Nine idlers

Chapter 385

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The reason why Changqing was able to find the Samsara Pool so quickly was mainly because during the middle of the night, only in the vicinity of the Samsara Pool could he feel such a worldly atmosphere.In addition, the appearance of this reincarnation pool is also very prominent. It is completely different from the surrounding Hades buildings with almost the same appearance. It is difficult not to notice it.

Samsara Pool is located in the center of a square. Although it is called a pool, it does not have the shape of a pool.

The main body of the pool, that is, where the channel of the pool is located, is an amber water polo suspended in the air, and the force holding the water polo up comes from the remains of nine ferocious wild beasts.Although the remains of these nine desolate beasts are also dense bones, they are far different from the bones in other places in the city.Because the bones of these desolate beasts not only preserved the power they possessed in front of them, but also some soul consciousness remained in several of them.When Xu Changqing appeared on the edge of the square, several violent killing intents like wild beasts aimed at him, and these killing intents came from the bones of those wild beasts.

"Dragon gave birth to nine sons?" Xu Changqing stood outside the square, did not take a step forward, looked at the nine desolate beast bones, and murmured in surprise.

If these nine desolate beast bones were placed separately, Xu Changqing might not be able to identify what desolate beasts these bones were.But at this moment, these nine skeletons are put together now, with their unique shape and the power of a dragon hidden in the prehistoric aura, it is not too difficult to recognize them.

Compared with the division of dragons in secular mythology, there are only two divisions of dragons in the ancient books of the practice world, one is real dragon and the other is heavenly dragon.The real dragon is a kind of real dragon born of the luck of heaven and earth, and can hide in all things. The secular supreme emperor and the dragon veins of the earth are all a kind of real dragon. As for the sky dragon, it is a wild beast with a dragon shape, as in myths and legends The Dragon King in the book is in this category.Although in terms of magic, Tianlong is far from being able to compare with real dragons, but Tianlong is born with powerful supernatural powers.Because the nature of dragons is extremely promiscuous, there are many branches of Tianlong, some of which are weak and some are strong. Among these branches, there are nine types of dragons and wild beasts that are the most powerful, surpassing the Tianlong family. This is the legendary Nine Sons of Dragons.

Although the description of the nine sons of the dragon in the ancient books of the practice world is vague, Xu Changqing has never underestimated these dragon-species desolate beasts. Simple.But now that he personally felt the power emanating from the bones of these wild dragon beasts, he still couldn't help feeling that he underestimated them.Any strand of power contained in these nine desolate beast bones is no worse than his current strength, and some of them are even stronger and invisible, becoming a huge pressure, which makes him feel a sense of suffocation.

It's just that among the nine skeletons, the aura of power exuded by the wild animal skeleton that should belong to Baxia is very similar to the prehistoric aura of Xu Changqing's physical body.When it came into contact with Xu Changqing together with other eight desolate beast forces, not only did it not reject Xu Changqing, but it blended with the prehistoric aura of Xu Changqing's body, forming a power transmission channel.Since Xu Changqing couldn't completely control the prehistoric aura of the physical body, he could only passively accept the passage and the gifts brought after the passage was formed, part of the power contained in the Baxia bones and the memory fragments in the remnant soul.

Perhaps the power contained in Xu Changqing's body is already extremely powerful. After part of the power of Huang Beast Baxia merged into his body, it seemed to fall into a pool of water, only disturbing him with a small fluctuation, and then calmed down again. .On the contrary, after being absorbed by his body, the not-so-strong power of the heavenly dragon caused a slight change in his body. Dragon scales grew on his back and under his ribs. At the same time, he also had inexplicable An urge to make clouds and rain.

After suppressing this abnormal physical impulse, Xu Changqing began to check the memory fragments that had merged into the soul.Since the memory fragments of the remnant soul are very scattered, he can't see too much content, but he knows that there was an abnormal war that spread to the entire China in the prehistoric era. beast.The content of these memories is somewhat similar to some legends about the disappearance of the prehistoric world in the practice world. The same battle formation, the same result, the only difference is the scale. In the remaining memory, the war has spread to the three thousand worlds and all the gods.

After part of Baxia's power was fully integrated into Xu Changqing's body, Xu Changqing's physical body naturally had a bit of Baxia's aura, and the violent power that originally emanated from the corpses of dragon-species wild beasts weakened and disappeared.The remnant souls of wild beasts hidden in the corpses seem to regard Xu Changqing as the same kind, and no longer radiate hostility to him. At the same time, because of the disappearance of the power of these wild beasts, the human breath gushing out of the Samsara Pool is also a bit stronger. .

In: When receiving these auras from the human world, Xu Changqing and the incarnation of Zhu Yan's somewhat vague mental connection became much clearer.He believes that as long as he gets close to the amber water ball, even if there is no passage between the two worlds, he can rely on the human breath emanating from the water ball to deepen his spiritual connection with the incarnation of Zhu Yan, determine where the world is, and open a hole with his own power .

Although he had a plan in mind, Xu Changqing still didn't move any closer to the Samsara Pool. Instead, he cautiously followed his original steps and retreated from the edge of the square to the outermost layer of thick bones.The reason why he is so abnormal is not that he doesn't want to leave this ghost place, but because he just realized that this square is too clean, so clean that it makes people creepy.In the entire underworld city, there are strangely shaped bones everywhere, except for the underworld palace that he has not yet explored, only the reincarnation pool square in front of him is extremely clean, even as if it has been cleaned by someone from time to time, it is spotless, let alone the bones, Even the dust is hard to see.

Therefore, Xu Changqing, who retreated to a safe area, immediately transformed the chaotic orb into a god's eye, blessed the god's eyes with the spirit of the gods, and at the same time opened the god's eyes, shot a spiritual light across the square, hiding the magic circle on the square You can see it clearly.He found that the stone slabs of unknown materials in the square were engraved with formations using an extremely miraculous micro-carving technique, and these formations were not simply one layer, but each line that formed the formation was engraved with a more subtle technique. Use another formation.In this way, it goes round and round, layers upon layers, and the superimposed arrays seem to be endless.With Xu Changqing's microcosmic supernatural powers, he could only see the third layer of the formation on the stone slab, and the same formation was engraved on the reincarnation pool composed of nine wild beast bones, making the power contained in the nine wild beast bones Integrating into the formation, the cycle is endless.

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