Nine idlers

Chapter 381 Overwhelmed

It is precisely because of the existence of the power of reincarnation that Xu Changqing's way of destroying this side of the world, coupled with the fusion of the pool of life and creation with the mirage cloud, and the vitality of the Dingtian Hunyuan Pearl, made this side of the world in the universe possible. Brew the essence of vegetation.It's just that due to the incompleteness of the five elements in this side of the world, there is also a lack of the most vital energy of water and wood, so that some spirits of plants and trees cannot be fermented. Only some metal and earth energy are fused with some spirits to form the spirit of mountains and soil.Only after the five elements are completed, it can be fermented into the mountain god and land of this world.

The change in the Chaos Orb was too great, far beyond Xu Changqing's expectations, so that he was shocked for a long time before he recovered.He tried his best to suppress the turbulent breath, and stabilized his turbulent mind. Apart from feeling inexplicable surprise, he also felt a trace of fear.Although the Chaos Orb is completely changing for the better, he is at a loss for this change, and feels that the power and growth potential of the spirit treasure he forged has far exceeded his grasp, and even his Those ancient and powerful magic weapons in memory may not be able to compare with this Chaos Orb.

Although there was some worry in his heart, but after he felt that the Chaos Orb was still in his hands, this worry quickly disappeared.At this time, Xu Changqing suddenly felt something licking his arm, and at the same time, he also felt that the consciousness to please himself was directly transmitted from the outside world to his mind without any hindrance.

Xu Changqing opened his eyes in bewilderment and looked at the object licking his arm. A flash of surprise flashed across his face, and then a hint of comprehension appeared on his face. He shook his head with a wry smile, and reached out to touch the two-headed wolf.Because there were too many mutations that surprised him, although the change of the Yin God's incarnation was great, after experiencing the change of the Chaos Orb, no matter how big the abnormality was, it would be difficult to shake his mind.

Although Xu Changqing's mind didn't fluctuate too much, the change in the Yin God's incarnation still made him feel a little curious.Right now, the avatar of the Yin God has completely merged with the two-headed wolf in front of him, and has formed a complete consciousness. Although the consciousness is still very young, it can be matured with time.But even so, Xu Changqing's mind is still connected with the soul consciousness of the Yin God incarnation and plays a dominant role. As long as he wants, he can control the two-headed wolf as he controls the Yin God incarnation at any time, and he can even directly erase the soul consciousness that was born.

Naturally, Xu Changqing didn't do such a stupid thing. Although it's a pity that he lost a powerful combat power and avatar that can be controlled freely, it is also very good to be able to have more powerful creatures with self-thoughts, and the power of this creature is obviously stronger than Yinshen incarnation is stronger.The two-headed wolf in front of him possesses the ability and power of the Yin God incarnation itself, and the body of the Yin God is also extremely powerful, almost the same as his previous Hunyuan Golden Body, and the two-headed wolf also possesses some other powerful powers.The mysterious power with the power of reincarnation can easily restrain Yin gods and souls, and the extreme Yin cold and extreme Yang flames gathered in the two wolf heads can easily change the weather into hot summer or cold winter.The shape of the two-headed wolf and the cold air also made Xu Changqing think of the evil wolf Fenris in the Western Norse mythology that could kill gods, so he also put this name on the two-headed wolf.

Although Fenris's ability is extremely powerful, it cannot change its body. It has always maintained a wolf body and can only combine two heads into one, shrinking its size to become an ordinary giant wolf.At the same time, it can't be retracted into the body like the incarnation of drought. Xu Changqing didn't care too much about Fenris' transformation into an ordinary wolf body. After touching its soft fur, he took out a set of clothes stored in Qiankun World and put them on. Looking around, he said in surprise, "Is this the Nether world?"

The moment he woke up, Xu Changqing knew from the abnormal yin energy around him that he was no longer in the realm of hell, heaven, and god, but he never thought that he would be in the underworld.He is no stranger to the unique atmosphere and environment of the underworld. After he achieved the golden elixir avenue, he used the Yellow Spring Banner to open a crack leading to the underworld.It's just that he didn't enter it in person, but let his spiritual sense extend in, to observe the situation here, and prepare for refining the incarnation of Yin God into impermanence in the future.

"Could it be that you brought me here from that soon-to-be-shattered God Realm when I fell into my heart?" After being surprised, Xu Changqing didn't realize that he had a blank memory, but looked down at Fenris. He seems to have the ability to take him to the underworld only in his own avatar.

It's just that Xu Changqing's question was useless, and Fenris, who had just developed soul consciousness, also had no previous memory.In addition, its consciousness is more like an ignorant ignorant boy. It can only understand some simple words, such as commands such as attack and transformation. It doesn't quite understand Xu Changqing's question. There was a blank look in the perverted wolf's eyes.But Xu Changqing never thought that Fenris would answer him, he just asked casually.

After failing to find the answer, Xu Changqing put the matter aside for the time being, took out the Yellow Spring Banner, held it in his hand, and then let go of his divine sense, followed the mysterious connection with Zhu Yan's incarnation, found the place in the world, and prepared Back to the world.Having experienced nine deaths, he didn't know that the prehistoric giant had turned into reincarnation, and he didn't know that the things entrusted to him by the world and heaven were over. Now he would rather face the thunder disaster of the human and heaven than go back to fight the prehistoric giant.

From the appearance of the prehistoric aura on the giant, he knew that things had gone beyond his current level of cultivation. Even though he was no worse than those immortals in the fairy world, in front of the strong man who might have been born in the prehistoric, he was still The general existence of ants.

As Xu Changqing's primordial spirit condensed, his divine sense became extremely powerful, and there was a kind of power contained in it, which could easily pass through the barrier between the divine domains and enter another divine domain. The great supernatural powers of the Three Realms have the same effect.Soon he found the incarnation of Zhu Yan, and what made him interesting was that after losing his main soul consciousness, the incarnation of Zhu Yan not only absorbed the aura of conquering and killing in accordance with Xu Changqing's prior arrangements, but also instinctively cultivated himself.

Perhaps because he absorbed a large amount of aura of conquest and slaughter, the avatar of Zhu Yan, who was suspended in the air and covered by thick clouds, had grown more than ten times in size, like a giant, and his shape was more solid.In addition, the killing energy that could not be absorbed in time was refined by him into 81 blood-red balls, and the scattered lightning power gathered in the clouds was also absorbed by the blood balls, and condensed into a massacre of killing thunder in these blood balls Shuttle back and forth, forming a celestial cycle, which also makes Zhu Yan's incarnation more like the mythical and legendary be continued,

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