kill them, the giant couldn't help feeling a little startled in his heart. It has no effect, which makes him wonder whether the heart of God's Prison really contains the original power of God's Prison.Just when he was wondering, those monsters had already rushed in front of him. He instinctively put aside all distracting thoughts, and only had a strong fighting spirit in his heart. He raised the Honghuang sword in his hand and greeted those monsters.

Although the power of the giant is dissipating rapidly, it does not mean that he has no power to resist at all. The body of the Great Desolation is strong enough for him to swing the sword to kill the enemy. The power of the Great Desolation Sword also makes his attack invincible. All monsters were reduced to ashes under the sword.However, his situation was not optimistic. Even if the monsters who rushed forward would die a hundred meters away from him, those monsters that were killed would soon be revived from the clouds under the land and become stronger.In addition, as the battle continued, the power in his body dissipated faster, and then he could only use physical strength to swing the Honghuang sword in his hand. A sense of fatigue that he had never felt spread throughout his body, and the Honghuang sword was also heavy.

Just when the giant felt that he was about to be exhausted, an extremely powerful force gushed out from the unresponsive heart of God's Domain and poured it into his body continuously to replace the disappearing prehistoric power in his body, and merged with it. One.With the injection of this power, the tiredness in the giant's body immediately receded like a tide, and the Honghuang sword in his hand became as light as a feather, and when he killed those monsters, some of the monsters' powers also disappeared. Introduced into his body from the blade of the sword, and integrated into the power of God Prison, he grows faster.

"Could it be that my flesh wasn't completely integrated with the heart of God's Prison before, so that's why I couldn't grasp the power in God's Prison?" The giant felt that his power was growing rapidly, and it wouldn't take long for him to completely surpass his previous strength. Strength, at this speed, it doesn't take much time to restore his heyday in ancient times.Fortunately, he was ecstatic, and the attack in his hand became stronger and stronger, and even rushed out of the Honghuang sword, a monster comparable to the sword light of heaven and earth, disappeared in the sword light, and then more monsters came out The resurrection in the cloud rushed forward with more power to die.

"No, why haven't I felt... the laws of this world? Isn't it enough to fuse the physical body with the heart of God's Prison? Does it really need to use the soul and hard work to truly master God's Prison?" After a lot of power poured into the body The giant's power has not only fully recovered, but also reached [-]% of his strength in his heyday. Every move of his hands and feet has earth-shaking power, and a floating continent can disappear before his eyes with a single sword strike. Those monsters can no longer hurt him at all.But at this moment, the growth of the power in his body also stopped. Even if the power of those monsters poured into his body again, it would only replenish its wasted energy and would not make him stronger. This made him unable to help but have an idea .

Previously, the reason why the giant only fused the Heart of God Prison with the body, but separated it from the soul and blood, was because he was worried that after he was completely integrated with the Heart of God Prison, he would be transformed into a heavenly body like Hao back then. .What he wants is to take charge of this world, not incarnate it and become a ruthless thing.

Just when he was hesitating and worrying, the entire divine prison suddenly had an abnormal vibration, and the stars in the sky also disappeared piece by piece in the vibration.When the stars completely disappeared, the sun also disappeared one by one as if being swallowed up, and with the disappearance of the sun, a huge black hole appeared in the sky out of thin air. human power.Just after this human power appeared, another burst of extremely strong fairy spirit forcefully split a hole in the void of the divine prison, and a Tai Chi diagram appeared at the gap, creating a strong wind of earth, water, fire, and wind The power of the four sources, while devouring the cloud below, also suppressed the power of the vortex in the cloud.

"Is he crazy? He actually used the foundation of God's Domain!" Feeling two forces rushing into God's Prison suddenly, the giant was shocked. Although he didn't completely coincide with the heart of God's Prison, he could still clearly feel this Two extremely tyrannical forces are tearing apart the world of God Prison, but God Prison is unable to make any resistance because it has no main soul.

Just when the giant was shocked, the two forces strengthened again, the power of the God Prison was completely suppressed, pieces of suspended continents began to collapse, and the immortal souls of the gods also dissipated one by one.

The immediate situation was so urgent that the giant couldn't think too much about it. He gritted his teeth and connected part of the soul's blood with the heart of the god's prison, trying to use this method to try to fully grasp the heart of the god's prison.

However, what the giant didn't expect was that when part of his soul's painstaking effort touched the heart of God's Prison, it merged into it without any rejection. into him.He immediately felt that he had transformed into the entire God Prison, and the secrets and power of the entire God Prison were gradually brought into his grasp.Just when he was immersed in this state of extreme joy, his heart and soul were pulled by the power gushing out from the heart of God Prison, unconsciously merged into the heart of God Prison, and his power began to continue As it grows, the body grows with it.

"Hey! What's going on here?" While the giant grasped the mysterious God Prison in his hands bit by bit, he suddenly discovered an extremely weird thing. The God Prison was not invaded by any force, and the God Prison was always Keep it in immaculate condition.

This abnormal phenomenon caused the giant to have an inexplicable feeling, as if he had fallen into a trap.So he tried to forcibly interrupt the fusion with God Prison and withdraw his mind.However, what he never imagined was that although he escaped from the extreme pleasure that was enough to lose people's hearts, his integration with God Prison has not stopped, and there are still a lot of power and knowledge related to the origin of God Prison. into its body.At the same time, he discovered that all of his soul's painstaking efforts had merged into the heart of God's Prison at some point, and he could not control the heart of God's Prison through his soul's painstaking efforts to prevent himself from continuing to merge with God's Prison.

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