Nine idlers

Chapter 384

Changqing stared at the underworld in front of him, felt the immortals emanating from his face and performed the method of absorbing energy, trying to absorb the energy of these immortals for his own use.However, things didn't go as smoothly as he expected. Although the fairy spirit was easily absorbed into his body, he couldn't integrate into himself. The whole body spit out.

Just when Xu Changqing was trying to figure out why the fairy air that was sucked into his body could not be integrated into himself, the speed of the boat under his feet suddenly slowed down, and soon stopped on the land fragments that were still some distance away from the land of the underworld. .The powerful force that pulled the boat through the vortex of reincarnation separated from the hull the moment the boat stopped, and retreated to a three-foot-high Buddha statue among the debris. :] At the same time, regardless of whether Changqing was ready to disembark or not, the boat disintegrated into pieces of wood, then gradually shrunk and gathered, and finally turned into a very exquisite golden boat, suspended on the three-foot-long On the head of the Buddha statue.

This Buddha statue was hewn out of the black rock that can be seen everywhere in the underworld, and its appearance is also very ordinary. It is an ordinary sitting Buddha, but the face of the Buddha statue has not been chiseled out. It seems that the person who made this Buddha statue did it on purpose.Seeing this Buddha statue, Xu Changqing couldn't help being puzzled. After all, it seemed strange that a Buddha statue with solid Buddha power appeared in front of this fairy world underworld. Pure fairy spirit. (Mobile bsp; I don't know why, when Changqing saw this Buddha statue, the blood in his body was boiling, the prehistoric aura contained in his blood was boiling, and an extremely strong aura of conquest and killing was born from the bone marrow. This conquest and killing The aura mixed with the prehistoric aura of the physical body quickly poured into the primordial spirit. While merging with the immortal aura in the primordial spirit, it affected his mind and made him want to smash the Buddha statue in front of him. impulse.]

Faced with this abnormal situation, Xu Changqing did not act according to his own mind and will. Instead, he gradually dispelled the abnormal killing intent in his mind with the method of tranquility on the ether, and used the Jiuliu Dao to promote the spirit of the fairy spirit, trying to integrate into the original spirit. The prehistoric breath was stripped away.At this moment, he knew very well in his heart that if he acted according to his body's instincts, although he could quickly fuse the physical strength with the primordial spirit power, it would only do harm to his Dao cultivation base instead of benefit.If things go on like this, in the end he is likely to become an undead monster who loses his consciousness and acts only on instinct, which is definitely not the result he wants to see. (For more new chapters, please go to,〕

Although Xu Changqing forcibly suppressed the power of his physical body and integrated it into his soul, which made him lose the opportunity to fully control his own power, it was his original heart and Dao heart that had also been refined and fused in this process, so that he could be recognized. The spirit energy he used then increased a bit.Obviously, compared to the powerful power contained in the physical body, this kind of fairy aura, which is refined along with the cultivation base of the Dao, is easier for him to grasp and safer.

Just after Xu Changqing completely exhausted his physical strength from his soul, the conquest and killing spirit that had nowhere to vent condensed into a ball in his body, and rushed out from his heavenly acupoint.As soon as this condensed conquest and killing aura came into contact with the yin and death aura, it immediately exploded as if catalyzed, forming a flame-like halo, spreading from the top of his head to the surroundings until it was catalyzed. It disappeared into the void until the yin and death energy was completely corroded. 〕

It is strange that the Buddha statue, which had existed for such a long time in the deadly qi of the yin, could not resist the aura of conquest and killing, and instantly turned into dust the moment it came into contact with it.At the same time as the Buddha statue disappeared, the fairy spirit in the lotus base turned into Dao Qingguang, hitting the golden boat suspended in the air, and the boat also shot a golden light at Xu Changqing.

When the light was emitted from the boat, Xu Changqing had already cast a spell to block the golden light to prevent any accidents. ] However, this golden light was able to easily penetrate his spell shield and hit him.However, the golden light didn't hurt him, it just slid across his body surface, and poured into the Chaos Orb on his forehead, piercing through the Chaos Orb's mana just like the magic that pierced him, and entered the world of Qian Kun, irradiating him before he lost any power. Effective people mirror.After connecting with the human mirror, the golden boat disappeared immediately, turning into a cloud of fresh air, guided by the golden light, injected into the human mirror, and completely integrated with the human mirror.

Although Xu Changqing even reacted when the abnormal situation appeared, the golden light emitted by the golden boat was too weird, he couldn't stop it at all, he could only watch the changes of things.After the golden boat completely merged into the human mirror, he immediately took the human out of the chaotic bead to check the changes in the human mirror.

The human mirror, which was originally depleted of immortal energy, has now solidified its immortal energy, and a white mist gushes out from the ancient text, covering the mirror, and the relief statue on the surface of the mirror seems to be alive in the white mist.Under the influence of the fairy energy, a single layer of silver light appeared on the surface of the human mirror, and the intertwined light and white mist turned into a layer of streamer like water waves, suspended on the surface of the mirror.

When the human mirror was held in Xu Changqing's hand, a formula on how to use the human mirror came out from the body of the mirror immediately, and was directly imprinted in his mind, allowing him to instantly master the method of using the human mirror.At this time, the piece of land under his feet collapsed quickly because it lost the power to resist the erosion of the deadly yin and death energy, and most of it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xu Changqing, who had mastered the usage of the human mirror, was not in a hurry, and injected a stream of immortal energy into the human body according to the formula in his heart, pushing the immortal magic circle in the human mirror.

The human mirror held in his hand immediately flew up, hanging above his head, and the streamer on his body also shone on him, causing it to instantly turn into countless light spots and merge into the streamer on the mirror.Then the person shot a silver light, directly passed through the barrier of space, and hit the land of Hades in front of him, followed by a flash of light in the human mirror, then disappeared, and appeared there at the same time as if he had cast a teleportation method On the land of Hades.

"I didn't expect the human mirror to hide so many magical functions!" Xu Changqing, who was re-formed by light spots, held the human mirror in his hand again, with a look of joy, and then showed regret, and laughed at himself He smiled, and said to himself: "It's a pity that most of the magic circle has been destroyed, otherwise it must be a great magic weapon of the fairy family, not the current tasteless existence." (Read!]

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